Regarding SWAP: See notes on the origins of this program in first part of SWAP.ASM This is a TSR that can swap 192K of a current program to disk and load another program. Then on exit it restores the original program. It is most interesting as an extension of the Danish TSR writing example called TSRDEMO2.ZIP on Channel 1 (Boston BBS). Found it to be incompatible with Cterp -- if I used ALT right shift in Cterp -- a message blinked saying invalid command or file name, if I shelled to DOS and used ALT right shift, I did get prompt to enter program name, the new program swapped in, but then in leaving, I did not see prompt that said Press any Key to Continue, but worse, when Cterp came back in, the second monitor blinked and the system locked up. Otherwise the program works fine.