INTRODUCTION ============ This is the documentation for PMView BETA VERSION 0.77a. You don't have to read this file if you don't want to, though you may miss out on some useful information. Let me introduce myself. I'm Raja Thiagarajan, Official Documenter (tm) of PMView. Peter Nielsen, who wrote PMView, asked me to write the docs. I'd appreciate any comments or questions about these docs, just as Peter would appreciate any comments or questions about PMView itself. Both of our electronic mail addresses are in Appendix 1 at the end of this file; Peter's address can also be found by selecting _Help _About from the PMView menu. Which brings me to a matter I wanted to clarify: Since PMView is currently beta software, we do NOT require you to register it. However, if you *do* register a beta copy of PMView, you *will* get a full, registered copy of the non-beta product as soon as it's available. Further, if you have a uudecoder and a electronic mailbox that can be reached from the Internet, you will get *every* new beta version as it comes out. (Think of it as joining the PMView beta program ;-). Also while the product is in beta, anyone who sends us bug reports via e-mail will get a free copy of the next beta version by return e-mail. (Again, you will need a uudecoder to make use of the free copy). All the above provisions are void where prohibited, and subject to change (though that's not likely). Please read the License and Warranty information in LICENSE.DOC. If you've read some of the repressive provisions of other companies' software, you may be in for a pleasant surprise. (I'll just make one short comment here: Since *this* version of PMView is shareware, you are permitted [even encouraged!] to pass on the file PMVIEW.ZIP. You may NOT modify this file, or pass on any of its individual components.) PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS ==================== To use this program, you *must* be running OS/2 2.0 (or later). PMView is a fully 32-bit program. (This is part of the reason PMView is so fast. The other part is because Peter has spent literally *hundreds* of hours fine-tuning the decoding routines by hand, in 80486 assembly language.) It is *highly* recommended that you be running OS/2 2.0 in a 256-color mode and that your 256-color screen driver supports Palette Manager. The 32-bit XGA and ET4000 SuperVGA screen drivers that came with OS/2 2.0's CSD 6055 support Palette Manager, as do the latest 32-bit Trident 256-color SuperVGA drivers. You can run PMView without Palette Manager support, or even with fewer than 256 colors, but the results won't look very good. USING THE PROGRAM ================= To use the program, place PMVIEW.EXE somewhere on your path and start it via PMVIEW [filename] where "filename" is an optional name of a file you want to view. (If you don't provide a filename, PMView will start up with a black screen.) The filename can include a drive, directory path, or both. If you don't give an extension, PMView will try to "guess" it anyway. (Specifically, if you leave off the extension and PMView can't find a file with that name, it'll try an extension of ".GIF". If that doesn't work, it'll try ".BMP". If *that* fails, then you'll get an error message. PMView may add other extensions [and file types!] in later versions.) PMVIEW COMMANDS =============== Here's a list of the menu commands and a comment on what each one does: _File _Open: This starts a dialog box that lets you open (i.e., load and look at) a new file. This should be fairly straightforward. Initially, PMView will list all the *.GIF and *.BMP files in the current directory. To change this, type the filename filter you want in the "Open Filename:" area and then click the "Open" button. For instance, to get a list of all BMP files in the current directory, enter *.BMP and click "Open". To get a list of GIF files that start with "ray", enter RAY*.GIF and click "Open". You can put several of these together, separated by semicolons (";"). So, for instance, "RAY*.GIF;*.BMP" will list all the files that either start with "RAY" and have the extension "GIF" *or* have the extension "BMP." _File _Reopen: This reloads your current file from disk, which means any changes you had made to it (or your view of it) are lost. _File _Save: This feature doesn't work in the unregistered version. _File Save _as: Neither does this. _File E_xit: This quits PMView and returns you to OS/2. _Edit: All these commands change the image that you have loaded in PMView. (The original image file is unaffected, of course.) _Edit _Flip: This turns the image upside down. If you had an image of a big "M", it would look like the image of a big "W". _Edit _Mirror: This reverses left and right on the image. If you had an image of a left parenthesis, it would look like a right parenthesis. _Edit Rotate _CW: This rotates the image clockwise by 90 degrees. An arrow that pointed up would now point right. _Edit Rotate CC_W: This rotates the image counterclockwise by 90 degrees. An upward-pointing arrow would now point left. _View: These commands change how you see the image, but don't actually change it. They all have shortcut keys. _View _Full Screen: Choosing this command (or pressing F3) erases your WHOLE screen (and not just the PMView window) and redraws the image in the upper left corner (or centered, if you set the _View _Preferences that way). F3 acts like a toggle; pressing it again redraws the screen and puts the image "back" in the PMView window. (Why would you want to do this? If you have an image that's as large as the whole screen, you won't be able to see it while you have PMView's window border, menu bar, title bar, etc. on the screen. For instance, if you installed the optional bitmaps with OS/2, try loading OS2LOGO.BMP. You won't be able to see the whole image because it's too big. Now press F3. The whole image will be visible. Press F3 again to go back to having the image in the PMView window.) _View _Size to Image: Choosing this command (or pressing F4) will shrink or grow the window so that you can see the whole image and nothing but. Unless: 1) The image is too big (in which case you should try F3 instead), OR 2) The image isn't wide enough (PM will NOT let the window become too narrow for the menu bar), OR 3) You have "Never" selected as your option in "Adjust Window Position" (under the _View _Preferences) and the only way to show the whole image is to move the window. (This might happen if your window is positioned too close to the right or bottom edge of the screen.) In this case, you can change the option to "When required"; see the _View _Preferences documentation below. _View _Refresh: Choosing this (or pressing F5) will redraw the image in the window. You may want to do this if (for whatever reason) the image gets corrupted. Unfortunately, as of this writing, there is a bug in *all* the available 256-color screen drivers that support Palette Manager. (This is not a bug in PMView.) When you drop down a menu and then get rid of it, the area that was under the menu is drawn with the wrong colors. To redraw the image with the correct colors, hit F5. _View _Preferences: This brings up a dialog that controls a *lot* of viewing options. Do we need all these options? Is this dialog box too complicated? Please let us know your feelings on this. Okay, taking a deep breath: Adjust Window Size and Position: -- When loading a new image If this is on, the position and size of your window will change when you load a new image. See "Adjust Window Position" below for the options that determine positioning. -- If image size changes when editing If this is on, the position and size of your window will change when an edit changes the size of your image. For example, if you rotate a tall, narrow image, the rotated image will be short and wide. If this option is on, the window will automatically adjust itself to fit the image (as if you had pressed F4). See "Adjust Window Position" below for the options that determine positioning. Adjust Window Position: o Never o When required o Always move to upper left corner You must pick *one* of these options. If you pick "Never," then the upper left corner of your PMView window will never budge. If you pick "When required," then the upper left corner of your PMView window will stay put *unless* moving it a short distance will let you see all of your image. Then it will move. Finally, "Always move to upper left corner" means that your window will keep moving to the upper left corner of your screen. Image View Options: -- Center if width or height is smaller than window Suppose your image is currently smaller than your PMView window. If this option is on, the image will be centered vertically and horizontally in the PMView window. Otherwise, it will be put in the upper left corner of the PMView window. -- Scale image to fit window size Suppose your image is currently larger or smaller than your PMView window. If this option is on, the image will be scaled to fit in the window. The scaling is proportional (e.g., circles will still be circles). IMPORTANT NOTE: BECAUSE OF BUGS IN THE ET4000 AND TRIDENT DRIVERS, SCALED IMAGES ARE NOT DRAWN WITH THE CORRECT COLORS UNDER THESE VIDEO CARDS. Complain to IBM about this! There is no known fix or workaround. Hopefully, IBM will fix this before PMView 1.0 goes out; otherwise, we may have to remove this option. In Full Screen Mode (F3) -- Center if width or height is smaller than screen If you go into Full Screen Mode with an image that's smaller than the whole screen, turn this option on to center the image horizontally and vertically. Otherwise, the image will be drawn in the upper left corner of your screen. -- Scale image if it is larger than screen If you have an image that's larger than your screen resolution, turn on this option to scale the image down to fit onscreen. A very similar option is -- Scale image if it is smaller than screen which scales a small image up to fit the screen. (All scaling is proportional.) Shouldn't these be combined into one option ("-- Scale image to fit screen")? I think so, but Peter doesn't. What do you think? ;-) -- Use full palette (overrides system colors) The OS/2 desktop reserves a few colors for its own use (for things like window title bars, sizing borders, etc). If you turn this option on, then PMView will override these reserved colors while it's in Full Screen Mode. The reserved colors will be restored when you leave Full Screen mode. -- Automatic fullscreen when loading a new image If this option is on, then every time PMView loads a new image, it will go to Full Screen Mode automatically. This brings us to the end of _View _Preferences. We would *greatly* appreciate opinions on whether the dialog is too complicated. _Help _About: Finally, this command displays version information about PMView, as well as information on how to register the program. If you like PMView, please support shareware by registering it. Registered versions of PMView will include a "_File _Save" (and "_File Save _As") command, and probably other extra features. (We're still trying to decide on them.) (Note: As I wrote in the Introduction, we don't *require* anyone to register the beta versions of PMView, though if you do so, you'll get a full, registered copy of 1.0.) APPENDIX 1: HOW TO CONTACT US ============================== Both Peter and I would love to hear from you. If you have any comments, suggestions, or wishes for new PMView features, please write to us. Peter can be reached on the Internet at or He doesn't have a CompuServe account, but you can send CompuServe mail to me and I will pass it on. (See below for my CompuServe address and a caveat on its use.) Alternatively, you can send Peter a paper letter at Gertrudsgatan 22 D 73, SF-20520, Turku, Finland. (Take into account the delays of international mail when you do this!) You can reach me, Raja Thiagarajan, on the Internet at Alternatively, you can write me on CompuServe at 72175,12. Generally speaking, I read my Internet mail almost every day (except for holidays!), but only read my CompuServe mail about once a week. If you prefer to support the U.S. Post Office, you can send me paper mail at 4423 East Trailridge Road, Bloomington, IN 47408-9633. However, I recommend that you save a tree (and some time) by sending me e-mail instead. APPENDIX 2: WHERE TO GET NEW VERSIONS OF PMVIEW =============================================== When a new version of PMView comes out, the first thing we will do is send it to registered users. If you give us an e-mail address when you register, we will e-mail the new PMView to you immediately. After we have finished sending copies to registered users, we will post a copy to Hobbes on the Internet. This is the world's best ftp site for finding OS/2 software. Its official designation is PMView will be put in the /pub/uploads directory initially; after a while, it will be moved to the /pub/os2/2.0/graphics directory. After we have posted a copy to Hobbes, we will post a copy to CompuServe. [*********WHERE!?!?!?!?!?*********] So, to find the latest version of PMView, look on Hobbes and CompuServe. NOTE: The above appendix refers to new release versions of PMView. New beta versions are sent to people on our beta list (with registered users getting them first, if it's necessary to do it in more than one batch ;-) and may not end up on Hobbes. If you *really* want to get all the new beta versions of PMView, send us a bug report (or a short note saying you want to join the beta program) and an e-mail address at which you can accept uuencoded mail from the Internet. We reserve the right to limit the number of beta testers. Raja Thiagarajan / PMVIEW.DOC / 2-9-93 release