From Tue Sep 15 11:28:22 1992 Return-Path: Received: from by with SMTP id ; Tue, 15 Sep 1992 11:28:06 +0200 Received: from by with SMTP (PP) id <>; Tue, 15 Sep 1992 10:36:45 +0200 Received: from IRAVCL.IRA.UKA.DE by IRAVCL.IRA.UKA.DE (PMDF #3198 ) id <01GOT6UL2LAOAEL0RU@IRAVCL.IRA.UKA.DE>; Tue, 15 Sep 1992 10:38:40 MET Date: 15 Sep 1992 10:38:40 +0100 (MET) From: KAI ROHRBACHER Subject: Regarding last mail... To: Message-Id: <01GOT6UL2UXUAEL0RU@IRAVCL.IRA.UKA.DE> X-Vms-To: IN%"" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT X-Charset: ISO_8859-1 X-Char-Esc: 29 Status: OR Hi Robert, command back! After hacking some hours, I found out what was wrong with my short demo program: a) I oversaw that port $3c1 is only for reading b) I forgot to reenable the attribute controller after programming it c) I had to unlock the write protection for the CRT-controller Now as I *hate* doing work twice, I wrote a small program which reads in a parameter file of tweak and produces as output an TurboPascal procedure which switches into that mode. Feel free to include that file into a next version of TWEAK, if you like: PROGRAM generate_InitModeProc; {Purpose : Generates a TurboPascal procedure to initialize a tweaked} { VGA-video mode from TWEAK's parameter files } {Author : Kai Rohrbacher } {Language : TurboPascal 6.0 } {Date : 11.09.1992 } {Remarks : Should work with all TP versions >= 4.0 } USES Dos; TYPE data=ARRAY[0..35] OF BYTE; {data files of TWEAK} VAR a:data; fin:FILE OF BYTE; f:TEXT; fname:STRING; i:BYTE; function hexbyte(zahl:BYTE):STRING; var i,j:byte; begin i:=zahl mod 16+48; if i>$39 then inc(i,7); j:=zahl div 16+48; if j>$39 then inc(j,7); hexbyte:=chr(j)+chr(i) end; function hexword(zahl:WORD):STRING; begin hexword:=hexbyte(hi(zahl))+hexbyte(lo(zahl)) end; PROCEDURE produce_proc; VAR i,j:BYTE; BEGIN j:=0; {counter for byte index} WRITELN(f,'PROCEDURE SetMode;'); WRITELN(f,'{ This procedure will set the VGA into mode '+fName+' }'); WRITELN(f,'VAR dummy:BYTE;'); WRITELN(f,'BEGIN'); WRITELN(f,' port[$3C2]:=$'+hexbyte(a[j])+';'); inc(j); WRITELN(f,' inline($FA); {CLI}'); WRITELN(f,' port[$3D4]:=$11; port[$3D5]:=port[$3D5] AND $7F;'+ ' {unlock CRT-registers}'); WRITELN(f,' inline($FB); {STI}'); FOR i:=0 TO 9 DO BEGIN WRITELN(f,' portw[$3D4]:=$'+hexword(a[j] SHL 8 +i)+';'); inc(j); END; FOR i:=$10 TO $17 DO BEGIN WRITELN(f,' portw[$3D4]:=$'+hexword(a[j] SHL 8 +i)+';'); inc(j); END; FOR i:=1 TO 4 DO BEGIN WRITELN(f,' portw[$3C4]:=$'+hexword(a[j] SHL 8 +i)+';'); inc(j); END; FOR i:=0 TO 3 DO BEGIN WRITELN(f,' portw[$3CE]:=$'+hexword(a[j] SHL 8 +i)+';'); inc(j); END; FOR i:=5 TO 8 DO BEGIN WRITELN(f,' portw[$3CE]:=$'+hexword(a[j] SHL 8 +i)+';'); inc(j); END; WRITELN(f,' inline($FA); {CLI}'); WRITELN(f,' dummy:=port[$3DA]; {set flipflop into address mode}'); FOR i:=$10 TO $14 DO BEGIN WRITELN(f,' port[$3C0]:=$'+hexbyte(i)+'; port[$3C0]:=$'+hexbyte(a[j])+';'); inc(j); END; WRITELN(f,' port[$3C0]:=$20; {reenable attribute controller}'); WRITELN(f,' inline($FB); {STI}'); WRITELN(f,'END;'); END; PROCEDURE Help; BEGIN WRITELN; WRITELN('You must call this program with two parameters, the '+ 'first one specifying the'); WRITELN('parameter file of TWEAK you want to use, the second '+ 'one specifying the name of'); WRITELN('the text file to be produced, e.g.:'); WRITELN; WRITELN(ParamStr(0)+' 432x600.256 initproc.pas'); halt; END; BEGIN IF ParamCount<>2 THEN Help ELSE BEGIN {$I-} Assign(fin,ParamStr(1)); Reset(fin); IF (IOResult<>0) OR (FileSize(fin)<>SizeOf(Data)) THEN Help; i:=0; WHILE NOT EOF(fin) DO BEGIN READ(fin,a[i]); inc(i) END; Close(fin); fname:=ParamStr(2); Assign(f,fname); Rewrite(f); IF IOResult<>0 THEN Help; produce_proc; Close(f); {$I+} IF IOResult=0 THEN WRITELN('Done!') ELSE WRITELN('??? Error occured during write attempt!'); END; END. cu, Kai +--------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ |Kai Rohrbacher, University Karlsruhe/Germany| "Be patient - half the people | |email: S_ROHRBACHER@IRAVCL.IRA.UKA.DE, | in the world are below | | UKB8@DKAUNI2.BITNET, 2:241/7521.7 | average!" |