PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 703 VERSION : All OS : DOS DATE : September 18, 1991 PAGE : 1/1 TITLE : "Automatic Data Segment Exceeds 64K" at Link Time The Automatic Data Segment (ADS) consists of the DGROUP data segment, the size of the local heap and the size of the stack. The size of the local heap and stack are controlled by the HEAPSIZE and STACKSIZE keywords in the module definition file (.def file). The size of the DGROUP, however, is controlled by the amount of static initialized and uninitialized data. To see where all the space in DGROUP is going, use a detailed segment map (TLINK's /s option or BCC's -ls option) and look in the detailed segment section for all segments and modules contributing to DGROUP. (They will be marked "G=DGROUP.") To resolve such errors, you will need to reduce stack size and/or heap size allocations in the application DEF file, make some data far or reduce your near data usage.