E32.EXE - a Huge File text editor Copyright (C) 1995 Douglas Herr all rights reserved E32 was written in Assembly language making extensive use of ASM32 library functions. Using Assembly language and dynamic memory allocation made E32 small and fast, and using the CauseWay DOS extender and ASM32 library functions made E32 possible. ASM32 subroutines load files to & save files from 32-bit memory, provide hardware detection & screen mode switching, filename and search string editing functions, file back-up services, pop-up selection boxes and much more. Beginning with version 1.3, E32 distinguishes between ASCII text files and binary files. ASCII files are displayed as text, while binary files such as .EXE, .COM and object modules are displayed as hexadecimal data. In the event that E32 chooses the wrong display mode, you can override its selection with the E32's SETUP function (Shift-F1). E32 requires a 386sx or better computer; a hard disk is also recommended. I have edited files as large as 5 MB in extended memory using E32. Using CauseWay's Virtual Memory manager, you can edit files as large as your available disk space. E32 is equally adept at editing little stuff like batch files, source code and .DOC files. Once I had the basic functions working, I used early versions of E32 to develop the editor to its present form. E32 Function key actions: F1 exit E32 without saving file(s) Warns if any changed files have not been saved. F2 Undo small deletions F3 print file or print marked block Long print jobs will fill the printer's buffer and will result in a 'Printer not ready' message. Press the 'Y' key to continue. F4 toggle Mark mode When Mark is ON, moving cursor will mark a section of text. F5 Cut marked block from file, saving in Paste buffer; see also Alt-F4, which copies marked block to Paste buffer without cutting from file. F6 copy contents of Paste buffer to file at current cursor location F7 save file to disk Previous file with same name is changed to filename.BAK if sufficient disk space is available. F8 delete from cursor location to end of line F9 delete entire line F10 Undelete end of line or entire line (function keys, continued) Alt-F1 clear current file buffer Warns if the file has been changed and not saved. Alt-F2 change screen rows on many monitors 25-, 29- and 43-row screens are possible with Hercules RamFont 12-, 25-, 29- and 43-row screens are available with EGA monitors 14-, 25-, 32- and 50-row screens are available with VGA monitors Alt-F3 send Form Feed to printer Alt-F4 copies marked block to Paste buffer See also F4, F5, F6 Alt-F5 suspend E32 & go to DOS prompt return to E32 by entering EXIT at DOS prompt Alt-F6 change text to upper case if Mark mode is OFF, changes character at cursor if Mark mode is ON, changes entire marked block Alt-F7 load file to active file buffer If a file is already in the active file buffer, E32 will warn if changes to the file have not been saved. E32 prompts for a filename (old file name may be cleared with Ctrl+End) and loads the file. If the filename includes the ? or * wildcard characters, a list of matching filenames is shown on the screen, from which you may select. When you have selected a new filename, the previous contents of the active file buffer is lost. Alt-F8 change screen columns on many monitors 40-, 80-, and 132-column modes are available on many EGA and VGA systems, and 80- and 90-column displays are available on Hercules RamFont systems. Alt-F9 change text to lower case if Mark mode is OFF, changes character at cursor if Mark mode is ON, changes entire marked block Alt-F10 search for selected text beginning at cursor location+1 search is case-sensetive if started with Enter search is case-insensetive if started with Shift+Enter (function keys, continued) Ctrl-F4 save cursor location you may return to the saved location from anywhere in the file by using Ctrl-F5. Saved location is lost only if it is deleted. Ctrl-F5 return to saved cursor location Ctrl-F6 switch between full-screen and split screen file editing Ctrl-F7 switch to the other file buffer Ctrl-F8 Switch between 2-file and 4-file mode In 2-file mode, Ctrl-F7 switches immediately between the active file and the second file buffer. In 4-file mode, the names of the files loaded are listed on the screen, from which you may select. Ctrl-F9 Go to specified file row (ASCII mode) or specified offset (Hex mode). Ctrl-F10 repeat previous search Re-do previous search from current cursor location+1 with previous search string and case sensetivity. (function keys, continued) Shift-F1 Setup screen colors, ASCII or Hex display mode, multi-file display and LaserJet printer. Shift-F7 Merge files: insert file in file buffer at cursor without replacing existing file. Shift-F10 Search and replace: search is case-insensetive if the "Find" string is entered with Shift+Enter, case sensetive if Enter only; Replace function is single-step if begun with Enter, continuous if begun with Shift+Enter. The row and column are shown in the upper right corner of the screen. Other handy keys: Ctrl+End delete to end of line Works just like F8. Ctrl+Left jump left to next word Ctrl+Right jump right to next word PgUp move cursor up one screen PgDown move cursor down one screen Ctrl+PgUp go to top of file Ctrl+PgDown go to end of file Home go to start of line End go to end of line If you find E32 to be a useful tool, I'd appreciate a $15 contribution. You may copy E32.EXE and E32.DOC freely and give them to anyone you wish, but E32 or ASM32 source code may not be re-distributed without my permission. Please address any questions, suggestions and dollars to: Douglas Herr P. O. Box 207 Sacramento, CA 95812 U. S. A. telephone (916) 721-8762 CompuServe 71247,3542 Internet 71247.3542@compuserve.com