BUG WARNING! This composer has 1 bug that I have not been able to squash, and its a bad one. This composer runs fine on most systems, but on a few systems ive tested it on, it has totally refused to run. That is it would either lock up or reboot the system. I have tracked this down to a problem in my V86 interface to DOS, but im not sure which side of the protection its on, and considering ive got exception handlers which should tell me when something screwed up, the fact that it locks up! is, well, strange. Rebooting I can inderstand, but locking up! On a 386 in protected mode!!! Anyways I have encountered this bug only in certain old 386DX systems, no its not the step level of the chips, one of em was a D0. So im looking at the BIOSes and any hardware abnormalities. Hopefully itll run on your system, if it doesnt, contact me, Tran, on a Renaissance board somewhere and give me all the info you can about your system. No matter how infinitesimally unimportant it may seem to be...