PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 646 VERSION : 2.0 OS : PC DOS DATE : September 11, 1991 PAGE : 1/2 TITLE : fstream-File Pointer-DOS Handle Equivalency Table The following provides, in tabular format, the equivalent functions between FILE pointers, C++ file Streams and DOS file handles. fstreams consist of fstreams, ifstreams and ofstreams. FILE pointers are obtained from fopen, freopen, fdopen and other functions. DOS handles are obtained from open, _open, create and others. FILE * FSTREAM HANDLE Notes: ==================================================================== fopen or open constructor fseek fp.seekp lseek ftell fp.tellp tell 1.0 has bugs in the tellp family feof fp.eof eof fread read fwrite fp.write write fileno (fp.rdbuf())->fd() use fileno use fstrno chsize see below for def of fstrno fcloseall fdopen fp.attach ferror fflush fp.sync fgetc fp.get use read fgetpos use tellp use tell fsetpos use seekp use lseek PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 646 VERSION : 2.0 OS : PC DOS DATE : September 11, 1991 PAGE : 2/2 TITLE : fstream-File Pointer-DOS Handle Equivalency Table fgets fp.get use read use fileno use fstrno filelength flushall fprintf iomanip fputc operator << use write fputs operator << use write freopen fscanf operator >> with iomanip use fileno use fstrno fstat use fileno use fstrno getftime use fileno use fstrno setftime use fileno use fstrno lock use filno use fstrno setmode setvbuf use fdopen use attach sopen use fileno use fstrno unlock ================================================================ Stream equivalent of file number: #define fstrno(fp) (((fp).rdbuf())->fd())