FTPpass ======= (c) 1995 by Paul Wagland. First lets get the copyright out of the way.... You may not distribute this program except as part of the penftpd package. You may not disassemble, or reverse-engineer in any other fashion, this program. You may not have multiple copies of this program running at the same time, unless you have a multiple licences, or a site license. You may have multiple copies on this program on many machines, as long as precautions are taken such that only one copy of the program can be running at any one time. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. end of copyright. Well this program maintains passwords in your TRUSERS file. to use: ftpPass [-i] [-t] ftpPass defaults to using "penftpd.ini" and "TRUSERS.PEN" in it's home directory. Use -i to specify another Inifile to use, or -t to specify another textfile to use. WARNING: ftpPass will overwrite the textfile with the contents of the inifile. Enter the user name whose password you want to change, and the new password. You will be asked to verify this password. If you do so correctly then the password will be changed.