=================================== WebExplorer Organizer History =================================== Version number note: xx.xx.xx ^ ^ ^ / | \ Major Re-Write Release- | -Bug Fix Release | Enhancements Release V.01.01.01 ---------- * First Offical Non-Beta Release!!! Bugs Fixed: ----------- * WebExplorer "Load at startup?" not being set to true. Resulting in the Main WebPage not being displayed when starting WebExplorer. * No context-menu being displayed in WebSite area when no websites are present. * Handling of directories resulting in problems locating Icons and WebPage if the main directory's name is renamed. * Bug with the Vrobj.dll and Pmmerge.dll resulting in dialog messages and prompts shrinking to the point were they are unreadable. * Problem with not un-locking files. * Crashing when dropping URL Objects from the desktop. This feature will be added in a future release. * Problem when directly editing a WebPage Name and the letter 'O' bringing up the Open INI File Dialog. * Not checking for WebPage Name, when blank you cannot link to that page. Must have a name. Enhancements: ------------- * Webpages can now be moved from one WebPage to another. * Can Re-Load INI file and WebPages, without exiting the program. * Settings notebook to give greater control over the program. * Update or Replace WebPage Site by dropping another WebSites onto it. * Multi-Levels of WebPages * Can ask to Update INI File and Build WebPages on exit if they have changed. * Added an Index to the bottom of the sub-WebPages. * Removed StatusWindow and INI File fields for more working spaces, the current INI File is now displayed on the programs Title-Bar. * Added Settings to menus to jumb directly to the settings that deal with that area. * Menu option to expand or collapse Main WebPage tree. * Marking WebSites that are already in a WebPage. V01.00.00b ---------- * Initial beta release of WebExplorer Organizer