PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 718 VERSION : 2.0 OS : DOS DATE : September 18, 1991 PAGE : 1/1 TITLE : Printing the Date and Time of a File /************************************************************* This program will print the date and time of a file. *************************************************************/ #include #include union FF { unsigned i[2]; struct ftime f; } u; main() { struct ffblk ff; findfirst("tc.exe", &ff, 0); u.i[0]= ff.ff_ftime; u.i[1]= ff.ff_fdate; printf("date= %d/%d/%d time= %d:%d:%d\n", u.f.ft_month, u.f.ft_day, u.f.ft_year+80, u.f.ft_hour, u.f.ft_min, u.f.ft_tsec); return 0; }