Rich Levin's CHECKUP (tm) Version 3.9 UPDATE.DOC Copyright (c) 1988-1990 Richard B. Levin All Rights Reserved "Please distribute CHECKUP far and wide" CHECKUP is regularly updated. Most of the changes made to the program are not listed here; we see no reason to document trivial bug fixes and obvious feature enhancements. The changes listed are those which may require re-configuration of your CHECKUP site or those that provide important feature improvements. Listed by date of release and version number, most recent release first. Update information prior to the release of version 3.7 is contained in CHECKUP.DOC. If you are installing CHECKUP for the first time, proceed directly to CHECKUP.DOC. April 27, 1990 - v.3.9 1. "Permission denied," error # 70, is no longer a fatal error. "Permission denied" errors are most ofen generated when locked files are encountered in multiuser environments. 2. The following command-line causes CHECKUP to operate at its fastest speed: CHECKUP [d:][path]filename[.ext] [d:][path] /BL:1024 /DI /WA See CHECKUP.DOC for explanations of the /BL[OCK], /DI[RECTORY] and /WA[RNINGLOG] command-line options or run CHECKUP with no command-line parameters and the help screen will be displayed. Note that CHECKUP's first run always takes longer than subsequent runs. This is because CHECKUP's .XUP output files are created the first time the program is requested to check a given file specification. April 11, 1990 - v.3.8 April 08, 1990 - v.3.7 1. New command-line options added. Run CHECKUP with no command-line parameters to display a list of the new options. 2. Documentation revised. 3. Registered users will require Rich Levin's REGISTER Version 1.5 or higher in order to serialize their copies of CHECKUP. Contact Rich Levin if the version number of your copy of REGISTER is lower than 1.5. Versions 1.0 through 3.6: Please read the CHECKUP.DOC file for complete program information. - End of UPDATE.DOC -