ASMPI is a program I made back in December '92 to calculate PI in 100% assembly. The program itself is still a little rough around the edges, and the source code could use some more documentation, but it's still a neat program to fool around with on a rainy day. ASMPI is extremely fast! On my very slow 286/10 (a Tandy 1000 RLX, those bastards ripped me off big time!), it can calculate 36,000 digits of PI in 21 minutes! That's fast! I've optimized the time critical routines as much as I could by unrolling the calculation loops (to avoid jumps, refer to any Michael Abrash column) and by tracking how large each binary number is to avoid needless multiplies and divides. (Thanks to Victor Yui for this suggestion.) I've verified the output of ASMPI to 10,000 digits with a text file I found on a local BBS. The EXE file I included with this archive was assembled for 10,000 digits - if you want any more, you'll have to reassemble ASMPI.ASM with TASM. We'll, have fun! Rich Geldreich