PDSW - Public Domain SideWays (pd)1985 by Donavon Kuhn Usage: PDSW filename Where: filename is the name of a file to print sideways on an Epson printer on LPT1: Note: The maximum lines per page is 48. The maximum columns per line is 1024. An error message is printed and the program is terminated if the 1024 limit is exceded. This program is ment for the public domain and may not be sold in any form. The source code is provided for those who would like to learn and possibly modify the code for use on other printers. This program isn't as flashy as the Funk Software version, but then again, it's free. I may be reached on the USRobotics Fido #500 Bullitain board at (312) 960-5928 or on Gene Plantz's BBS (312) 885-9552.