DELDUPE 2.3, Copyright (c) Vernon D. Buerg 1987-89. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Purpose: Delete duplicate or older files in one directory that already exist in another disk directory. Syntax: DELDUPE directory-to-delete [master-directory] [/O] [/T] [/S] [/V] [/P] [/N] The 'directory-to-delete' specifies the drive and path name of the 'old' directory containing old or duplicate files. The 'master-directory' specifies the drive and path name of the 'new' directory containing current or original files. If omitted, the current drive and directory is used. If files in the 'old' directory are the same date/time, or older, than files of the same name in the 'new' directory, they are deleted. Specify /O to delete older files: same name but of different size. If omitted, only files with the same name, datestamp, and size will be deleted. Specify /S to delete similar files: the same name and date/time but the size is different. Specify /N to delete files of the same name regardless of the date, time, or file size. Specify /T to display filenames only, but do not delete them. Use this option to determine which files are duplicates or older copies. Specify /V to confirm deletion of each eligible file. Specify /P to pause when the screen fills. You may enter a ^C (break) at this point but the current directory will not be properly restored. Examples: - Delete duplicate files in 'C:\TEMP' which already exist | in the current directory of drive B: deldupe c:\temp b: - Display the names of duplicate or older files in the directory called \PROJECTS which already exist in the directory \TEST deldupe \projects \test /o/t History: Written for the IBM PC using PC DOS version 2.0 or later. Version 1.1, 3/07/87 - initial version Version 2.2, 7/21/87 - added /N to delete files of same name | Version 2.3, 3/01/89 - changed /N to display both directory's data | making /N with /T more informative License: DELDUPE is free, but it is a copyrighted work and may be distributed only pursuant to this license. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and disseminate DELDUPE so long as: (1) No remuneration of any kind is received in exchange; and (2) Distribution is without ANY modification to the contents of DELDUPE.COM, DELDUPE.ASM and all accompanying documentation and/or support files, including the copyright notice and this license. No copy of DELDUPE may be distributed without including a copy of this license. Any other use is prohibited without express, written permission in advance. Vernon D. Buerg 139 White Oak Circle Petaluma, CA 94952 CompuServe: 70007,1212 (Go IBMCOM) Data/BBS: (707) 778-8944 (707) 778-8841