The ABC Packet for July 1998 (Released July 1, 1998) Files List (ABC9807.ZIP) ------------------------ ABC9807.CDE - Contains the index files and ABC Packets ABC9807.UPD - Reference file to extract the .CDE ABC9807.TXT - You're viewing it. Please copy the above files to the directory where The ABC Reader resides ** Run your reader to extract the *.ABC & *.IDX files from ABC9807.CDE Requires The ABC Reader ABC Home Pages: Easy to recall: Other sites: Official BBS Support Sites (All running at 28.8 or better): Basic Technologies BBS 371-256-4818 Riga, Latvia, Europe SysOp: Pavel Veretennikov Software: Wildcat! Computer Creations BBS 1-360-698-3610 Keyport, Wash., USA SysOp: Scott Turchin Software: Renegade Delhi Online BBS (4 Nodes) 011-5578535, 5578536, 5673605, 5673606 SysOp: Deepak Khurana New Delhi, India The Phobos BBS 91-011-581-6847 New Delhi, India SysOp: Yogesh Alok PBSOUND Headquarter BBS +49-30-47300910 Berlin, Deutschland SysOp: Thomas Gohel FidoNet: 2:2410/330 (V34, X75, CCB & V42b) This month features (93 Snippets) SVGA TGA/RAW VIEWER, QB TEXT VIEWER, TEXT PLASMA, DIRECTORY CHANGER, ROAD ENGINE, DRIVE LISTER, MULTISPACED FONT MANAGER, PB ICON VIEWER, TETRIS II (THE NEW BLOOD), VESA LIBRARY FOR PB V3.5, PB DISKINFO, WRITING EXECUTABLES IN PBDLL 5, SORTING ROUTINES, FIND IRQ ROUTINE, FORMULA SOLVER/EXECUTOR, BMP/PCX/GIF VIEWER FOR PB, TEXT COMPILER, CGI WITH BASIC, NEW PB/CC PROGRAMS, DOS '97 (GUI), AND MUCH MUCH MORE! Thanks to all contributors and a special thanks to: Charles Quante & Marc van den Dikkenberg for setting up the pages. Thanks to the SysOps for their BBS Support. Many thanks to all! Jason Beam Andrew S. Gibson Jim Phillips Edward Blake Kerry S. Goodin Alexander Podkolzin Claudio Collavin Antoni Gual Chris Pulley Adam Dalke David W. Hayward Nitin Reddy Bert van Dam Henrik Hogberg Viktor Rootselainen Christian Dever Petter Holmberg Don Schullian Marc van den Dikkenberg Lennaert van der Linden Charles Shampine Luke Erren Dave Navarro, Jr. Alec Skelly Dieter Folger Anders Olofsson Ryan White Ka-Lok Fung Leandro Pardini Gary N. Wilkerson, Jr. Please contribute by sending in your source codes to: William Yu Some submission notes (Greatest to Least concern): 1. .EXE's or .COM's will be trashed! So don't send any. 2. If you have source code pertaining to BASIC, then please e-mail me with your contribution. (ie. QB/QBasic/PDS/PB/ASIC/VB/LibertyBASIC) 3. Please include your real name (if you want to use an alias, TELL ME)! 4. If you DON'T want your e-mail listed, please TELL ME! 5. File attachments prefered, but is NOT a requirement. Next ABC Issue: September 1, 1998