LOCK - against intruders Version 1.00 May 14, 1989 SYNOPSIS LOCK is a program with which you can prevent intruders from using your computer. You give a secret password to LOCK and it will require that word typed before it allows any commands. USAGE Type LOCK password on DOS command line and LOCK will activate itself and wait for "password" to be typed. LOCK returns back to DOS only after correct password. If you do not enter any password on command line, LOCK will use its own default password (.,mnbvc). It is declared here, so I advise you to patch a new default password in the program. Use any 7 character code. Put LOCK in your Autoexec.bat file in the very first line and you'll get almost complete security against passers-by. According to my tests it is not very propable that one could terminate Autoexec.bat before the first line with control-C. But note that this system can be cracked, if the intruder has his own DOS on diskette. However, LOCK offers you rather secure way to slow down, at least, novice intruders. Copyright Ari J„rm„l„, Honkanummi 4, SF-08680 MUIJALA, FINLAND. Shareware notice: You are allowed to copy and distribute this program provided that you do not modify it in any way. If you patch the password, plase do not distribute the pathched version. If you find this program useful, I would appreciate a grant of 5 USD (or any sum) very much.