PRODUCT : C++ NUMBER : 638 VERSION : All OS : PC DOS DATE : September 17, 1991 PAGE : 1/2 TITLE : Calling Operators from Member Functions The following provides examples of different ways to invoke an operator, how to call such operators from within a member function and deals with some related multiple inheritance issues. You can always invoke an operator by name. For example, given: X_Class { ... public: X_Class &operator +( X_Class y); }; X_Class x, y; the function for the + operator can be invoked in several ways: x + y; x.operator +(y); We can think of the second example in this way: not only have we overloaded the + operator to add together instances of the X_Class, we also created a member function of the X_Class whose name is operator +. If X_Class has a member function foo, and we want to call the + operator from within it, we would do it by using its member function name: X_Class::foo(X_Class &y) { ... operator +(y); ... } If one is dealing with multiple inheritance, and operator + has been redefined in several different classes, one might get an ambiguity at some point. To resolve this, or any other ambiguity the compiler faces when it cannot determine which of the overloaded functions it must use, you can qualify a member function name with its class name. For example suppose we have: PRODUCT : C++ NUMBER : 638 VERSION : All OS : PC DOS DATE : September 17, 1991 PAGE : 2/2 TITLE : Calling Operators from Member Functions A B \ / C and there is a public A & operator +( int ) defined for both A and B, and both A and B are inherited publicly into C. Then A ans; C c1; ans = c1 + 4; will be ambiguous. It can be resolved by going, ans = c1.B::operator +(4); or ans = c1.A::operator +(4); depending on which one you wanted to use. This is because :: is the scope operator. It is used to specify which scope a given symbol comes from.