Rich Levin's !README.DOC Copyright (c) 1988-1990 Richard B. Levin All Rights Reserved The executable and nonexecutable objects ("files") contained in this archive file are copyright (c) and trademark (tm) Richard B. Levin, all rights reserved, and are provided to you under license. Your use of any of these files indicates your agreement to be bound by the software license terms and conditions set forth in either the enclosed [program].DOC file, the LICENSE.DOC file, the README.DOC or the REGISTER.DOC file. Please read the software license before using any of the files contained herein. Your archive should contain the following files; no more, no less. Do not install the enclosed program(s) if your archive does not contain the exact name and number of files listed below. (Note: The ! file is a LHarc "telop" file; it will not be extracted.) The latest version of the enclosed files are available for downloading on the Mother Board BBS (215-333-8275) and CompuServe. Listing of archive : 'CHKUP.LZH' Name Original Packed Ratio Date Time Attr Type CRC -------------- -------- -------- ------ -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ! 571 373 65.3% 90-04-29 10:25:34 a--w -lh1- 1377 CHECKUP.DOC 203721 62645 30.8% 90-04-29 10:25:34 a--w -lh1- C13E CHECKUP.EXE 91787 60613 66.0% 90-04-29 10:25:34 a--w -lh1- ED8C LICENSE.DOC 8910 3026 34.0% 90-04-29 10:25:34 a--w -lh1- 3D5F REGISTER.DOC 4974 1694 34.1% 90-04-29 10:25:34 a--w -lh1- E570 UPDATE.DOC 2372 1144 48.2% 90-04-29 10:25:34 a--w -lh1- E8F5 XUP.BAT 2593 938 36.2% 90-04-29 10:25:34 a--w -lh1- 3658 XUP_ALT.BAT 807 504 62.5% 90-04-29 10:25:34 a--w -lh1- 7A75 -------------- -------- -------- ------ -------- -------- 8 files 315735 130937 41.5% 90-04-29 10:25:34