PROGRAM NAME: RPF Zip Control(TM) VERSION: 2.4.3 AUTHOR: RPF Software P.O. Box 420457 Atlanta, GA 30342 Fax: 404.250.0282 CompuServe: 71660,535 Internet: or (use above for Prodigy, AOL, MCIMAIL, Internet) PREFERRED BBS NAME: zipct243.ZIP KEYWORDS: OS2 ZIP UNZIP ARCHIVE EASY EVAL PM SHELL ASP RPF SHORT DESCRIPTION: Ver 2.4.3. Easy OS/2 PM "point and click" interface to UnZip.exe and Zip.exe. Many features. DESCRIPTION: Zip Control is an easy to use OS/2 PM program which shields the user from the command line when using the freeware ZIP.EXE & UNZIP.EXE. Zip & UnZip are compatible with ZIP files created by the DOS PkZIP Program (1.x, 2.x) and are available on the Internet at various sites (including, on many BBSs which have OS/2 libraries, on the IBM NSC BBS, and on CompuServe (OS2USER forum, Library 4 for UNZnnn.EXE and ZIPnnn.ZIP). The files Zip.exe, UnZip.exe, and UnZipSFX.exe are included in this archive. Zip and UnZip are freeware products of Info-ZIP. Zip Control is copyrighted software from RPF Software. Info-ZIP and RPF Software are independent organizations. Users of Zip Control have a "point and click" view of the contents of ZIP files and can create new ZIP files. Files can be unzipped to a default or user specified target directory. Highlighted files can be printed or viewed with your favorite editor before beginning the unzip process.