TOUCHE.DOC Version 1.00 ---------- ------------ Copyright (c) 1986 Raymond Moon ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INTRODUCTION TOUCHE is a file date maintenance utility, normally called TOUCH, designed to complement an UNIX style file maintenance utility called MAKE. Since the MAKE program will make decisions based on the files' date/time stamps, there is a need for an easy way to change the date on a file. That is the purpose of TOUCHE. It will change the file date/time in the directory for all files listed on TOUCHE's command line. BACKGROUND The usual method employed by TOUCH programs is to read a byte from a file and then write it back so that DOS will update the file's date/time stamp when the file is closed. TOUCHE uses a different way to achieve the same results. DOS function call 57 hex is employed to change the date time stamp. The reason for using this method is that all files will have exactly the same date/time stamp. This is important because TOUCHE will accept wildcards in the filenames. When using wildcards the possibility of touching both the object file and dependent file used in a MAKE description file becomes strong possibility. In order to ensure that a dependent file will never have a date/time stamp before an object file, TOUCHE ensures that all files touched have the same exact date/time stamp. Using DOS function call 57 hex has some unique side effects. TOUCHE can touch hidden and read_only files (this last one is definitely impossible to touch using the other method). USE TOUCHE is very easy to use. Just type in the following at the DOS prompt: touche file1.ext file2.ext . . . fileN.ext TOUCHE will accept drive, path, and wildcards in all file names. TOUCHE will report one of three actions for every file on its command line: -- Touched -- Not Found -- Cannot Touch "Touched" means that the indicated file's date/time stamp was successfully updated. "Not Found" means that a matching file was not found. "Cannot Touch" means that while the file could be opened, DOS Function call 57 Hex could not update the date/time stamp. The author could not find any circumstances under which this error occurred. Since the author does not have any experience with networking, code was added to check for this error so that TOUCHE would be well-behaved. REQUIREMENTS TOUCHE requires DOS 2.0+ and about 1K memory to run. USER RESPONSIBILITIES - All users are granted to make as many copies of this program as required. - There are no restrictions on how many different computers one user may use TOUCHE. - Copies may be distributed to others as long as the fillowing requirements are met: -- All three files, TOUCHE.ASM, TOUCHE.COM, and TOUCHE.DOC, are transfered as a whole. -- These programs are distributed free of cost. Only the cost fo the media (e.g. diskette) can be charged. -- The files are not modified in any way. - The source code is distributed with the program to encourage user modification to meet individual needs, byt in no case will any of these modifications be incorporated and distributed. - The author encourages comments. Please leave comments, suggestions, or suggested modifications in a message on Andy Smith's RBBS (301-956-3396). DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES The author has taken due care in writing this program, and the program is supplied as is. The author makes no expressed or implied warranty of any kind with regard to this program. In no event shall the author be liable for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of this program. PROGRAM INFOMATION TOUCHE was assembled using Microsoft MASM v3.0 with the /ml and /a switches set. 31 May 1986 Raymond Moon