Command LIST ---------------- Purpose: To display the contents of an ASCII file, line by line, with operator positioning commands. Format: LIST [d:][path]filename[.ext] Remarks: An ASCII file of any size may be listed. On the COMMAND line, enter a letter or control key:- Letter(s) Control key Function ----------- ------------ ------------------------ Enter continue to next page Q, X ESCape terminate and exit to DOS T HOME restart from first block (top) B END skip to end of file (bottom) D PgDn scroll down one page U PgUp scroll up one page H or ? F1 list commands (HELP) L left arrow scroll left 20 columns R right arrow scroll right 20 columns P up arrow up one (previous) line N down arrow down one (next) line /text find 'text' A F3 find next occurance of 'text' ctl-HOME restart from CURRENT block ctl-PgUp restart from first block (TOP) ctl-PgDn skip to end of file (BOTTOM) ctl-left-arrow reset scroll to column 1 F1 Help F3 Find next F10 Exit Restrictions: All positioning is relative to the current block in storage. The size of the block depends on the amount of memory available, up to 64K. The maximum record length currently allowed is 255. Logical records (ending in LF and/or CR) are placed into the DOS screen buffer - mono or color display. PC-DOS Version 2.0 or later is required. ANSI.SYS is NOT required. Scanning for text: To scan for a character string, type a slash (/) followed by one or more (up to 32) characters. The scan text, but not the slash, is displayed on the command line. Only the current block is scanned. If the text is found, the line containing it is displayed as a blinking line. If the text is NOT found, an error message is displayed and the display remains unchanged. To scan the next block, "page" into it with PgDn or Down, and use F3 to re-scan. Screen attributes: There are three classes of attributes used. One for normal display lines - lines 2 to 24, another for special lines - lines 1 and 25, and a third for the background color. These attributes may be changed by using DEBUG: at offset 11C = 09 ;special lines, hi-lighted or at offset 11D = 02 ;normal lines, green at offset 11E = 00 ;background, black If these values don't match, you have a different version. ---------------------------------------------------------- Written by Vernon Buerg, April, 1984, for the IBM PC using DOS 2.0 and is supplied for public domain use. Not for sale or hire. Version 1.4, April 27, 1984.