SWESCAN ======= This program is a utility to convert between different character sets, especially useful for communication programs. It should work OK with any character based program, that is run in a full screen text session under OS/2 1.3 or OS/2 2.0. This program is ideal for use with communication programs that don't include character conversion tables and off-line message readers and point systems. Character tables currently implemented are: 46 Sweden 7 bit 47 Norway 7 bit (change CodePage to 850 first) 358 Finland 7 bit 8859 ISO 8859-1 Swedish 8-bit One or more character tables can be converted simultanously. You start the program with the following syntax: SweScan ... 46, 47, 358 or 8859 Complete name of program to be executed (like CMD.EXE) ... List of parameters sent to the SweScan can be loaded multiple times with different character tables, to allow conversion between multiple character tables. Lets say you want to convert all characters on the screen, using the 46 and 8859 character table, and want to convert all characters you type to character table 46, you would use the following syntax: SweScan 46 SweScan.EXE 8859 CMD.EXE The SweScan loaded first will convert characters from the keyboard, before SweScan copies loaded after that. You are allowed to use this program freely for non commercial use. Any commercial use is prohibited, if not the author have given written permission. This program is written for my own personal use, and released to the public "as is", and is totally unsupported.