Z i p M a n a g e r ---------------------- Version 3.01 User's Manual File Compression Management For Windows 3.0 Moon Valley Software Inc 107 East Paradise Lane Phoenix, Arizona 85022 Voice (602)375-9502 BBS (602)375-0531 (c) Copyright 1990 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction Zip Manager User's Manual Introduction ------------ Zip Manger is a complete Windows 3.0 environment for PKZIP,'UNZIP, ARC-E, and LHarc file compression utilities. It also supports the virus detection program SCAN, and the popular LIST program. If you do a large amount of file compression work, Zip Manager will increase your productivity significantly. The nature of the Windows GUI(Graphical User Interface) allows you to maintain and create compressed files with a high degree of accuracy and speed. Once you start using Zip Manager you won't want to work any other way! Zip Manager is being distributed as shareware it is not free software. After you have evaluated it you are obligated to register your copy if you continue using it. You are encouraged to make copies of this program and pass them along to your friends, your favorite BBS, etc... This documentation thoroughly covers the operation of Zip Manager. If you are in a hurry to start, please refer to the Quick Start Section of the documentation. This will ensure that you have installed Zip Manager correctly. If you are upgrading from version 2.X of Zip Manager be sure to read the Upgrading From 2.X section also. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual i ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS Page # ----------------- ------ INSTALLATION AND SETUP Installing Zip Manager (Quick Start) ................................ 1 Running The Setup Program ........................................... 1 - 2 Upgrading From Version 2.X .......................................... 2 80386 vs 80282/8088 Operation ....................................... 2 LAN Compatibility ................................................... 2 ZIP MANAGER FUNCTIONS Creating A New Zip File ............................................. 3 Extracting A Zip File ............................................... 4 Extracting Arc Files ................................................ 5 Extracting Lzh Files ................................................ 5 Adding Files To A Zip ............................................... 5 - 6 Moving Files Into A Zip ............................................. 6 Deleting Files In A Zip ............................................. 6 - 7 Freshening Files In A Zip ........................................... 7 Updating Files In A Zip ............................................. 7 Move Files Not Backed Up Into A Zip ................................. 8 Testing A Zip File .................................................. 8 Comments Types ...................................................... 8 Adding a Zip File Title Comment ..................................... 9 Add/Edit The Comment For Every File In The Zip ...................... 9 Add Comments to New Files Only ...................................... 9 User Selected Files To Comment ...................................... 10 Viewing Zip Files, The Short/Brief Listing .......................... 10 Viewing Files The Long/Verbose Listing............................... 10 USING THE SWITCHES CORRECTLY Switches Introduction ............................................... 11 Password Encrypt Switch ............................................. 11 Store Path Information Switch ....................................... 11 Recurse Directories Switch .......................................... 11 - 12 Using Recurse Step By Step .......................................... 12 Retain Original Date Switch.......................................... 12 Create Directories On Extraction Switch ............................. 13 ZIP MANAGER EXTENDED FEATURES Using ARC-E With Zip Manager ........................................ 5 Using LHArc with Zip Manager ........................................ 5 Using Your Text Editor With Zip Manager ............................. 13 Using LIST With Zip Manager ......................................... 13 Making Self Extracting Zip Files With Zip Manager.................... 14 Using Virus SCAN with Zip Manager.................................... 14 Repairing Damaged Files With Zip Manager ............................ 14 - 15 ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual ii ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table Of Contents Cont... Zip Manager User's Manual APPENDIX A ---------- Control and Shift Key Quick Reference ............................... 16 APPENDIX B How to obtain The LIST, ARC-E, SCAN, and LHarc Programs ............. 17 - 18 APPENDIX C Zip Manager License Agreement ....................................... 19 - 21 APPENDIX D Using Zip Manager and PKZIP with a RAM DRIVE ........................ 22 APPENDIX E Trouble Shooting, Technical Support and Registration Info ........... 23 - 24 ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual iii ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual -> NOTATION CONVENTION <- ------------------------ Important points throughout the documentation are highlighted by this -> symbol. If you decide to give this document only a cursory read through, please be sure you read the highlighted portions! They contain important information that is crucial for proper program operation. QUICK START ----------- Installing Zip Manager ---------------------- If you decide to use Zip Manager before reading this documentation, here are the minimum requirements needed to setup Zip Manager. -> PLEASE NOTE: In addition to the Zip Manager program files. You will also need the following programs in order to use All of Zip Managers features. PKZIP.EXE, PKUNZIP.EXE, ZIP2EXE.EXE, PKZIPFIX.EXE, ARC-E.COM, LHARC.EXE, SCAN.EXE, and LIST.COM. Zip Manager will function with just PKZIP and PKUNZIP, although the other features will not be available. See appendix B for information on where to obtain these programs. If you are upgrading from Zip Manager 2.X read the Upgrading to Zip Manager 3.0 section BEFORE PROCEEDING ANY FURTHER! 1.) Make a sub-directory where you would like to keep your Zip Manager program files. Copy the contents of the distribution disk to your directory. If you have the shareware version, unzip the ZM31.zip in your target directory. 2.) Check to see that the following files are present: ZM.EXE -----------> The MAIN Windows Executable Program. ZMSCAN.EXE -------> The DOS Command Line Interpreter For Zip Manager. ZMSHELL.EXE ------> The DOS Program For Extracting Zip's To A temp directory or ram drive. ZMSCAN.PIF -------> The Program Information File For ZMSCAN.EXE. ZM.HLP -----------> The Windows hypertext help file for Zip Manager. ZM31.DOC ---------> The Zip Manager 3.01 Documentation (This File). REGISTER.FRM -----> The shareware registration form.(Please!) UPDATE.DOC -------> Version 3.01 update information. PRNDOCS.COM ------> Program to print the program documantation. README.1ST -------> Important information not in the documentation. ZMDIAG.TXT -------> How to use Zip Manager to test bios compatibility. Included as reference material. Not Applicable to Version 3.01 3.) Add the directory into which you have installed Zip Manager to the path statement in your autoexec.bat file. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual 4.) The files ZM.EXE, ZMSCAN.EXE, ZMSHELL.EXE and ZMSCAN.PIF must be kept in the directory you installed Zip Manager in. This will ensure that Zip Manager can locate ZMSCAN.EXE, ZMSHELL.EXE, and Windows will find ZMSCAN.PIF. 5.) Add ZM.EXE to a Windows Program Manager group. -> Setting The Program Defaults <- ---------------------------- 6.) Run Zip Manager and select Setup from the menu. You need to tell Zip Manager where it can find the files it needs. The Input Boxes are horizontal scrolling fields which will hold up to a MAXIMUM of 64 Characters. For each program file you will need to specify the COMPLETE DRIVE, PATH, AND FILE NAME. See the example below: |--[Setup Example]----------------------------------------------------| | PKZIP Location: c:\utilities\pkzip.exe | | PKUNZIP Location: c:\utilities\pkunzip.exe | | ZIP2EXE Location: c:\utilities\zip2exe.exe | | PKZIPFIX Location: c:\utilities\pkzipfix.exe | | LHARC Location: d:\bin\pgms\lharc.exe | | ARC-E Location: f:\arcs\arc-e.com | | SCAN Location: e:\rx\scan.exe | | LIST Location: c:\utilities\list.com | | TEXT EDITOR Location: d:\path\Editor Name(Your Favorite Text Editor| | Or Word Processor) | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| 7.) The above directions will let get you started using Zip Manager. In order to learn the full potential and correct operation of Zip Manager please read the documentation! -> Upgrading to Zip Manager 3.0 From Version 2.0 <- --------------------------------------------- If you have been using Zip Manager 2.X it is vitally important that you follow the instructions below exactly! 1.) Delete the following files from your hard drive! ZM.EXE, ZM1.EXE, ZM.HLP, ZM1.PIF, PKZIP.PIF and PKUNZIP.PIF 2.) Zip Manager 3.0 is an entirely new program and shares nothing in common with previous versions. 3.) Just to stress again, please be sure that you have deleted all of the files Listed in #1 above. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual USING ZIP MANAGER ----------------- 80386 vs 80286/8088 Operation ----------------------------- -> When you are using a 80386 Computer Zip Manager will open a DOS Window so that you may see the progression of your request. On a 80286/8088 Computer Zip Manager will open a Full Screen DOS Window since these these processors are not capable of running concurrent virtual machines like the 80386. Full LAN Compatibility ---------------------- Zip Manager is fully compatible with all networks currently supported by Windows 3.0. It will provide the user with a "File Currently In Use By Another User" message if two people try to access the same Zip File. Complete Support Of Self-Extracting EXE Files. --------------------------------------------- -> Zip Manager Fully Supports Self-Extracting EXE files created with the ZIP2EXE program provided with PKZIP. You can perform exactly the same functions on these files as those described in this manual for Zip files. Using Zip Manager Step By Step ------------------------------ This section of the documentation will function as both a tutorial and a reference section for each function available from the Zip Manager menu. -> NOTE: For EACH Zip Manager function, the CAPTION BAR of the Dialog Box will display the CURRENT ACTION REQUIRED. This is done to provide you with a consistent user interface and to preserve system resources for your other Windows programs by using as few Dialog Boxes as possible. Creating A New Zip File Accelerator Key Ctrl + N ------------------------ 1.) Select File from the main menu by either Clicking on it with your mouse, pressing Alt + F then the letter N or pressing the CTRL + N key. 2.) The create a new Zip File Dialog Box will be displayed. The cursor will be resting on an Input field with a caption that reads, Enter Name/Mask or select from List. The File Spec mask reads *.zip. 3.) Press the backspace key to clear the field and Enter the name of the new Zip File you wish to create. Then press Enter or Click on the OK button. 4.) A new Dialog Box will be displayed. The caption reads "Select Files For the new Zip" ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual Creating A New Zip Cont... 5.) You will see that the cursor is flashing in the File Mask field. You have the option of leaving the mask set to *.* to display all files in a directory or you may change it to display only certain files such as *.bat to see all the batch files only. You can also Enter a full or partial filename. For instance to display all of the files with the name Doodle. You would Enter Doodle.* in the mask Box. 6.) The next option is the Use Wildcards Check Box. If you would like to add files to the Zip that only match a certain File Spec you should Click on this Box to check it. In this example we will use a Wildcard. Click on the Check Box now. -> NOTE: When you are selecting files to Add to a Zip you do not have to use files that are in the same directory where are adding to or creating the Zip File. The only requirement is that you have to add files that reside in the same directory for each operation. In other words, if you want to add files from more than one directory to a Zip you must add them one directory at a time. 7.) Now we need to Enter a Wildcard File Spec. Lets assume that we only want to add the files that end with .DOC to our Zip. Press the tab key or Click on the W/C Mask field, and Enter *.doc To create the new Zip press Enter. -> NOTE: To add all the files in a directory to the Zip simply set the Wildcard Mask to *.* then press Enter or OK. -> NOTE: In the select files Dialog Box there are Three fields labeled Size, Date, and Time. As you Click on a file in the Select Files List Box its size in bites, date, and the time stamp are displayed. This is extremely useful if you are working with similarly named files. It will let you inspect each file so that only the correct ones are selected. Extracting A Zip File Accelerator Key Ctrl + Z ------------------------ 1.) Select Edit from the main menu by either Clicking on it with your mouse, pressing Alt E then the letter E. You will notice that the extract menu item has an arrow pointing to the right. Click on Extract or press Enter. A cascading menu will appear allowing you to select the type of file you wish to extract. Select Zip Files from the menu. 2.) The Extract a Zip File Dialog Box will be displayed. Select the Zip file you wish to extract. If the file is located on a different drive or directory select it by Clicking on the drive's/directories until the correct file is found. Now press Enter or Click on OK. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual Extracting A Zip Cont... 3.) You are now presented with the option of extracting all of the files in the Zip, Selected Files in the Zip, and whether or not you would like to extract the files to a specific sub-directory. In this example lets extract selected files to a sub-directory. Click on selected files, and on Extract to a Sub-directory. Now press Enter or Click on OK. 4.) You will see a message on the screen that informs you that Zip Manager is reading the Zip File. In a few seconds a Dialog box will be displayed showing you all of the available files in the Zip. 5.) -> Please note that this Dialog Box has an extra button that reads "Display Mask". This functions with the File Spec you have Entered in the File Mask Box. If you changed the File Spec from *.* (the default) to *.bat, you would then Click on the Display Mask button to display only those files with the extension of *.bat -> If you change the File Spec, press the Tab key or Click on the Display Mask button. Pressing Enter or OK will cause an error message Box to appear notifying you that at least one file must be selected for this operation. 6.) Now select files from the List. When finished press Enter or Click on OK. 7.) -> A Dialog Box will now prompt you for the directory into which you would like to extract the files. At this point you can Enter the complete drive and path destination in the scrollable edit field, or simply use the mouse to select the drive and directory from the List Box. When ready press Enter, or Click on OK to complete the extraction process. Extracting ARC Files Accelerator Key Ctrl + R ------------------------ The steps to extract a file with ARC-E are identical to those for extracting a Zip File with the following exception. -> You are able to extract entire ARC files only. You do have the option of extracting them to a selected directory however. Zip Manager was designed with the assumption that once you extract an ARC file you could then create a new zip file to store the newly de-compressed files. It is most awkward to have files stored on your drive in more than one compression format. Since Zip has become the defacto standard for file compression supporting other file compression methods makes little sense. It is however, important to allow the user to de-compress these formats. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual Extracting LZH Files Accelerator Key Ctrl + H ------------------------- The steps to extract a file with LHARC are identical to those for extracting a Zip File with the following exception. -> You are able to extract entire LZH files only. You do have the option of extracting them to a selected directory however. Zip Manager was designed with the assumption that once you extract an LZH file you could then create a new zip file to store the newly de-compressed files. It is most awkward to have files stored on your drive in more than one compression format. Since Zip has become the defacto standard for file compression supporting other file compression methods makes little sense. It is however, important to allow the user to de-compress these formats. Working With Existing Zip Files ------------------------------- |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | -> Please note this important distinction between Adding files to an | | existing Zip File and Moving files into an existing Zip. | | When you ADD files to a Zip the original files are left intact on | | your drive. When you MOVE files into a Zip the original files are | | deleted from your drive AFTER the Zip is created. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| Adding Files To A Zip Accelerator Key Ctrl + A ------------------------ 1.) Select Edit from the main menu. Then select Add from the pull down menu. You can also use the Accelerator key combination Ctrl + A. 2.) The Open A Zip File Dialog Box will be displayed. You may Enter a Zip File name in the edit field, or select one from the List Box. If you choose to Enter the file name manually you can also Enter the complete drive and path parameters to the Zip File. Once you have made your selection press Enter or Click on OK. 3.) The Select Files To Add Dialog Box will now be displayed. 4.) You will see that the cursor is flashing in the File Mask field. You have the option of leaving the mask set to *.* to display all files in a directory or you may change it to display only ceratin files such as *.bat to see all the batch files only. You can also Enter a full or partial filename. For instance to display all of the files with the name myltr, you would Enter myltr.* in the mask Box. 5.) The next option is the Use Wildcards Check Box. If you would like to add files to the Zip that only match a certain File Spec you should Click on this Box to check it. In this example we will use a Wildcard. Click on the Check Box now. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual Adding Files Cont... 6.) Now we need to Enter a Wildcard File Spec. Lets assume that we only want to add the files that end with .C to our Zip. Press the tab key or Click on the W/C Mask field, and Enter *.C -> NOTE: When you are selecting files to Add to a Zip you do not have to use files that are in the same directory where are adding to or creating the Zip File. The only requirement is that you have to add files that reside in the same directory for each operation. In other words, if you want to add files from more than one directory to a Zip you must add them one directory at a time. -> NOTE: To add all the files in a directory to the Zip simply set the Wildcard Mask to *.* then press Enter or OK. -> NOTE: In the select files Dialog Box there are Three fields labeled Size, Date, and Time. As you Click on a file in the Select Files List Box its size in bites, date, and the time stamp are displayed. This is extremely useful if you are working with similarly named files. It will let you inspect each file so that only the correct ones are selected. 7.) When you have finished selecting files press Enter, or Click on OK. Moving Files Into A Zip Accelerator Key Ctrl + M ------------------------- 1.) To Move files into an existing Zip choose Move from the Edit Menu. 2.) Follow the same procedures as described above in adding files to a zip since the only difference in these procedures is the way the files are handled as outlined at the beginning of this section. Deleting Files Selected or an Entire Zip Accelerator Key Ctrl + D ------------------------- 1.) Select Edit from the Main Menu, then choose Delete. 2.) The Delete A Zip File Dialog Box will be displayed. You may Enter a Zip File name in the edit field, or select one from the List Box. If you choose to Enter the file name manually you can also Enter the complete drive and path parameters to the Zip File. Once you have made your selection press Enter or Click on OK. 3.) You will now see a Dialog Box asking whether to delete the entire Zip file, or selected files within the Zip File. The delete an entire file is self explanatory. To delete selected files from a zip, Click on the selected files radio button and press Enter or Click on OK. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual Deleting Files Cont... 4.) The select files to delete Dialog Box will be displayed. 5.) -> Please note that this Dialog Box has an extra button that reads "Display Mask". This functions with the File Spec you have Entered in the File Mask Box. If you changed the File Spec from *.* (the default) to *.bat, you would then Click on the Display Mask button to display only those files with the extension of *.bat -> If you change the File Spec, either press the tab key or Click on the display mask button. Pressing Enter or OK will cause an error message Box to appear notifying you that one file must be selected for this operation. 6.) Select files from the List. When finished press Enter or Click on OK. The files you selected will be deleted from the Zip. Freshen A Zip Accelerator Ctrl + F --------------------- 1.) Select Edit from the main menu, and then select Freshen from the pull down menu. 2.) Select a Zip File to freshen from the Freshen/Backup Dialog Box. 3.) Freshen will compare the current files contained in the Zip File you selected with the files currently in the SAME directory as the Zip File. If it detects that any of the files on disk have a more recent time and or date stamp it will automatically update the Zip File with the more recent file(s) contained on the disk. If none of the files have changed you will get a message in the DOS Window from PKZIP saying "PKZIP nothing to do". Updating A Zip File Accelerator Key Ctrl + U ------------------------- 1.) Select Edit from the main menu, and then select Update from the pull down menu. 2.) Select a Zip File to update from the Update a Zip File Dialog Box. 3.) Updating a Zip is nearly the same as Adding files to a Zip. It is intended to act as a manual version of freshen. The object is to let you decide which files on disk have changed since the Zip File was created that YOU want to update in the Zip. Freshen on the other hand automatically updates every file that has changed even if you may not want it to. To summarize Update is basically a manual way to add selected files to an existing zip where the same files exist in the Zip. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual Not Backed Up Since Accelerator Key Ctrl + B ------------------------- 1.) The not backed up since option adds to the Zip all files that are in the current directory that haven't been backed up by the data backup program you normally use. Most backup programs change the file attribute so that the next time you run the program it will allow you to backup only the files that have changed since your last backup. The PKZIP switch used for this option is -i It looks for files that have not been backed up. 2.) To use this option select the Not Backed Up Since option from the Edit menu. 3.) Select the Zip File you want to use from the List Box, or Enter the name of the Zip File you want to use in the edit field Box. 4.) Zip Manager will now Add every file that has not been previously backed up into the Zip File you selected. Testing A Zip File Accelerator Key Ctrl + T ------------------------- 1.) To test a Zip File for integrity select the Edit from the main menu and then select Test from the pull down menu. 2.) Select the Zip File you want to test from the List Box, or Enter the name of the Zip File you want to test in the edit field Box. Press Enter or Click on OK. The results of the test will be displayed in the Window. 3.) If a Zip File is found to have some form of error you should use PKZIPFIX to attempt to repair it. You should then UNZIP it and create a new zip file with the files that you just extracted. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual COMMENTING ZIP FILES -------------------- -> NOTE: There Are 4 Ways To Comment A Zip File with Zip Manager. 1.) Add a Title Comment ONLY, Use Zip File Title from the menu. 2.) Add or edit comments to every file in the Zip. Use the Add/Edit Menu Option. 3.) Add a comment only to those files in a Zip that do NOT already have a comment. Use the New Files Option. 4.) Add or edit a comment to a file in an existing Zip by selecting the file(s) manually. Choose User Selected from the menu. Adding A Zip File Title Comment ------------------------------- 1.) To add a title comment to the Zip File select Edit from the main menu. You will see the Comments selection on the pull down menu. In this example we will add a Zip File Title. Select Zip File title from the menu and press Enter or Click on OK. 2.) Select the Zip File you want to comment from the List Box, or Enter the name of the Zip File you want to comment in the edit field Box. Press Enter or Click on Ok. You will see the DOS Window open on 386 Computers or the full screen Window on 286 Computers. Pkzip will run and ask you to Enter the comment for this Zip File. Enter the comment you want to add and press Enter. You will be prompted to press a key to return to Zip Manager. Add/Edit Zip File Comments -------------------------- 1.) To add/edit comments in an existing Zip File select Edit from the main menu. You will see the Comments selection on the pull down menu. It is a cascading menu item. In this example we will add/edit comments to each file in the Zip. Select Add/Edit Zip from the menu and press Enter or Click on OK. 2.) Select the Zip File you want to use from the List Box, or Enter the name of the Zip File in the edit field Box. Press Enter or Click on Ok. You will see the DOS Window open on 386 Computers or the full screen Window on 286 Computers. Pkzip will run and display the old comment. If there wasn't an old comment that line will be blank. You will be prompted to Enter the new comment for each file in the Zip. If you don't want to add a comment to a particular file simply press Enter for that file. This process will repeat until each file in the Zip has had a comment added to it, or the old comment has been updated. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual Adding Comments to New Files Accelerator Key Shift + N ----------------------------- 1.) To add a comment to new files in a Zip select Edit from the main menu. You will see the Comments selection on the pull down menu. It is a cascading menu item. In this example we will use New Files. Select New Files from the menu and press Enter or Click on OK. 2.) Select the Zip File you want to use from the List Box, or Enter the name of the Zip File in the edit field Box. Press Enter or Click on OK. You will see the DOS Window open on 386 Computers or the full screen Window on 286 Computers. Pkzip will run and display only those files that DO NOT PRESENTLY have a comment. Enter a comment for each new file when prompted by PKZIP. User Selected Comments Accelerator Key Shift + U ------------------------- 1.) To add a comment to user selected files in a Zip select Edit from the main menu. You will see the Comments selection on the pull down menu. It is a cascading menu item. In this example we will use User Selected. Choose User Selected from the menu and press Enter or Click on OK. 2.) Select the Zip File you want to use from the List Box, or Enter the name of the Zip File in the edit field Box. Press Enter or Click on Ok. You will now be presented with a List of files contained in the Zip. Click on the ones you wish to add comments to and then press Enter or Click on OK. PKZIP will now start and allow you to add comments to the files that were selected. VIEWING ZIP FILES ----------------- -> Zip Manager now reads the Zip Files directly, bypassing the need to use PKUNZIP altogether. This allows Zip Manager to run this portion as a true Windows 3.0 application. Zip Manager will List the files in the order they are stored in the Zip File. -> Short/Brief vs Long/Verbose Listing. The short Listing shows you the file name, size, compression method, etc... The long/verbose option gives you additional information on CRC values and file attributes. Both options will display file comments if they are present. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual To View a Zip File follow these steps. Accelerator keys: Short Listing Ctrl + S Long Listing Ctrl + L ------------------------------------- 1.) Select View from the main menu. 2.) Select the file you wish to view from the Dialog Box. Press Enter or Click on OK. The file will be Listed in the Zip Manager Client area. You can use the Up, Dn, Left, Right, arrow keys to scroll around the Window to view the Zip. You can also use the PgUp and PgDn keys as well as the mouse to view the file area. Clearing The Currently Displayed File. Accelerator Key Shift + C ------------------------------------- After you have finished viewing a Zip File, you can clear that Listing from the Window by selecting Clear List Window from the View Menu, or press Shift + the C key. UNDERSTANDING THE SWITCHES -------------------------- -> In order to use the optional PKZIP and PKUNZIP command line switches provided in the Zip Manager Switches Menu, PLEASE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. -> If you store either path names or have PKZIP recurse sub-directories YOU MUST!! read the section below that explains how to use these features within the Zip Manager environment! -> The items on the switches menu are check mark activated. When you check a menu item it will remain checked(on) until you either un-check it (off) or close Zip Manager. Password Protection Of Your Zip Files ------------------------------------- To add password protection select the Switches Menu and then Click on Password Encrypt. Now when you choose any of the Zip Manager file operations you will first be presented with a Dialog Box in which you Enter the Password. This password will then be stored as part of the Zip File. This option works when adding individual files to a Zip, or when creating new Zip Files. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual Storing Path Information The -P Option ------------------------ When you check the -P Store Path Info Option, Zip Manager will store along with each file you add to the Zip, the full path name where that file was located. Recursing Directories With Zip Manager The -rp Option -------------------------------------- A brief explanation of how this option works within the Zip Manager environment follows: When you tell Zip Manager that you wish to recurse directories you are asking it to store all of the files in the current directory in the Zip, AND to store the files IN EVERY DIRECTORY under the current one in the Zip also. If for example you decided to recurse your Comm directory and the tree under your comm dir looked like the example below: comm--| |---|--Files1 | |--Files2 | |--Files3 The resulting Zip File would contain all of the files in Comm AND all of the files in the \Comm\Files1, \Comm\Files1\Files2, and \Comm\Files1\ \Files2\Files3 directories. This allows you to create backups of selected directories for archival or routine data backup. When you UNZIP this file using the -d switch from the menu PKUNZIP will restore the files into their correct directories. If you had a hard drive crash and had saved this Zip to a floppy disk you could restore the entire directory structure to your hard disk simply by selecting the drive letter on which you wanted it created. PKUNZIP will take care of creating the directories if they don't exist. This option gives Zip Manager the added ability to act as a hard disk backup program for your data. -> NOTE!: If you plan to Use the -rp switch read the following directions carefully. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU FOLLOW EACH STEP EXACTLY AS DESCRIBED BELOW!!! ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual USING -rp STEP BY STEP ---------------------- 1.) Select the switches menu and Click on the -rp Recurse Directories/Path option to select it. 2.) Select New or Edit from the main menu. Use the Drive/Directory List Box to select the directory where you want to create or add to a Zip File. 3.) Enter the Name of the Zip File you want to create if you making a new Zip, or select a Zip File from the List of available Files. 4.) The select files to add Dialog Box will now be displayed. Ignore the File Mask edit field as it has no effect when you are using recurse. DO NOT SELECT ANY INDIVIDUAL FILES TO ADD TO THE ZIP. This will prevent the recurse option from working. 5.) Activate the Use Wildcards Check Box by Clicking on it. 6.) Now Enter the Wildcard information. Zip Manager already knows the full path information. Enter *.* as the Wildcard File Spec to use. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY THE RECURSE OPTION WILL WORK! 7.) Now press Enter Or Click On OK. This will start PKZIP and you can observe the progression as it first adds every file in the current directory to the Zip, and then proceeds to Add files from every directory that resides under the current one. Congratulations! That's all there is to storing multiple Dir's in a single Zip File. Retain the Original Zip Date The -k Option ---------------------------- By setting the -k Retain original Zip File date option it will force PKZIP to keep the Zip Files Original date. In other words if the Zip had a date of 01-10-80 and you added files to it on 12-10-90. The Zip File would retain the 01-10-80 date. Create Directories On Extraction The -d PKUNZIP Switch -------------------------------- If you have a Zip File which was created with either the -P option or the -rp recurse option you can set the -d switch on to inform PKUNZIP to restore the files to the directory name stored with each file in the Zip. This is a handy way to restore a file, or an entire directory that may have become corrupt. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 14 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual ZIP MANAGER OPTIONS ------------------- The options menu contains the following choices. The Following programs are supported fully by Zip Manager but ARE NOT REQUIRED if you don't feel you need them. Edit/Print Accelerator Key Ctrl + E ------------------------ This option calls the text editor or Word Processor you specified in the Zip Manager Setup. When you select this option Zip Manager will present a List of every file contained in the directory you select. Simply pick the file you wish to load into your text editor. You can only edit one file at a time. When you have selected a file to edit, press Enter or Click on OK. The editor will start and the file will be loaded, ready to work on. Using The LIST.Com Program Accelerator Key Ctrl + F2 -------------------------- Zip Manager supports LIST.Com written by Vernon D. Buerg. This is an extremely useful program for quickly looking at files contained in a Zip File. If you use LIST with Zip Manager please register your copy with its author. Complete information on where to contact the author of each program is contained in Appendix B. Zip Manager uses LIST to allow you to view a file in a Zip without having to extract the entire Zip File first. To use LIST follow these steps: 1.) Choose Run LIST.Com from the options menu or press Ctrl + F2 2.) The select a Zip File to LIST Dialog Box will now be displayed. Choose A Zip File and press Enter or Click on OK. 3.) A Dialog Box displaying the files contained in the Zip will be Displayed. Choose the file that you want LIST to load and press Enter or Click on OK. Zip Manager will attempt to extract the Zip File to the \Windows\Temp\ directory. If you have the set temp = to a different drive/directory Zip Manager will use that directory to temporarily extract the file from the Zip. LIST will start and the file you selected will be displayed. NOTE: LIST Will NOT run in a DOS Window even on 80386 computers. At the time this documentation was written a new version of LIST is in beta test that will run in a DOS Window. 4.) When you have finished using LIST, Zip Manager will delete the temporary file from the disk. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual Using Scan With Zip Manager Accelerator Key Ctrl + F3 --------------------------- Zip Manager fully supports the Virus Detection program Scan, published by McAfee Associates. You will notice that there will always be a number following scan. This indicates the number of known virus's that the current version knows about. If you use Scan with Zip Manager please register your copy with its author. Complete information on where to contact the author of each program is contained in Appendix B. To use Scan follow these steps: 1.) Choose Scan For Virus from the options menu or press Ctrl + F2 2.) You will be presented with a Dialog Box displaying all of the files in the current directory. Choose the EXE of COM file you wish to Scan from the List Box and press Enter or Click on OK. 3.) A DOS Window will open up on 386 Computers, and a full screen Window will be displayed on 286 Computers. You will be able to watch as Scan tests the selected file. After you have viewed the results you can press any key to close the Window and return to Zip Manager. Making Self-Extracting EXE Files Accelerator Key Ctrl + F4 -------------------------------- This option uses the Zip2Exe.exe program that comes with PKZIP. To create a Self Extracting EXE follow these steps: 1.) Choose Make Self Extracting Zip from the options menu or press Ctrl + F4 2.) You will be presented with a Dialog Box displaying available Zip Files. Choose the Zip File you wish to convert and press Enter or Click on OK. 3.) A DOS Window will open up on 386 Computers, and a full screen Window will be displayed on 286 Computers. You will be able to watch as the zip file is converted to an EXE file with the same name. The original zip file is left intact on the disk. You now have a Self Extracting executable. This is very useful if you will be sending compressed files to other users who may not have a copy of PKUNZIP. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual Repairing Damaged Zip Files Accelerator Key Ctrl + F5 --------------------------- An entire Zip File may become damaged, or files within the Zip may become damaged from time to time. Zip Manager supports PKZIPFIX so that you can attempt to repair these files. This option uses the PKZIPFIX.EXE program that comes with PKZIP. To repair a Zip File follow these steps: 1.) Choose Repair Zip File from the options menu or press Ctrl + F5 2.) You will be presented with a Dialog Box displaying available Zip Files. Choose the Zip File you wish to repair and press Enter or Click on OK. 3.) A DOS Window will open up on 386 Computers, and a full screen Window will be displayed on 286 Computers. You will be able to watch as the zip file repair is attempted. The repaired Zip File is renamed to PKFIXED.ZIP. The original zip file is left intact on the disk. You should now try to extract the PKFIXED.ZIP file and then create a new Zip with the files that were successfully extracted. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual APPENDIX A ---------- Control Key Quick Reference --------------------------- Ctrl + A........................ Add new files to a Zip Ctrl + B........................ Backup Files (-i) switch Ctrl + D........................ Delete a Zip or files in the Zip Ctrl + E........................ Start you editor and load a file Ctrl + F........................ Freshen a Zip file Ctrl + H........................ Extract an LZH file Ctrl + L........................ View a Zip, Long Zip listing Ctrl + M........................ Move files into a Zip Ctrl + N........................ Create a New Zip file Ctrl + R........................ Extract an ARC file Ctrl + S........................ View a Zip, Short Listing Ctrl + T........................ Test a Zip Ctrl + U........................ Update a Zip Ctrl + X........................ Exit Zip Manager(Quit) Ctrl + Z........................ Extract a Zip file Ctrl + F2....................... Run LIST.COM Ctrl + F3....................... Run Virus Scan Ctrl + F4....................... Run ZIP2EXE Convert Zip To Self Extract Ctrl + F5....................... Run PKZIPFIX Repair a Zip file Shift Key Quick Reference ------------------------- Shift + A....................... Add comments to an entire Zip Shift + C....................... Clear A Zip Listing from ZM Client Area Shift + N....................... Add comments to NEW files IN a Zip Shift + T....................... Add a Zip Title comment Shift + U....................... User selected files to comment in a Zip Shift + F1...................... Help ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual APPENDIX B Supporting Programs For Zip Manager ---------------------------------- In addition to the authors listed below: The shareware versions of the programs are available on the Moon Valley Software BBS at 602-375-0531 1200 - 2400 baud, N81 24 hours a day. We will always attempt to have the very latest version of the programs available. PLEASE REMEMBER --------------- To Make Shareware Work You Need To Register Your Programs. Please support the authors of these fine programs. Thank You! Zip Compression Files --------------------- 1.) PKZIP.EXE, PKUNZIP.EXE, ZIP2EXE.EXE, and PKZIPFIX.EXE The above programs are available from PKWare Inc. Their address is: PKWARE Inc. 7545 N. Port Washington Rd. Glendale, WI 53217-3422 (414)352-3670 Voice (414)352-7176 BBS (414)352-3815 Fax The shareware version of these programs are available on local BBS'S across the country. They are also available on Compuserve and GENie. The file you will need to obtain is PKZ110.EXE. This file contains the most recent versions of these programs. Arc Extraction Program --------------------- 2.) In order to decompress files with the Arc extension you will need the program ARC-E.COM. It is can be obtained from: Vernon D. Buerg 139 White Oak Circle Petaluma, CA 94952 It is available on most BBS'S across the country, Compuserve, GENie and the following specific BBS'S Data/BBS: 707-778-8944, VOR 24-hour BBS, 300-2400 bps 415-994-2944, VOR South, 300-2400 707-778-8841, Motherboard, 300-2400, Hayes VSM 9600 707-778-8743, Motherboard, 300-2400, USR HST 9600 ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 19 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual The name of the file you will need to obtain from these BBS'S is ARC-E.COM or ARC-E.EXE a self extracting exe file. Lzh File Extraction ------------------- 3.) In order to decompress files with the Lzh extension you will need the program LHARC.EXE. It can be obtained from: Compuserve, Your Local BBS and on the Moon Valley Windows BBS. The Virus Scanning Program SCAN.EXE ----------------------------------- The latest version of SCAN can be acquired from: McAfee Associates 4423 Cheeney Street Santa Clara, CA 95054 (408) 988-3832 Voice - Use this # for questions/bug reports (408) 988-4004 BBS - Use this # for obtaining program upgrades (408) 970-9727 FAX ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual APPENDIX C ---------- License Agreement ----------------- No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language (natural or binary), in any form or by any means, except as described in the following license agreement or without the express prior written consent of Moon Valley Software Inc. The use of Zip Manager is subject to the following terms and conditions. Title To The Licensed Software ------------------------------ Title to the licensed software is NOT transferred to the end user. The end user is granted an exclusive license to use the software on a SINGLE computer or computer work station. EACH computer or computer work station must have its own licensed copy of the software. Copyright Protection -------------------- Zip Manager is copyrighted material. It is protected by the copyright laws of the United States, the State of Arizona, and other proprietary rights of Moon Valley Software Inc. You may not make any changes or modifications to Zip Manager or this manual. You may not decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse-engineer the software in any way. You may make copies of Zip Manager only under the terms of the section entitled "Limited License To Copy The Licensed Software". You may use Zip Manager on a trial basis provided you do not violate the protection afforded the licensed software by the copyright laws, and you agree to the terms of the license agreement. If you use Zip Manager on a regular basis you are obligated to purchase it. Limited Warranty ---------------- Moon Valley Software does not warrant that the licensed software will meet your requirements or that the operation of the software will be uninterrupted or error free. The warranty does not cover any media or documentation which has been subjected to damage or abuse by you or others. The software warranty does not cover any copy of the licensed software which has been altered or changed in any way. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE LIMITED TO THE TERM OF THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES. Some States do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. Other Warranties ---------------- The warranties set forth above are in lieu of any and all other express or implied warranties, whether oral, written, or implied, and the remedies set forth above are the sole and exclusive remedies. Limitation Of Liability ----------------------- Moon Valley Software is not responsible for any problems or damage caused by the licensed software that may result from using the licensed software. This includes, but is not limited to, computer hardware, computer software, operating systems, and any computer or computing accessories. End user agrees to hold Moon Valley Software Inc. harmless for any problems arising from the use of the software. Moon Valley Software SHALL NOT IN ANY CASE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT OR OTHER SIMILAR DAMAGES ARISING FROM ANY BREACH OF THESE WARRANTIES EVEN IF Moon Valley Software OR ITS AGENTS OR DISTRIBUTORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. In no case shall Moon Valley Software's liability exceed the license fees paid for the right to use the licensed software, or a sum no greater than one Dollar ($1.00), whichever is less. Limited License To Copy The Software ------------------------------------ You are granted a limited license to copy Zip Manager ONLY FOR THE TRIAL USE OF OTHERS subject to the terms of this software license agreement described herein, and the conditions described below are met: Zip Manager MUST be copied in an unmodified form and ZM301.ZIP MUST contain the following files: ZM.EXE -----------> The MAIN Windows Executable Program. ZMSCAN.EXE -------> The DOS Command Line Interpreter For Zip Manager. ZMSHELL.EXE ------> The DOS Program For Extracting Zip's To A temp directory or ram drive. ZMSCAN.PIF -------> The Program Information File For ZMSCAN.EXE. ZM.HLP -----------> The Windows hypertext help file for Zip Manager. ZM31.DOC ---------> The Zip Manager 3.01 Documentation (This File). REGISTER.FRM -----> The shareware registration form.(Please!) UPDATE.DOC -------> Version 3.01 update information. PRNDOCS.COM ------> Program to print the program documantation. README.1ST -------> Important information not in the documentation. ZMDIAG.TXT -------> How to use Zip Manager to test bios compatibility. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual -> No fee, charge or other compensation may be accepted or requested by anyone without the express written permission of Moon Valley Software. Public Domain Disk Vendors May NOT CHARGE a fee for Zip Manager itself. However you may include Zip Manager on a diskette for which you charge a nominal distribution fee. The purchaser of said diskette must be informed in advance that the fee paid to acquire the diskette does NOT relieve said purchaser from paying the Registration Fee for Zip Manager if said purchaser uses Zip Manager. -> Operators of electronic bulletin board systems (Sysops) may post Zip Manager for downloading by their users without written permission ONLY AS LONG AS THE ABOVE CONDITIONS ARE MET. A fee may be charged for access to the BBS AS LONG AS NO SPECIFIC FEE IS CHARGED FOR DOWNLOADING Zip Manager files without first obtaining express written permission from Moon Valley Software to charge such a fee. The above constitutes the license agreement for Zip Manager. It superceeds any and all previous license agreements. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual APPENDIX D ---------- Using Zip Manager and PKZIP,'UNZIP with a Ram Drive If you have a ram drive installed on your computer, Zip Manager and PKZIP and PKUNZIP will take advantage of it if you follow the steps outlined below. 1.) You will need to add the following statements to your autoexec.bat file. 2.) In order for PKZIP to use the ram drive, enter the following line: SET PKTMP=D: Where D: refers to your ram drive. PKZIP and PKUNZIP will now use this drive when creating their temporary files. This will increase your Zip and UnZipping Speed Dramatically! 3.) Zip Manager will use the ram drive to store its temporary files if the SET TEMP=D: Where D: represents the drive letter of your ram drive. If your current temp variable is SET TEMP=C:\windows\temp\ and you have a ram drive available, you should change it to reflect the ram drive as your temp= setting. This will also increase the performance of Windows 3.0 Increasing your DOS Environment Space ------------------------------------- If you add the above statements to your autoexec.bat file and receive a DOS message "out of environment space" you can increase the size of your environment by adding the following statement to your CONFIG.SYS file: shell = C:\command.com C:\ /p /e:XXX Where XXX equals the number of bytes to increase the environment by You can start with a value of 320 which would double the default environment size and adjust it up or down from there. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 24 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual APPENDIX E ---------- Trouble Shooting and Technical Support -------------------------------------- If you are having trouble getting Zip Manager to function properly double check the following items: 1.) Check your setup to make sure each program setting contains the complete path and file name, including the program extension ie. EXE or COM. After you run the initial setup the values are written to your win.ini file. If you wish you can check the drive and path parameters there. All of the information is under the [Zip Manager] heading. 2.) Make sure that all of the program files described under the installation section are present. 3.) Check the ZMSCAN.PIF for the following settings: 1.) Program Filename: ZMSCAN.EXE 2.) Window Title: Zip Manager 3.) Optional Parameters: Blank 4.) Start-Up Directory: Blank 5.) Memory Requirements: KB Required 128 KB Desired: 640 6.) Display Usage: Check the Windowed Radio Button 7.) Execution: Check Exclusive, or Background(386 only) 8.) Close Window On Exit: Make sure this box is checked 9.) 386 Users Click on the advanced button. 10.) Detect Idle Time: Check it OFF(Not Checked) 11.) Emulate Text Mode: Checked(ON) 12.) Retain Video Memory: Check it OFF(Not Checked) 4.) Make sure the directory in which you installed Zip Manager is in the path statement of your autoexec.bat file. 5.) Make sure that the directory where you store PKZIP, PKUNZIP, LIST, ARC-E and SCAN are also listed in your path statement. 6.) Make sure that the program manager item for Zip Manager is ZM.EXE 7.) Check to see that the file you are trying to work on is not more than a maximum of 30 characters deep in a dir. This is a good rule of thumb to avoid any confilcts between Windows and the DOS environment. See the Update.doc file for further information. ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zip Manager User's Manual TECHNICAL SUPPORT ----------------- We will provide technical support to un-registered users on their first phone call only if you are calling with the intention of registering your copy of the program once your questions have been answered. Please call us at 602-375-9502 Monday - Friday from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Mountain Standard Time. AZ does not go on daylight savings time. (Who wants it to stay light later when its 110 degrees outside!) You can also call or BBS at 602-375-0531 1200 or 2400 baud, N81 and leave us a message in the Moon Valley Shareware Forum. There is lots of other good shareware on the BBS so feel free to browse around while your on-line. Registration Information ------------------------ To register you copy of Zip Manager Please use the file called REGISTER.FRM that is supplied with the program. If you wish you can phone in your order using your Visa or Master Card Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm MST. The order phone number is 602-375-9502 The registration fee is $21.95 Any correspondence should be addressed to: Moon Valley Software Inc. 107 E. Paradise Lane Phoenix, AZ USA 85022 ============================================================================ Zip Manager User's Manual 26