PRODUCT : TURBO BASIC NUMBER : 361 VERSION : 1.0 OS : PC-DOS DATE : July 22, 1987 PAGE : 1/2 TITLE : PATCH FOR INPUTTING EXTENDED ASCII CHARACTERS Alt-Char patch to TURBO BASIC 1.0 Turbo Basic currently ignores non-standard characters (outside the range of 20h - 7Eh) ) entered via an INPUT statement. This patch corrects the problem, allowing those characters to be entered properly. How to install the patch: 1. Rename the compiler file (TB.EXE) to TB.ABC using the DOS 'ren' command: ren TB.EXE TB.ABC 2. Start up DEBUG by typing DEBUG TB.ABC at the DOS prompt (>). 3. Display the contents of the CS register by typing the R command at the DEBUG prompt (-): R CS 4. Use the Hexarithmetic command to add 1000 (hex) to this value. For example: -R CS CS 34F7 : <--- you press RETURN here -H 34F7 1000 44F7 24F7 ^---- 44F7 is the sum of CS (34F7) and 1000 (hex) 5. Next, use the sum above as the segment for the following Enter command: e xxxx:4e34 d8 ^---- where this is the sum from above (44F7 in example) 6. Now save the file using the 'w' command (at the DEBUG prompt, enter: PRODUCT : TURBO BASIC NUMBER : 361 VERSION : 1.0 OS : PC-DOS DATE : July 22, 1987 PAGE : 1/2 TITLE : PATCH FOR INPUTTING EXTENDED ASCII CHARACTERS w 7. Quit the debugger by entering the 'q' command at the DEBUG prompt: q 8. Finally, rename TB.ABC back to TB.EXE: ren TB.ABC TB.EXE