Using Jaleo Under OS/2 16-Jan-95 Jaleo insert. Jaleo can be used under OS/2. The following may be of interest: 1) Jaleo does not need direct access to HW_TIMER and so can use the virtual timer. However, if you select a AIR value > 1024 you will have to use HW_TIMER ON (OS/2 only gives you a max of 1024 interrupts per second with the virtual timer). Also, if using the virtual timer (i.e., HW_TIMER OFF), going back to OS/2 will slow down Jaleo if you are at AIR=1024 (OS/2 ticks at 1024Hz). Anyway, typically, you can set HW_TIMER ON and have no ill effects, but you can use HW_TIMER OFF, too. Note: If you have an OPL2- or OPL3-based card (basic SBs, PAS-16, AdLib, etc.) you may need to run with HW_TIMER ON. This because delays are required when accessing this devices ports and the timing used by Ruckus is exact. Since the virtual timer returns useless info when polling the 8254 device (the PIT), the delays used by Ruckus are invalid. In addition, if HW_TIMER is OFF, the LOAD-STAT view of the load % is also invalid. Exiting Jaleo should be done with Alt-X so that all systems are properly shut down. Terminating Jaleo from OS/2 by closing it is not recommended. 2) I'm running Warp, with HPFS and FAT (see my CONFIG.SY_) and I have no problems with speed. It'd be great to have more memory, but that requires 16MB (8 1MB slots are filled now). I am running this editor (SST, DOS), PWB (doing my Bullet/2 docs, also DOS), and Jaleo playing ECHOES.MID, and playing it smoothly. WPS is there, too. What you probably won't want to do is run a download with Jaleo going, but I haven't tried any OS/2 comm programs (have ZOC 2.03 to try), so I don't know -- maybe using HW_TIMER OFF will make this simple. Don't know yet. Stay tuned. ------ 0.67g: Okay, tried it with ZOC 2.03. Since it was getting CRC errors (expected, actually), I added a priority selection. In the DEVICES area, at the bottom, is PRIORITY. Select "System" for full-speed downloads (I get 1610 using ZOC 2.03 with Jaleo blasting away). Select "Jaleo" for smoothest sound. After starting your download (with system priority), you can move Jaleo to the foreground for increased smoothness. It's not terribly noticable with system priority for OPL or MPU-401 devices, but the GUS is not so kind unless it has the run of the show. Nothing serious, but some events are missed. Experiment. PRIORITY selection affects only the 8254/0 and RTC, not the OnCard clock sources. You cannot use the RTC under OS/2 or Windows since the OS uses it for scheduling. 3) Included is a simple icon. You probably do not want to run Jaleo as a Windowed app. If you do, the smaller the window the better. Using the NONE or SYS-STAT view screens of Jaleo work the best; the others tend to slow playback, at least on my system (i486/33, ISA-ET4000). Be sure to have your autoexec.bat run any needed setup program. For example, I have the GUS, its DB/16 and an SB16 with a Rio attach. I run the GUSINIT program (that program unhooks the GUS from the SB16 OPL ports -- won't get OPL unless its run) and that's about it. The SB16 needs to run SBCONFIG.EXE (or whatever it's called now, DIAGNOSE?); the Rio doesn't need anything. If you want max memory, use CGA as your video. That gets you about 100K more for data storage, after the program's loaded. The background is black, though, rather than gray. I'll see if I can get a copy of my DOS SETTINGS for my Jaleo object. See SETTINGS.DOS for the output from the DOS SETTINGS print to file. It's encoded format, but you should be able to figure it out by comparing it to an output of your current default settings. The idea, in case you don't know, is to make a "Jaleo" program object. This way, the settings only affect Jaleo, and only when you start it (by clicking on the object). Make your own AUTOEXEC.JAL that runs any needed setup. See mine as an example. 4) Jaleo will play up to 8 tunes. If you want these to repeat, in the MANAGER, SETUP, MIDI dialog there is a menu for LOOP. Pick 2-List. This loops through all the tunes (never ending). Related is the FADE. This is the time spent waiting after the tune has ended and the time Jaleo shuts it down, or if LOOP, starts the next tune. Sure, Jaleo may become a full-blown app with jukebox-like features, but for now, it is nothing more than a test program. 5) There seems to be mouse tracks left when you click on an item and that area is not redrawn. This may just be a problem with my video driver. It doesn't occur under straight DOS. If you don't like the mess (it's not really that bad), just select another view and the redraw will clean it up. You'll only notice this in the OKAY, CANCEL dialog button areas, and only the character that is under the mouse cursor at the time of the click. That's it for now.