Useredit ======== (c) 1995 by Paul Wagland. First lets get the copyright out of the way.... You may not distribute this program except as part of the penftpd package. You may not disassemble, or reverse-engineer in any other fashion, this program. You may not have multiple copies of this program running at the same time, unless you have a multiple licences, or a site license. You may have multiple copies on this program on many machines, as long as precautions are taken such that only one copy of the program can be running at any one time. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. end of copyright. What is Useredit? ================= Useredit is the program that comes with penftpd to manage the user database. It enables you to add, copy, modify or delete users. To use Useredit just type "Useredit" and press return. Initially Useredit will come up with the contents of PENFTPD.INI in Useredit's home directory. By default UserEdit will save any changes to penftpd.ini, and then copy the inifile to the textfile "TRUSERS.PEN" WARNING: ftpPass will overwrite the textfile with the contents of the inifile. The text file is only a textual reminder of what is in the inifile. Any changes made to the textg file will be ignored, unless "convert" is run to convert the text file into a inifile. If you wish to change the file that you are using go to the "file" menu, and select the "open" choice, then just choose the file you wish to edit. A brief synopsis of the commands follow: File/Use INI file : Choose INI file to use. File/Use text file: Choose text file to save to. Add : Add a new user to the file. Copy : Copy the settings of the current user to a new name. Edit : Edit the current user. Delete : Delete the current user. The editing notebook. ===================== Selecting OK here will save the changes, selecting Cancel won't. You can drag and drop directories onto any place where you enter directory names, and they will automatically be converted into the correct format. Read/Write/Upload permissions. ============================== Because of the unified file-system that penftpd uses to specify directories you that access will be allowed to you must specify them in the format: /drive/directoryname (Note: the '/' can be '\' if you prefer) example: c:\pub becomes /c/pub c: becomes /c If you want the user to be able to read all of the drives on your machine, then give them a read permission of: / With the editing notebook you are able to specify both readable, and un-readable directories. It is only necessary to specify non-readable directories if they lie beneath one of the readable directories. ie. Readable: /c/pub /d/pub Unreadable: /c/pub/unreadable --- necessary /d/unreadable --- not necessary /e/pub --- not necessary /e --- not necessary History ======= v0.2: Added File/Save as text v0.1: Initial release