PRODUCT : Turbo C++ NUMBER : 811 VERSION : All OS : DOS DATE : September 17, 1991 PAGE : 1/1 TITLE : Stopping the IDE from Loading the "Default Project" The Integrated Development Environment or IDE for Turbo C++ will automatically load any .PRJ file in the directory in which TC.EXE is run from provided that there is only one .PRJ file in that directory. The IDE is designed to provide a desktop that is consistant from one session to another. However, sometimes you may not want the only .PRJ file in a directory to be loaded. To stop Turbo C++'s IDE from loading the .PRJ file you simply need to create another .PRJ file in that directory. This can be done in one of several way. First, you can use COPY CON FOO.PRJ at the DOS prompt and press F6. Second, you can start Turbo C++ and choose PROJECT then OPEN PROJECT from the menu and create an empty project that is saved. Lastly, you may use any editor to create a file ending in the extension PRJ. The file that is created doesn't have to be in any particular format nor does it have to contain data. If you create a file outside of the IDE, DO NOT attempt to open it during any Turbo C++ session.