What's New in the WebExplorer Version V1.02

Here are the contents of this file:

Software requirements

Product contents

Product changes and fixes

Other product features

Software support

Information about frequently asked questions

Then there is the legal stuff:

Product information

Publication edition notice

Distribution notice

Right to use


IBM WebExplorer is a world-wide web browser for OS/2 Warp. This program supplies a graphically rich, interactive interface to the fascinating world of the Internet. Using WebExplorer you can jump from one Internet location to another by simply selecting highlighted text or images in the main window. The behavior is very similar to that of "Mosaic", a popular program written by the folks at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications in Illinois (NCSA).

Software Requirements

This product will only run on OS/2 Warp 3.0, not previous releases of OS/2. Please reboot after installation.

Operating system:

This program should only be installed on OS/2 Warp. Do not attempt to install on OS/2 V2.x. The install checks for OS/2 Warp as a requirement. Do not try to circumvent this check since the WebExplorer V1.02 will not run on OS/2 2.x and will cause severe problems during installation with the OS/2 2.x version of the workplace shell.

Refer to the Distribution Notice for instructions on obtaining a version of WebExplorer that will run on OS/2 V2.x.


This program requires one of the following

If you are using the Internet Connection, you MUST install either the "TCP/IP Base Update" package available via the "Retrieve Software Updates" icon or the fix for APAR PN71501 which is available via anonymous ftp from ftp.ibm.net as pub/pn71501/pn71501.zip.

If you are using TCP/IP 2.0, you MUST upgrade to the latest Corrective Service Diskette (CSD) for TCP/IP 2.0. The latest CSD is level UN64092 dated 8/30/94. If you are not certain of the CSD level for TCP/IP installed, type "syslevel" at the OS/2 command prompt. CSD UN64092 is available via anonymous ftp from software.watson.ibm.com as files tcp20c1.exe, tcp20c2.exe, tcp20c3.exe and tcp20c4.exe in the pub/tcpip/os2 directory. After installing the CSD you MUST install the fix for APAR PN71501 which is available via anonymous ftp from ftp.ibm.net as pub/pn71501/pn71501.zip.

Product Contents









Product Changes and Fixes

Changes from WebExplorer V1.02 to V950814:

HTML 3.0 Support

WebExplorer now supports selected HTML 3.0 extensions. It will format tables, use specified background and text colors, including colors for default text, default links, and visited links. It will also align images and flow text around them.

Enhanced Newsgroup Functions

With the URL newsrc:, you can access the Newsgroup Manager. This new feature allows you to list the newsgroups provided by your news server and subscribe to your favorite groups. The Newsgroup Manager monitors your subscriptions and reports the number of unread articles since your last session or update. You can add or delete subscriptions at any time.

You are able to access a newsgroup by either selecting it from your list of subscriptions or by going directly to it using the news: protocol followed by the URL. You can load and browse the news articles a portion at a time or all at once. The new Next Thread and Previous Thread navigation functions allow you to read through the various postings and follow a conversation thread more easily. Any recognized protocols within the text are displayed as links so you can go directly to them.

You can now send a response to a specific article in a newsgroup, as well as post your own articles.

Changes from WebExplorer V1.01 to V1.02:

Drag and Drop Support

You can use the drag and drop function to capture images and HTML from an open document and place them on your desktop where you can save, maintain, and reuse them.

You can also maintain frequently used documents on your desktop by using the URL drag and drop feature. This allows you to drop the URL for a document on a file folder or any other place on your OS/2 Warp desktop to create a URL Workplace Shell Object.