Quick notes concerning the program: ----------------------------------- The program was done in BC 3.0, length about 100+- lines. Took about 1 hours (1.0), and a bit revised version (1.01, this one) took about 1 hour _more_! What a waste of time, eh? Anyway, this is really quick hack that only converts TM 2.0+ TM.FON to TE/2 1.xx's TE2.DIR. I didn't want to waste my time adding terminal emulator-converting, or modem-rates' converting - anyone who uses OS/2 should have modem that uses fixed DTE, and that can be supplied to the program. I really wonder why no such a program hasn't been done before (I have been waiting for soon year, and finally decided to do something about that lack, :) ), and Oberon Software's support for other dialing directory types = nonexistent. And thanks to OS for providing the directory structure (NOT!!!). If you really like this piece of s*it, you can get more extensive version I did yesterday when you send me mail (fingon@nullnet.fi). I'm not sure will I either honor all requests, or demand some UUENCODEd PD software in return. Advanced version's features: - Good global editing to the directory - TE/2 -> TM-converter - TM <-> Telix/Procomm-converter Signing off, - Markus Stenberg - 2.6.1993