You have opened a strange file located between applied science and totally insane things... THE CRAZY ENGINEER SOURCE FILE! STANDARD DISCLAIMER: I take no responsability for the things can happen to you or other people when you try what is said in this file. Remember also that :) (smiling face) and ;) (winky face) means i'm joking, even if what i say it is possible i won't do it because it is quite a dangerous thing (to say the least). THE CRAZY ENGINEER "SECRET SOURCES": Where you can find "zero cost" electric/electronic components and how you can use/em. TOOLS: First of all you need "code tables" for resistor "color" values and data books for discrete or integrated electronics. Then you need an electric solderer (the ones you use to fuse the conductive alloys that are used to "clue" components on PCB boards) to solder on unsolder (by fusing the alloy) components to/from PCBs and of course the other useful tools (testers, screwdrivers, wire cutters ans so on). (N.B. Don't use the electric solderer to detach integrated components!!!) WHERE TO FIND COOL (and not-so cool) THINGS ... the dismantle-yourself list: The plain stuff: On every consumer electronics device you can find lots of useful resistors and capacitors, plus different kinds of transistor, various "control devices" (potentiometers, variable capacitors and so on) and a power transformer plus an AC to DC converter (these can be dismantled to get power diodes). The bobines of AC voltage transformers can be used to obtain big "induction controlled" inductors and mutual inducers. but other more not-so-common devices can be found... THE COOL STUFF: Device: Special components you find: Dress washing machines Powerful electric motors and control circuits (usually micro-controllers too!) this also means big capacitors. Copiers Laser devices and stepper/DC motors plus intriguing mirror devices old copiers feature gas-lasers new ones uses more compatc units. Laser printers Like copiers, plus ram chips and powerful processor boards you can recycle by changing their ROMs or extracting single components. TV, monitors Other not so common electronic devices like the big CRT to the other useful devices (like the infrared or ultrasonic receivers /transmitters) on the most recent devices you can also find DSP chips and other goodies. WARNING! Messing with the CRT tube can be LETHAL!!! Don't open tv or monitors without the help of people that KNOWS how they work AND how to avoid electrocution. (the CRT is like a big capacitor capable to keep for MONTHS a lethal charge that may discharge on you with a lethal pulse) (that friend of mine FUSED a screwdriver head while messing with a CRT) (and absolutely do not break the CRT because internal "phosphor" coating is radioactive!!). Old PC computers Well, you know what you can find here, and these are the easiest things you can recycle (for rams/processors, etc) or reuse (sunstitute/add to the BIOS EPROM you own control program) as "smart" devices connected to your computer with a serial cable and using the printer port to control external devices. Microwave ovens Well, a good source for powerful microwave emitters and thermic sensors you can recycle for lots of things. Freezers These contains gas compressors/pumps ( be careful, the "gas" inside the cooling circuits can be toxic and/or dangerous for your eyes) and thermal sensors, plus thermic isolant material (glass fiber or others) and small pipes you can recycle to make simple solar panels to produce warm/hot water or other things. Photographic machines and camcorders WOW! Here you can find CCD devices and autofocus systems you can use to make "computer vision" systems and optoelectonic aiming systems (gulp!). Cars Well, besides the mechanical things you can find various electric motors, big inductors and capacitors (not to mention the alternator you can use to make portable combustion-motor/wind/waterflow powered electric generators) lots of fusibles, cablings and small actuators plus lots of mechanical triggers and "switches". Ok! Now you have all those devices, what can you do? Nearly anything (once you have the data books) ! I've found lots of data books at the university's library and other data books can be received free by just asking them to the electronic component producers (expecially if you tell 'em you are a "devenloper"), other things can also found on the internet. Possible applications: - Security systems (using sensors an transducers) - Robotic arms (using the little electric motors and the small programmable devices) - electrically powered cars (a dress washing machine has a powerful electric motor) - remote controlled things (i.e. a homebuilt irrigation sustem with programmable timers and remote controls or other things like that) - computer controlled vision systems .... - deadly things like microwave "deathray" guns or worse [read: DON'T MESS WITH THE VISIBLE OR INFRARED WAVELENGHT LASERS if you don't know the basics about laser devices or you could get blind!!!!! (retinal damage) ( well they are low power lasers, but even a low power thing can do nasty things to your eyes) (not to mention what can happen if you pack a battery of 0.1 watt laser beams into a single more powerful beam) ]. Well, some things looks dangerous, isn't it? They are not actually all that bad IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DO i just wanted to give you an idea of the range of things you can do recycling things. I'm not a fan of people that makes homebuild death devices [ even if the idea of a deathray cannon on a computer driven electric car with artificial vision and infrared target locking system made of recycled things wakes up the "crazy engineer" inside me ;) ]. I'm just a guy that likes to get the max. from everything at the lowest cost. Lorenzo "i wanna be a mad engineer" Micheletto :) P.S. I haven't done any of those things, i'm mostly a computer freak (besides i frequently mess with hardware) the hardware freaks are some friends of mine. I've just included these things because they look interesting. P.P.S. And don't ask me how to make a fuel-air bomb with timers and binary ignition system it's a kindergarden exercise ;) (like the old 1kg "salt bomb").