LIST.* list of your MODfiles/WAVfiles/VOCfiles/MIDIfiles/u.s.w. MAKELIST.BAT Make the LIST.* files from Directorys (Directory2List). PLAYLIST a list of your MOD/WAV/VOC-Players and the SYNTAX-format. MODSHELL.DOC this is the file you are now reading.... MODSHELL.EXE the executable MODSHELL-Programm, (PLAYLIST=Config-file) MODSHELL v1.2 is a FREEWARE-Program written 1994 by Lars Otte ------------------------------------------------------------------ MODSHELL let you see 225 files at one time on the SCREEN, that is possible because the File-Extension are not shown.... MODSHELL show only the Files in the LIST.* files, so you can create your own Hitlist/Charts. (you can easy cut files out of the LIST.*) ARJ/ZIP/LHA are not supported, because there existing online Compressors like DOUBLESPACE and STACKER 4.0 To unpack all of your *.lzh files just type "lha x *.lzh" Now with full Mouse support for tagging and playing! Key Funktion of the Key -------------------------------- Tab stops MODSHELL <-- stops MODSHELL A...Z chose what LIST.* file shown on the Screen! 0...9 chose MOD/WAV/VOC-Player 1...10 and start playing. Enter start playing with the last chosed MOD/WAV/VOC-Player Space tagging the chosed File for multiple playing! Cursor chose one File for tag/play/delete (use better Mouse) Del delete the chosed File only from the Screen (look at Ins) Ins write the Screen back to the LIST.* file (look at Del) F1 the Help-Funktion shows the MODSHELL.DOC file F2 Info about chosed File, List of all 10 Applikations