PRODUCT : Turbo C++ NUMBER : 806 VERSION : 1.01 OS : DOS DATE : September 17, 1991 PAGE : 1/1 TITLE : Configuring Turbo C++ for Use from a Network Although Turbo C++ is not qualified for use ON a network, it is possible to run Turbo C++ FROM a network. That is to say, it not possible to run Turbo C entirely on a network; there MUST be a drive at the user's station and any disk I/O must be forced to occur to the local drive. Since Turbo C++ always seems to write to the BIN of its installation, one might wonder how this can be accomplished. The following steps outline the procedure. 1) Implement the procedure titled "Save State of Last Exit on a By-Directory Basis" which appears earlier in this section. This will force the IDE to write desktop, configuration and project information to the logged (read local) directory rather than the network directory. 2) When you execute the IDE, use the command: TC /rX where 'X' is the drive letter of a local drive. This will force TC++ to use the specified local drive for its swap file rather than the network drive. Note that the above command should be supplemented with the options you normally use.