MIDAS Sound System example programs ----------------------------------- MIDP.C MIDAS Module Player. Not very clear code, but uses most of the features currently implemented. To compile, use MIDP.MAK DBP.C MIDAS debug module player. This might not be fully up to date, as it is used only for debugging purposes. If you _REALLY_ want to use MIDAS without the timer, and think you know what you are doing, you could look here for an example on how to do that. To compile, use DBP.MAK EXAMPLES\MPLAY.C Minimal module player using MIDAS. This is about as small as a full-featured module player can get. Useful in getting you started. To compile, use EXAMPLES\C_EXP.MAK EXAMPLES\SCRDEMO.C Example on using the Timer screen synchronization to get smooth panning while music is still playing. To compile, use EXAMPLES\C_EXP.MAK EXAMPLES\EFFECTS.C Example on using simple sound effects with MIDAS. A full-featured sound effect engine will be included in the future, but for now on you can use this as a basis for your own effect system. To compile, use EXAMPLES\C_EXP.MAK EXAMPLES\MPLAY.PAS Minimal module player using MIDAS in Pascal. To compile, use EXAMPLES\PAS_EXP.MAK Note! C example programs in directory EXAMPLES need the MIDAS.LIB library, and the Pascal examples the MIDAS.TPU unit. To build them use MAKELIB.BAT and MAKETPU.BAT, respectively, in the main MIDAS directory. DBP.PAS MIDAS Pascal debug module player. As this mostly uses the MIDAS interface unit functions, it can be used as an example. Also contains code for manual polling. DBP is the only Pascal program so far using the real VU-meters and MP.GetInformation(), so it can be helpful with them as well.