PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 713 VERSION : 2.0 OS : DOS DATE : September 18, 1991 PAGE : 1/3 TITLE : Switching a Device Driver Between Cooked and Raw Mode /************************************************************************** FUNCTION: setdevmode PURPOSE: This function will swap a device driver associated with the given stream into either a raw (binary) or a cooked (ASCII) mode. This is useful for outputting to the screen or printer in a binary mode. Note that once this bit is set all output to the device is received from the device driver in the mode indicated by bit 5. This is true even if you do not use a binary read or write command. METHOD: This function will call, via the ioctl() function, int 21h / function 44h / subfunction 0 to get the current device status word. The high order byte of the word is then cleared and then bit 5 is set to the selected mode. The ioctl() is then again called this time using subfunction 1 to set a new status. PARAMETERS: This function takes two arguments, both are type integer. The first is the number of the handle associated with the targeted device driver. The second is the mode the device driver is to be put into: 1 = raw (binary) mode 2 = cooked (ASCII) mode All other values for parameters are invalid and will generate an error. RETURN VALUE: This function will return a 0 on error, 1 if the new mode is raw and 2 if the new mode is cooked. PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 713 VERSION : 2.0 OS : DOS DATE : September 18, 1991 PAGE : 2/3 TITLE : Switching a Device Driver Between Cooked and Raw Mode IMPLEMENTATION: This function can be implemented by including the prototype: " int setdevmode( int, int); " within file scope of your calling program. Within file scope implies external to all functions. You would then need to compile this file and link it into the executable. Once this is done you can simply make function calls to setdevmode() like any other function. ***********************************************************************/ #include int setdevmode(int handle, int mode) { int ret, /* Function return value */ word, /* Device driver status */ mask = 0x0020, /* Mask to set bit 5 */ mask2 = 0x00ff, /* Mask to clear high order bits */ mask3 = 0x00df; /* Mask to clear bit 5 */ if( mode < 1 || mode >2 ) /* Check for a valid mode */ return (0); word = ioctl( handle, 0, 0, 0 ); /* Get current driver status*/ if( word == -1 ) /* Check for an error */ return (0); word &= mask2; /* Clear high order bits */ if( word & mask ) /* Check if bit 5 is set (raw) */ { if( mode == 2 ) /* Check if ASCII is requested */ word &= mask3; /* Clear bit 5 setting cooked */ } else if( mode == 1 ) /* Check if binary is requested */ word |= mask; /* Set bit 5 setting raw */ ret = ioctl( handle, 1, word, 0); /* Change the device driver status */ PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 713 VERSION : 2.0 OS : DOS DATE : September 18, 1991 PAGE : 3/3 TITLE : Switching a Device Driver Between Cooked and Raw Mode if( ret == -1 ) /* Check for an error */ return (0); else return (mode); /* Return new device driver mode */ }