This is the readme for ODINSUP.COM. ODINSUP COM 33867 02-23-93 8:58a version 1.22 Modification History: Changes from v1.01 to v1.10 beta 1. Enhanced to run with Lan Manager 2.0 and 2.1. These changes made to allow code to run with MicroSoft's NetBeui Protocol Stack. Use new NET.CFG parameter BUFFERED. 2. Enhanced to allow detection of 386 MicroProcessor for better performance. Changes from v1.10 beta to v1.21 1. Enhanced ODINSUP.COM driver from 1.0 NDIS spec to NDIS v2.0 spec. 2. Fixed a bug in a code path where a variable lacked a CS override. Symptom seen (under a heavy load to the AS/400 (ethernet) using PC/SUPPORT the machine would either hang or drop the AS/400 connection). Changes from v1.21 to v2.22 1. Changed the way ODINSUP registers as a default protocol stack. The previous method could cause a potential problem if another default protocol stack registered with the Link Support Layer. PURPOSE OF ODINSUP.COM: As part of Novell's commitment to be interoperable, ODI supports NDIS. ODI's modular architecture allows users to support support NDIS protocol stacks. A module called ODINSUP.COM allows NDIS protocol stacks to run unmodified over the ODI LSL and talk to an ODI LAN driver. Now, multi-vendor network transports like IBM's NetBEUI, DEC's LAT or 3COM's XNS can be run over a common Dat-Link (driver) specification. For more information, read the ODIINFO.DOC file included in this .ZIP file. DETAILED DESCRIPTION This section gives a brief discussion on how to install and configure the ODINSUP modules. All NDIS MAC Drivers should be replaced on the node with their corresponding ODI LAN Drivers. For example, if you were currently using the ELNKII.DOS NDIS MAC Driver you would now use the 3C503.COM driver. Installation of the ODINSUP module is simply a matter of installing it in memory. In DOS this is accomplished by loading ODINSUP.COM either at the command line or in a batch file. Note that the NDIS PROTMAN device driver must be loaded before the ODINSUP module is loaded. Configuration of ODINSUP is accomplished by adding statements to the system NET.CFG file as outlined below. ODINSUP only needs to be loaded once since it can handle multiple ODI LAN Drivers from the same module memory image. The NDIS PROTOCOL.INI file is still necessary to tell the NDIS Protocol(s) which MAC it should bind to and use. Normally all PROTOCOL.INI information for NDIS MAC drivers can be removed. No ODINSUP specific information is necessary in the PROTOCOL.INI file. At this time ODINSUP will only support Ethernet and Token-Ring compatible ODI LAN Drivers. ODINSUP requires that the underlying Ethernet or Token-Ring ODI LAN Drivers have a number of frame types enabled. For Ethernet ODI LAN Drivers the ETHERNET_802.2, ETHERNET_SNAP, and ETHERNET_II frames types must be enabled. For Token-Ring ODI LAN Drivers the TOKEN-RING, and TOKEN-RING_SNAP frames types must be enabled. Enabling frame types is accomplished by specifying the frame keyword under the appropriate ODI LAN Drivers section header. For example: Sample NET.CFG commands showing enabling of frame types: link driver ne1000 frame ethernet_802.3 frame ethernet_802.2 frame ethernet_snap frame ethernet_ii If no binding information is present in the NET.CFG, ODINSUP will attempt to locate an Ethernet or Token-Ring ODI LAN Driver. If found, ODINSUP will attempt to bind to it. Support for more than one ODI LAN Driver or the need to explicitly specify which ODI LAN Driver to bind to is accomplished by placing binding information in the NET.CFG. ODINSUP can be bound to a maximum of four ODI LAN Drivers. If the default action of ODINSUP is not desired, binding information should be placed in the NET.CFG to tell ODINSUP which ODI LAN Drivers it should bind to. Bind entries specify the name of the ODI LAN Driver and optionally the instance number. The name of the ODI LAN Driver is normally the name of the ODI LAN Driver's file (e.g. NE1000 for NE1000.COM). The instance number may be necessary in cases where more than one type of adapter is installed in the node (e.g. Two 3C523 adapters). If an instance value is not specified, ODINSUP will default to the first ODI LAN Driver found (e.g. If two 3C523 adapters were present, ODINSUP would bind to the first loaded instance of the ODI LAN Driver). The lowest instance value is 1. Sample NET.CFG commands under DOS showing assignment of the instance number: protocol ODINSUP bind ne1000 ;Bind to the first instance of the NE1000 ODI LAN Driver bind 3c523 2 ;Bind to the second instance of the 3C523 ODI LAN Driver bind token 1 ;Bind to the first instance of the TOKEN ODI LAN Driver OTHER SAMPLE FILES AUTOEXEC.BAT: lsl 3c503 ODINSUP ...Load NDIS Protocols if not loaded in CONFIG.SYS netbind ...Load ODI Protocols The PROTOCOL.INI must specify sections for each NDIS protocol used. Part of this information is the Bindings statement which specifies which NDIS MAC(s) the protocol should bind to. The name specified should be the name of the ODI LAN Driver (e.g. NE1000, TOKEN, NE2, etc.). If the ODI LAN Driver's name starts with a number (e.g. 3C503) the MAC name to use for the Bindings statement must be preceded with the letter 'X' (e.g. X3C503). When an adapter instance other than one is used (e.g. ODINSUP bound to second NE1000 ODI LAN Driver) the MAC name has the instance number appended to the end of the ODI LAN Driver's name (e.g. NE10002 for second instance, X3C5234 for fourth instance, etc.). The appropriate MAC names are displayed when ODINSUP is loaded. PROTOCOL.INI file showing binding instructions: [PROTOCOL_MANAGER] DriverName = PROTMAN$ [ETHERAND] DriverName = DXME0$ Bindings = NE2 ; Bindings = x3C523 ; Bindings = ne22 ;for second instance NE2 Board Normally, DOS ODI modules are unloadable. Since NDIS does not provide a dynamic interface for its protocols and MACs the ODINSUP.COM module is NOT unloadable. Since it must be loaded after the LSL.COM and ODI LAN Drivers (e.g. NE1000.COM), these modules are not unloadable (i.e. LSL.COM and ODI LAN Drivers are not unloadable). The ODI protocols should be loaded after NETBIND.EXE and the NDIS protocols have been loaded. This will allow the ODI protocol modules to be unloaded. ODINSUP.COM after installation consumes approximately 4900 bytes of DOS memory. Each additional adapter ODINSUP is bound to will increase memory usage by approximately 2800 bytes. The size of the installed LSL and ODI LAN Driver usually take about the same amount of memory as the corresponding NDIS PROTMAN and NDIS MAC Driver. Using ODINSUP instead of a NDIS MAC Driver incurs an additional 4900 bytes of memory usage, but this will vary depending on the LAN Driver used. Limited performance comparisons were made using the 3Com EtherLink II adapter. A performance comparison using the native NDIS ELNKII.DOS MAC Driver and the ODI 3C503.COM and ODINSUP.COM was performed. It was found that both setup's provided the same performance results, i.e. use of the ODINSUP module incurred no performance penalty. Use of other LAN Drivers may show different results. COMMON QUESTIONS/ANSWERS ABOUT THE ODINSUP DRIVERS: Q1. The ODI driver I am using is from a third party company. It doesn't appear to be working properly. The ODI drivers from Novell run great. What questions do I need to ask the developer? The error message I am getting is "MLID does not support receive data size parameter. Call adapter manufacturer and request a newer MLID that supports it." or something similar. A1. The developer must use version 1.2 or better of the MSM (Media Support Module) from Novell when creating the ODI driver. The MSM used must support the "L Data Size in the Look ahead structure". Version 1.2 of the MSM was shipped to third party developers in Sept of 1991. Q2. When I run NETBIND.EXE, I get the message, "PRO0025E: Failed to bind." What's wrong? A2. This message can be caused by a bad Bindings= statment in the PROTOCOL.INI file. First, the PROTOCOL.INI file must reside in the path given in the /I: parameter on the line referencing the PROTMAN driver. Then, the statements in the PROTOCOL.INI file must be correct. Q3. I only have an NDIS driver for my third party NIC card. Will it work with ODINSUP? A3. No, the Novell ODINSUP solution requires that an ODI driver be written. Q4. What topologies are supported? A4. Ethernet and Token-ring. Q5. Can I route my NDIS application packets across a Novell Router. A5. No, Novell router only passes IPX packets. The stacks below are obviously not IPX packets. Q6. I'm trying to communicate with LAN Manager (or other NDIS service) which is on the other side of a Novell router, but I can't get there. Why can't I get across a Novell router using ODINSUP? A6. A Novell router will only route packets for protocols which are loaded on the router. Since ODINSUP interfaces to the NDIS protocol being used, the packets on the wire are not necessarily supported on the router. Currently, only IPX and TCP/IP protocols are provided and supported by Novell. Q7. OK.. What are some examples of common configurations that have been seen to work? A7. The following examples of customer configurations are reported to work successfully although most have not been tested by Novell. You may want to test the NDIS application you are using before putting the configuration into production. For many customers ODINSUP has solved the NDIS business need. SAMPLE DETAILED ENVIRONMENT-SPECIFIC CONFIGURATIONS ***************************************************************************** **** Novell NetWare and AS/400 ethernet ************************************ ***************************************************************************** You can also use SAA 1.2 or better from NOVELL without having to use IBM lan support, odi drivers, or ODINSUP. The following is a working configuration of ODINSUP.COM ODINSP.ZIP and AS/400 PC/SUPPORT 2.1 ethernet connectivity remote booting with SMC cards (also known as Western Digital cards) with WD boot proms. 1. Use Lan Support version 1.25 from IBM for DXMA0MOD.SYS and DXME0MOD.SYS. 2. Use SMCPLUS.COM 17385 2-13-92 or better. Older versions of the ODI driver did not have the 1.2 MSM (Media Support Module linked in). AUTOEXEC.BAT: echo off prompt $p$g cls lsl smcplus ipxodi odinsup netbind netx f: Login Startpcs CONFIG.SYS: files=30 buffers=30 device=protman.exe /I:A:\ device=dxma0mod.sys 001 device=dxme0mod.sys device=EIMPCS.SYS P=0 device=ECYDDX.SYS FILES=8 DRIVES=2 NET.CFG: protocol ODINSUP Bind SMCPLUS Link Driver SMCPLUS Frame Ethernet_802.3 Frame Ethernet_802.2 Frame Ethernet_II Frame Ethernet_snap Protocol IPX 0 Ethernet_802.3 PROTOCOL.INI: [PROTOCOL_MANAGER] DriverName = PROTMAN$ [ETHERNET] DriverName = DXME0$ Bindings = SMCPLUS *************************************************************************** ******* Novell NetWare and Banyan Vines *********************************** *************************************************************************** AUTOEXEC.BAT: ECHO OFF PROMPT $P$G lsl ne2000 odinsup ban /nc ndisban ipxodi netx f:login supervisor c: redirall z:login admin@eng@testing CONFIG.SYS: files=20 buffers=20 DEVICE=c:\banyan\protman.dos /I:c:\lanman lastdrive=E NET.CFG: LINK DRIVER NE2000 INT 2 PORT 320 FRAME ETHERNET_802.3 FRAME ETHERNET_SNAP FRAME ETHERNET_II FRAME ETHERNET_802.2 PROTOCOL ODINSUP BIND NE2000 PROTOCOL.INI: [PROTOCOL_MANAGER] DRIVERNAME=PROTMAN$ [VINES_XIF] DRIVERNAME=NDISBAN$ BINDINGS=NE2000 NOTES: 1. Run BANYAN PCCONFIG.EXE, Select NDIS ethernet card settings. 2. SETHAND.EXE (available from BANYAN) must be run against REDIRALL.EXE to decrease the amount of file handles used by BANYAN'S REDIRALL.EXE. Decrease file handles from 255 to 200 (200 representing the highest numbered file handle assigned by VINES. You must have the right version of SETHAND that works with the version of REDIRALL.EXE that you have. 3. The shell is loaded last (REDIRALL.EXE or NETX.COM) will be the shell that will have the drive mapping for any given letter. For example: if you are using M: for a netware mapping and NETX.COM was loaded after REDIRALL.EXE you can not use BANYAN SETDRIVE to map M: to a BANYAN DRIVE. *************************************************************************** ******* Novell NetWare and IBM Lan Server ********************************* *************************************************************************** SAMPLE DOS ethernet IBM LAN SERVER and Netware 3.11 ODINSUP SOLUTION (using ODINSUP.COM dated 2-27-92 or better). NOTE: It is REQUIRED TO load NETX AFTER NET START and CALL INITFSI.BAT. AUTOEXEC.BAT: prompt $P$G lsl ne2000 odinsup NETBIND NET START CALL INITFSI.BAT ipxodi netx n: CONFIG.SYS: device=c:\protman.exe device=c:\dxma0mod.sys 001 device=c:\dxme0mod.sys device=c:\dxmt0mod.sys S=12 C=14 ST=12 O=N files=40 buffers=40 SHELL=C:\ /E:2000 /P LASTDRIVE=M NET.CFG: Protocol ODINSUP Bind NE2000 Link Driver NE2000 Int 5 Port 360 Frame Ethernet_802.3 Frame Ethernet_802.2 Frame Ethernet_II Frame Ethernet_snap Protocol IPX 0 Ethernet_802.3 PROTOCOL.INI: [PROTOCOL_MANAGER] DriverName = PROTMAN$ [ETHERNET] DriverName = DXME0$ Bindings = NE2000 *************************************************************************** ********* Novell NetWare and Microsoft Lan Manager ************************ *************************************************************************** NETWARE and MICROSOFT LAN MANAGER 2.0 and 2.1 requires ODINSUP.COM version 1.10 or better on the DOS client. The BUFFERED parameter must be used in the NET.CFG. In DOS the user must be using an LSL.COM that is version 1.10 or higher. MLIDs must be linked with v1.20 or higher of the Ethernet or Token-Ring MSM modules, i.e. Drivers which support the added LDataSize Field in the LookAhead structure, are capable of supporting ODINSUP.COM. Since the mapping between ODI and NDIS is not 1 to 1, a few functions in the ODINSUP module do not completely comply with the NDIS MAC specification. It is not expected that any of these will create situations where certain NDIS Protocols will not work with ODINSUP since most protocols do not use these MAC capabilities. ODI Ethernet MLIDs provide a maximum of 128+14+3+5 bytes of receive look ahead data when doing a receive operation. ODI Token-Ring drivers provide a maximum of 128+14+18+3+5 bytes of receive look ahead when doing a receive operation. NDIS specifies that MACs must support up to 256 bytes of receive look ahead. Therefore, NDIS protocols needing more than the stated maximums above will not work with ODINSUP unless the new switch BUFFERED is added to the NET.CFG file for ODINSUP. The figures above are derived as follows: 128 Bytes of Data. 14 Size of a 802.3 or 802.5 MAC Layer Header. 18 Maximum size of Source Routing field in Token-Ring. 3 Size of an 802.2 Type I Header. 5 Size of a SNAP Protocol ID Field. There is now a detection mechanism if a look ahead size larger than 128 bytes and the maximum media header (e.g. Ethernet is 22 bytes) is requested. An error message is printed and the user asked to insert the new keyword "BUFFERED" into the NET.CFG file. e.g. NET.CFG Protocol ODINSUP bind ne2000 BUFFERED The ordering of the occurrence of the "BUFFERED" keyword does not matter. When ODINSUP.COM detects the "BUFFERED" keyword it enables double buffering of received packets for presentation to the NDIS Protocol Stacks. This will incur a small degradation in performance due to a double copy of the packet, however in a DOS environment it should not significantly affect performance. Protocols that rely heavily on the MAC Interrupt Request function may not perform very well with ODINSUP. This function requires the ability to generate asynchronous interrupts on demand of the protocol. Since ODINSUP does not have direct access to a hardware device, this function must be emulated in software which limits the frequency of Interrupt Request acknowledges to a maximum of one every 55 milliseconds. The IBM DLC software requires interrupt requests but it was possible to hook their Int 5C interface to provide higher resolution interrupt request acknowledges. An optional MAC capability that allows on the fly node address overrides is not supported by ODINSUP since ODI MLIDs do not support this. ODI MLIDs do support node address overrides from the NET.CFG. NDIS Protocols wishing to change the node address will not work with ODINSUP. This should not be a problem since the user desiring a different node address can simply specify it in the NET.CFG file. Note that ODINSUP will allow its NDIS Node Address function to be called, however it will return an error if the Node Address given does not match the Node Address already configured in the ODI MLID Driver it is using. *************************************************************************** **** Novell NetWare and Microsoft LAN MANAGER 2.0 ************************* *************************************************************************** NOTE: ODINSUP.COM 4-27-92 is required for Lan MANAGER 2.0 or better. AUTOEXEC.BAT: prompt $P$G lsl ne2000 odinsup REM === LANMAN 2.0 === DO NOT MODIFY BETWEEN THESE LINES === LANMAN 2.0 === SET PATH=C:\LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG;%PATH% C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PROTMAN\NETBIND NET START WORKSTATION REM === LANMAN 2.0 === DO NOT MODIFY BETWEEN THESE LINES === LANMAN 2.0 === ipxodi netx n: CONFIG.SYS: LASTDRIVE=M DEVICE=C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PROTMAN\PROTMAN.DOS /i:C:\LANMAN.DOS DEVICE=C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PROTOCOL\NETBEUI\NETBEUI.DOS NET.CFG: Protocol ODINSUP Bind NE2000 BUFFERED <--------- REQUIRED Link Driver NE2000 Int 5 Port 360 Frame Ethernet_802.3 Frame Ethernet_802.2 Frame Ethernet_II Frame Ethernet_snap Protocol IPX 0 Ethernet_802.3 PROTOCOL.INI: [PROTMAN] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ DYNAMIC = YES PRIORITY = NETBEUI [NETBEUI_XIF] Drivername = netbeui$ SESSIONS = 6 NCBS = 12 BINDINGS = NE2000 LANABASE = 0 **************************************************************************** **** Novell NetWare and Microsoft LAN MANAGER 2.1 ************************* **************************************************************************** NOTE: ODINSUP.COM 4-27-92 is required for Lan MANAGER 2.0 or better. AUTOEXEC.BAT: prompt $P$G lsl ne2000 odinsup REM === LANMAN 2.1 === DO NOT MODIFY BETWEEN THESE LINES === LANMAN 2.1 === SET PATH=C:\LANMAN21.DOS\NETPROG;%PATH% C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PROTMAN\NETBIND NET START WORKSTATION LOAD NETBEUI NET LOGON TESTER2 * REM === LANMAN 2.1 === DO NOT MODIFY BETWEEN THESE LINES === LANMAN 2.1 === ipxodi netx n: CONFIG.SYS: FILES=20 BUFFERS=10 LASTDRIVE=M DEVICE=C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PROTMAN\PROTMAN.DOS /i:C:\LANMAN.DOS NET.CFG: Link support buffers 10 1518 Protocol ODINSUP Bind NE2000 BUFFERED <--------- REQUIRED Link Driver NE2000 Int 5 Port 360 Frame Ethernet_802.3 Frame Ethernet_802.2 Frame Ethernet_II Frame Ethernet_snap Protocol IPX 0 Ethernet_802.3 PROTOCOL.INI: [PROTMAN] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ DYNAMIC = YES PRIORITY = NETBEUI [NETBEUI_XIF] Drivername = netbeui$ SESSIONS = 6 NCBS = 12 BINDINGS = NE2000 LANABASE = 0 ************************************************************************** **** Novell NetWare and DEC Pathworks ************************************ ************************************************************************** * CONFIG.SYS changes All you need in CONFIG.SYS is PROTMAN.SYS, Rem out the NDIS.DOS driver in CONFIG.SYS to use ODINSUP. CONFIG.SYS: break on Files=40 device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram buffers=30 device=c:\pwtcp.sys device=c:\protman.exe stacks=9,256 lastdrive=m * PROTOCOL.INI changes Edit PROTOCOL.INI and change the BINDINGS= section to bind to whatever driver you're really using. PROTOCOL.INI: [PROTOCOL MANAGER] DRIVERNAME=PROTMAN$ [IPX4MAC] DRIVER=IPX$MAC BINDINGS=NE2000 [DATALINK] DRIVERNAME= DLL$MAC LG_BUFFERS=16 SM_BUFFERS=6 OUTSTANDING=32 HEURISTICS=0 BINDINGS=NE2000 NI_IRQ=4 * NET.CFG changes You need to add the "address override" to your net.cfg file. The address looks like: Link Driver NE1000 ..etc.. Node Address AA000400xxxx All DECnet addresses are in the form AA-00-04-00-XX-XX. The final four digits are computed from the node address. DECnet nodes are numbered in the form "area.number" -- For example, node 9.440 is in area 9, number 440. Basically, you calculate area*1024+node. In this case, 9*1024+440 = 9656 (decimal). Convert this to hex, to get 0x25B8. Swap the bytes and put them into the address. You should get AA-00-04-00-B8-25. So, for node 9.440, Node Address is AA000400B825 NET.CFG: Link Support Buffers 20 1514 MemPool 4096 Protocol ODINSUP bind ne2000 Protocol IPX bind ne2000 Link Driver NE2000 INT #1 4 PORT #1 320 MEM #1 D000 Frame Ethernet_II Frame Ethernet_802.3 Frame Ethernet_802.2 Frame Ethernet_snap Protocol IPX 0 Ethernet_802.3 Node Address AA000400B825 Setting up files Make a directory \DECNET on your hard disk, a floppy, or whatever the CURRENT disk is. (if you're on E:, make E:\DECNET) Copy the files from the floppy into this directory. Copy or RENAME one of the .DAT files to DECPARM.DAT -If you receive a message from DLLNDIS that says it couldn't find your DECPARM.DAT file, be sure it's on \DECNET on the current disk. (this can be moved if you want). AUTOEXEC.BAT: LSL NE2000 ODINSUP DLLNDIS DLL->NDIS driver NETBIND SCH Load PATHWORKS network scheduler DNNETH Load DECnet network process IPXODI NETX ANOTHER SAMPLE AUTOEXEC.BAT (different configuration). LSL NE2000 ODINSUP DLLNDIS NDIS -d:2 PWBIND SCH DNNETH REDIR5 setname joebob use f: \\au1\pcsav41 use m: \\drie01\joebob%%joebob * emsload lat ipxodi netx **************************************************************************** **** Novell NetWare and HP ARPA Services in Windows ************************ **************************************************************************** Sample integration of WINDOWS MSDOS 5.0, QEMM 6.02, Netware 3.11, Hewlett Packard HP ARPA services 2.1 using ODINSUP. ARPA services is an NDIS application that uses NDIS drivers instead of Novell ODI drivers. However ODINSUP will also work as an option. In this case the customer didn't want to use 802.3 for the servers. With ARPA services apparently 802.3 is the only option. For that reason ODINSUP was the solution. SAMPLE Configuration ODINSUP.COM with Windows ARPA services - HP elite 16 nic card. AUTOEXEC.BAT: prompt $p$g SET PATH=c:\QEMM;c:\windows;c:\dos;c:\;c:\hpnet;c:\HPNET\NETPROG; LSL HPDWSA16 <----- Newest HP ODI driver required dated June 1992 or better ODINSUP c:\HPNET\DRIVERS\PROTMAN\NETBIND CALL C:\HPNET\NET_STRT IPXODI netx f: login win CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=C:\QEMM\QEMM386.SYS RAM ROM ON DEVICE=C:\QEMM\LOADHI.SYS C:\DOS\SETVER.EXE DEVICE=C:\QEMM\LOADHI.SYS C:\WINDOWS\MOUSE.SYS /Y DEVICE=C:\QEMM\LOADHI.SYS C:\DOS\ANSI.SYS /X INSTALL C:\DOS\SHARE.EXE SHELL=c:\DOS\ C:\dos\ /e:384 /P dos-high BREAK-ON STACKS=0,0 BUFFERS=40 FILES=60 DEVICE=c:\HPNET\DRIVERS\PROTMAN\PROTMAN.DOS /I:c:\HPNET DEVICE=c:\HPNET\DRIVERS\PROTOCOL\TCPIP\NEMM.DOS DEVICE=c:\HPNET\DRIVERS\PROTOCOL\TCPIP\TCPDRV.DOS /I:c:\HPNET DEVICE=c:\HPNET\DRIVERS\PROTOCOL\TCPIP\IPXDRV.DOS NET.CFG: LINK Support Buffers 8 1500 Mempool 4096 Protocol ODINSUP bind hpdwsa16 BUFFERED Link driver hpdwsa16 Port #1 300 Int #1 5 frame ETHERNET_II frame ETHERNET_802.3 Frame ETHERNET_802.2 Frame ETHERNET_SNAP Protocol IPX 0 Ethernet_802.3 Protocol TCPIP IP_address PROTOCOL.INI: ; Protocol Manager Initialization File ; HP IPX stub driver [IPXDRV] DRIVERNAME = IPX$ BINDINGS = hpdwsa16 <---------- must be ODI driver name ; To add another NDIS driver uncomment (remove semicolon for [DEVICENAME] ) ; the devicename and replace the new DeviceDriver description. ; The new card may or may not require parameters following DRIVERNAME. ; If some parameter lines are not required then delete these lines. ; NOTE: semicolons represent commented out lines. ; ; [DEVICENAME] ; DRIVERNAME = DeviceDriver ?? ; INTERRUPT = 5 ; IOADDRESS = 0x300 ; RAMAddress = 0x ; ;************************ ;** PROTOCOLS ** ;************************ [TCPIP] DRIVERNAME = TCPIP$ BINDINGS = hpdwsa16 <--------------- Must be ODI driver Name TCPCONNECTIONS = 11 TCPWINDOWSIZE = 1450 TCPSEGMENTSIZE = 1450 TCPCONNTIMEOUT = 30 TCPKEEPALIVE = 600 LOADFACTOR = 120 LBUFSZ = 1530 MBUFSZ = 600 SBUFSZ = 256 LBP = 51 MBP = 31 CLIENTOD = 14 CLIENTBD = 40 CLIENTMSG = 18 CLIENTAMSG = 31 IPSOCKETSIZE = 3 ARPTBLSIZE = 28 ERRLOGSIZE = 1 IPADDRESS0 = 15 13 161 69 SUBNETMASK0 = 255 255 248 0 DEFAULTGATEWAY0 = 15 13 160 254 UDP_Q_PER_USER=10 UDP_Q_TOTAL=20 [PROBE] DRIVERNAME = PROBE$ BINDINGS = TCPIP NSDOMAIN = mayfield.hpcom [TCPGLOBAL] HOSTNAME = hess486 NETFILES = C:\HPNET\ETC [TINYRFC] DRIVERNAME = TINYRFC$ BINDINGS = TCPIP NUMNAMES = 9 NUMSESSIONS = 0 [NMDRV] DRIVERNAME = NMDRV$ BINDINGS = TCPIP [SOCKETS] DRIVERNAME = SOCKETS$ BINDINGS = TCPIP NUMSOCKETS = 3 POOLSIZE = 3200 MAXSENDSIZE=1024 [DNR] DRIVERNAME = DNR$ BINDINGS = TCPIP NAMESERVER0 = 15 3 32 17 DOMAIN [HP-VT] DRIVERNAME = VTCOM BINDINGS = TCPIP NSESSIONS = 3 [TELNET] DRIVERNAME = TELNET$ BINDINGS = TCPIP NSESSIONS = 3 MAX_OUT_SENDS = 3 MAX_SEND_SIZE = 128 DRIVER_EOL = 1 APP_EOL = 1 REDIRECT_COM = 1 ECM_CHAR = "0x1E" BRK_ACTION = 3 MUI_PROMPT = "MUI (? for help)> " [TICL] DRIVERNAME = TICL$ BINDINGS = TCPIP ACBS = CMDS = VCS = 2 PORTS = ************************************************************************** **** Novell NetWare, ODINSUP.COM, Synoptics NDIS LatisNet Network ******** **** Management Software (LNMS) version 4.0, and Microsoft Windows. ****** ************************************************************************** AUTOEXEC.BAT: C:\WINDOWS\SMARTDRV.EXE @ECHO OFF PROMPT $p$g PATH=C:\COMM;C:\WINDOWS;C:\DOS SET TEMP=C:\DOS CD \NET LSL NE2000 ODINSUP C:\COMM\NETBIND CD \ set TMP = C:\tmp SET PATH=C:\OV;%PATH% IPXODI NETX f: login win (assuming LNMS 4.0 is already installed). CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=C:\DOS\SETVER.EXE DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS DOS=HIGH FILES=30 SHELL=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM C:\DOS\ /p STACKS=9,256 DEVICE=C:\COMM\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\NET DEVICE=C:\COMM\NETMANAG.DOS NET.CFG: Link Support MEMPOOL 4096 BUFFERS 8 1500 Protocol ODINSUP bind ne2000 Link Driver ne2000 int 5 port 360 Frame Ethernet_802.3 Frame Ethernet_II Frame Ethernet_SNAP Frame Ethernet_802.2 Protocol IPX 0 Ethernet_802.3 Protocol TCPIP ip_address ip_netmask tcp_sockets 8 udp_sockets 8 raw_sockets 1 nb_sessions 4 nb_commands 8 nb_adapter 0 nb_domain PROTOCOL.INI: [PROTOCOL_MANAGER] DriverName = PROTMAN$ [NETMANAGE] DRIVERNAME=NETMNG$ BINDINGS=ne2000 ************************************************************************** **** Novell NetWare and SUN PC/NFS PC NFS ******************************** ************************************************************************** The following were used: PACKAGE/DRIVER VERSION/COMMENTS PC/NFS 3.5 NetWare 3.11 DOS 5.0 QEMM 6.03 ODINSUP.COM 1.01 LSL current version NETBIND 1.1 EXP16ODI 1.10 (Intel ODI Driver EtherExpress 16TP) PCNFS.SYS (for PC/NFS version 3.5) SOCKDRV.SYS (for PC/NFS version 3.5) PROTMAN.SYS 1.1 NFS-NDIS.SYS (for PC/NFS version 3.5) AUTOEXEC.BAT: prompt $P$G ncc /fast scrollbk /ems /m128 c:\qemm\loadhi /r:2 doskey SET TZ=CST6CDT SET NFSDRIVE=C c:\qemm\loadhi /r:2 c:\lsl c:\qemm\loadhi /r:2 c:\exp16odi odinsup netbind c:\qemm\loadhi /r:2 prt * nfsrun c:\qemm\loadhi /r:1 ipxodi emsnetx f: CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram nosh DEVICE=c:\qemm\loadhi.sys /r:3 /res=4208 /sqt=f800-f8ff c:\dos\ansi.sys dos=umb,high SHELL =c:\dos\ c:\dos\ /P /E:1024 BUFFERS=40 FILES=40 DEVICE=c:\NFSPCNFS.SYS DEVICE=c:\SOCKDRV.SYS DEVICE=c:\lanman\protman.sys DEVICE=C:\lanman\NFS-NDIS.SYS LASTDRIVE=E NET.CFG: Protocol ODINSUP Bind EXP16ODI Link Driver EXP16ODI Int 5 Port 360 Frame Ethernet_II Frame Ethernet_802.2 Frame Ethernet_802.3 Frame Ethernet_snap Protocol IPX O ethernet_802.3 PROTOCOL.INI: [PROTOCOL MANAGER] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ [NFS-NDIS] DRIVERNAME = NFSLINK1 BINDINGS = EXP16ODI *************************************************************************** **** Novell NetWare and 3+Share Server ************************************ *************************************************************************** CONFIG.SYS: break = on buffers = 4 files = 20 lastdrive = h device = c:\himem.sys device = c:\oditest\protman.dos /I:\oditest <--(NOTE that the /I: device = c:\oditest\xnstp.dos parameter points to the location of PROTOCOL.INI.) AUTOEXEC.BAT: CD LSL 3C503 ODINSUP XNSTP NETBIND NETBIOS MINSES12 MSREDIR SETNAME $$3COM$$ 3CLOGIN IPXODI A NETX where path is to the directory ODINSUP.COM and NET.CFG files are found, and next available drive is LASTDRIVE plus one. For example, if LASTDRIVE=H:, the next available drive is I:. After the NetWare shell, NETX, is loaded, login to the NetWare server by accessing the drive indicated by LASTRDRIVE + 1. Use XNSTP if you are using XNS. Use IPXODI to load IPX only, not SPX. NET.CFG: protocol ODINSUP bind 3c503 link driver 3c503 frame ethernet_802.3 frame ethernet_ii frame ethernet_802.2 frame ethernet_snap Protocol IPX 0 Ethernet_802.3 PROTOCOL.INI: [PROTOCOL_MANAGER] DriverName=PROTMAN$ [XNS] DriverName=XNSTP$ Bindings=x3c503 <--(NOTE that an x must preceed the LAN DRIVER if the LAN DRIVER name begins with a number) *************************************************************************** **** Novell NetWare and Ungerman-Bass TCP NDIS Stack, UB ODI Driver ******* *************************************************************************** AUTOEXEC.BAT: PROMPT $p$g PATH c:\;c:\arch;c:\network; set NETONE=c:\arch lsl ubodi odinsup c:\arch\netbind ipxodi netx CONFIG.SYS: BUFFERS=20 FILES=25 FCBs=16,8 device=c:\arch\protman.dos /i:c:\arch device=c:\arch\ubtpw.dos device=c:\ubloop.dos rem device=c:\arch\ubnei.dos LASTDRIVE=m NET.CFG: Protocol ODINSUP Bind UBODI BUFFERED Link Driver UBODI ADAPTERTYPE Personal NIU/ex INT 5 MEM b0000 PORT 368 Frame Ethernet_802.3 Frame Ethernet_802.2 Frame Ethernet_II Frame Ethernet_snap Protocol IPX 0 Ethernet_802.3 PROTOCOL.INI: ; This is a sample PROTOCOL.INI file for the UBNEI Ungermann-Bass NDIS MAC ; driver. The [UBNEI] section shows examples of UBNEI configuration parameter ; settings. Comments at the end of the file explain these parameters and give ; their default, minimum and maximum values. ; Note that many of these parameters have default values (which are ; given below under "Comments about UBNEI parameters"). A parameter need not ; be specified in your PROTOCOL.INI if its default value is satisfactory. [PROTOCOL MANAGER] Drivername=Protman$ [TCPBIOS] Drivername=UBDRV$0 LCFile = c:\arch\ ; RCVWindow = 8 ; SendWindow = 8 VCs = 10 VCReceiveLarge = 40 VCSends = 200 Instance = 1 Bindings = "UBLOOP" [UBLOOP] DriverName = UBLOOP$ Bindings = "UBODI" [Adapter] ; DriverName = UBNEI$ AdapterType = PCNIUex MemoryWindow = 0xb0000 IO_Port = 0x368 IRQ_Level = 5 ; SlotNumber = 4 MaxRequests = 6 MaxTransmits = 6 ReceiveBufSize = 600 MaxMulticast = 16 ReceiveMethod = ReceiveLookahead ReceiveBuffers = 64 **************************************************************************** **** Novell NetWare and Ungerman-BASS XNS NDIS STACK *********************** **************************************************************************** AUTOEXEC.BAT: PROMPT $p$g PATH a:\;a:\arch;a:\network; set NETONE=a:\arch lsl ubodi odinsup a:\arch\netbind ipxodi netx CONFIG.SYS: BUFFERS=20 FILES=25 FCBs=16,8 device=a:\arch\protman.dos /i:a:\arch device=a:\arch\ubxpw.dos device=a:\ubloop.dos rem device=a:\arch\ubnei.dos LASTDRIVE=m NET.CFG: Protocol ODINSUP Bind UBODI BUFFERED Link Driver UBODI ADAPTERTYPE Personal NIU/ex INT 5 MEM b0000 PORT 368 Frame Ethernet_802.3 Frame Ethernet_802.2 Frame Ethernet_II Frame Ethernet_snap Protocol IPX 0 Ethernet_802.3 PROTOCOL.INI: ; This is a sample PROTOCOL.INI file for the UBNEI Ungermann-Bass NDIS MAC ; driver. The [UBNEI] section shows examples of UBNEI configuration parameter ; settings. Comments at the end of the file explain these parameters and give ; their default, minimum and maximum values. ; Note that many of these parameters have default values (which are ; given below under "Comments about UBNEI parameters"). A parameter need not ; be specified in your PROTOCOL.INI if its default value is satisfactory. [PROTOCOL MANAGER] Drivername=Protman$ [XNSBIOS] Drivername=UBDRV$0 LCFile = a:\arch\ RCVWindow = 8 SendWindow = 8 VCs = 10 VCReceiveLarge = 40 VCSends = 200 Instance = 1 Bindings = "UBLOOP" [UBLOOP] DriverName = UBLOOP$ Bindings = "UBODI" [Adapter] ; DriverName = UBNEI$ AdapterType = PCNIUex MemoryWindow = 0xb0000 IO_Port = 0x368 IRQ_Level = 5 ; SlotNumber = 4 MaxRequests = 6 MaxTransmits = 6 ReceiveBufSize = 600 MaxMulticast = 16 ReceiveMethod = ReceiveLookahead ReceiveBuffers = 64 *************************************************************************** **** Novell NetWare and Ungermann-Bass NDIS stack with an NE2000 ********** *************************************************************************** AUTOEXEC.BAT: REM THIS IS AN EXAMPLE AUTOEXEC.BAT FOR USING A NE2000 COMPATIBLE REM ADAPTER CARD IN A DOS WORKSTATION LOADING ONE UB NDIS TCP STACK REM AND IPXODI USING ODINSUP. SUBSTITUTE THE PATH AND SET STATEMENTS REM TO REFLECT YOUR DIRECTORY STRUCTURE. PROMPT $p$g PATH a:\;a:\arch; set NETONE=a:\arch lsl NE2000 odinsup a:\arch\netbind ipxodi netx CONFIG.SYS: REM THIS IS AN EXAMPLE CONFIG.SYS FILE FOR USING A NE2000 COMPATIBLE REM ADAPTER IN A DOS WORKSTATION LOADING ONE UB NDIS TCP STACK AND IPXODI REM USING ODINSUP. SUBSTITUTE THE PATHS TO THE DEVICES AND CHANGE THE REM LASTDRIVE STATEMENT TO MATCH YOUR ENVIRONMENT. REM ***NOTE*** ON LINE 4 USE UBTPW.DOS IF YOU WILL BE USING NETCI OR REM AN LC FILE REM ***NOTE*** ON LINE 4 USE UBTPS.DOS IF YOU WILL NOT BE USING NETCI REM OR AN LC FILE. BUFFERS=20 FILES=25 device=a:\arch\protman.dos /i:a:\arch device=a:\arch\ubtpw.dos device=a:\ubloop.dos LASTDRIVE=m NET.CFG: REM THIS IS AN EXAMPLE NET.CFG FOR USING A NE2000 COMPATIBLE REM ADAPTER IN A DOS WORKSTATION LOADING ONE UB NDIS TCP STACK AND REM IPXODI USING ODINSUP. SUBSTITUE THE INT, MEM, AND PORT SETTINGS TO REM REFLECT THE JUMPER SETTINGS ON YOUR CARD. Protocol ODINSUP Bind NE2000 BUFFERED Link Driver NE2000 INT 5 MEM D8000 PORT 360 Frame Ethernet_802.3 Frame Ethernet_802.2 Frame Ethernet_II Frame Ethernet_snap Protocol IPX 0 Ethernet_802.3 PROTOCOL.INI: REM THIS IS AN EXAMPLE PROTOCOL.INI FOR USING A NE2000 COMPATIBLE REM ADAPTER IN A DOS WORKSTATION LOADING ONE UB TCP STACK AND IPXODI REM WITH ODINSUP. SUBSTITUTE YOUR CORRECT IP ADDRESS AND SUB NET MASK. REM THE LC FILE IS ONLY REQUIRED IF NETCI WILL BE USED. SEE NOTE IN REM CONFIG.SYS EXAMPLE. [PROTOCOL MANAGER] Drivername=Protman$ [TCPBIOS] Drivername=UBDRV$0 IPAddr ="XXX.XXX.X.XXX" NetSubNetMask="XXX.XXX.XXX.X" ; LCFile = a:\arch\ VCs = 10 VCReceiveLarge = 40 VCSends = 200 Instance = 1 Bindings = "UBLOOP" [UBLOOP] DriverName = UBLOOP$ Bindings = "NE2000" *************************************************************************** *** Novell NetWare and Microsoft Windows for Workgroups with an NE2000 **** *************************************************************************** Novell testing of the released WFW product found it to work generally as specified by Microsoft when communicating to a NetWare file server. Several compatibility and performance problems that were uncovered were solved by using the Novell ODINSUP.COM file that allows NDIS protocol stacks to run unmodified over the ODI LSL and talk to an ODI LAN driver. For detailed information about specific issues relating to MS WFW and NetWare, see Novell Technical Bulletin TB.P.303, found in TBP300.ZIP in NOVLIB section 11, or in the March 1993 Novell Research NetWare Application Notes. AUTOEXEC.BAT PATH=C:\WINDOWS C:\WINDOWS\SMARTDRV.EXE LSL NE2000 ODINSUP C:\WINDOWS\NET START IPXODI REM C:\WINDOWS\MSIPX SET TEMP=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP NETX REM C:\WINDOWS\NETX Q: LOGIN SUPERVISOR NET.CFG PB BUFFERS 7 PROTOCOL ODINSUP BIND NE2000 BUFFERED LINK DRIVER NE2000 FRAME ETHERNET_802.2 FRAME ETHERNET_802.3 FRAME ETHERNET_II FRAME ETHERNET_SNAP PROTOCOL IPX 0 ETHERNET_802.3 CONFIG.SYS FILES=30 BUFFERS=30 DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\WINDOWS DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\WORKGRP.SYS LASTDRIVE=P DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS STACKS=9,256 PROTOCOL.INI [NETWORK.SETUP] VERSION=0X3100 NETCARD=NE2000,1,NE2000 TRANSPORT=MS$NETBEUI,MS$NETBEUI TRANSPORT=IPX,IPX LANA0=NE2000,1,IPX LANA1=NE2000,1,MS$NETBEUI [PROTMAN] DRIVERNAME=PROTMAN$ PRIORITY=MS$NETBEUI [NE2000] DRIVERNAME=NE2000 IOBASE=0X300 INTERRUPT=3 [MS$NETBEUI] DRIVERNAME=NETBEUI$ SESSIONS=10 NCBS=32 BINDINGS=NE2000 LANABASE=1 [IPX] DRIVERNAME=IPX MEDIATYPE=NOVELL/ETHERNET BINDINGS=NE2000 ***************************************************************** DISCLAIMER Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to any NetWare software, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability, title, or fitness for a particular purpose. Distribution of any NetWare software is forbidden without the express written consent of Novell, Inc. Further, Novell reserves the right to discontinue distribution of any NetWare software. Novell is not responsible for lost profits or revenue, loss of use of the software, loss of data, costs of re-creating lost data, the cost of any substitute equipment or program, or claims by any party other than you. Novell strongly recommends a backup be made before any software is installed. Technical support for this software may be provided at the discretion of Novell. *****************************************************************