______________________________________________________________________ CHUNK FILES V 1.10 Copyrighted by Ari J„rm„l„, Aug 8, 1991 ______________________________________________________________________ PURPOSE CHUNK splits large text files into smaller pieces. This is useful because ie. some text editors are not capable to handle huge files. By CHUNKing the file to smaller pieces you can edit it easily. On the other hand, to combine small files to larger ones is very easy in DOS: just use COPY F1+F2+F3+..+FN BIGFILE.TXT. USAGE CHUNK CHUNK [sourcefile] [size] in which sourcefile is the name of the file to be splitted size is the desired size of the chunks (in kilobytes) EXAMPLES To split file LOG.TXT into 200 KB chunks command CHUNK LOG.TXT 200 and CHUNK creates files named CHUNK.001 .. CHUNK.nnn, which you can rename afterwards. If you command only CHUNK the program prompts you to specify which file to handle and how large chunks you like to have. BUGS AND FEATURES CHUNK doesn't wait to encounter a Carriage Return character when it feels like cutting the file and create a new chunk. This normally leaves the beginning of a line in the end of the previous chunk and the rest of the line in the beginning of the next chunk. Use your text editor to combine this split line or if it doesn't matter, leave it as it is. CHUNK can only handle files in current directory. CHUNK doesn't act very cleverly in naming the chunks it creates. Because CHUNK uses 1 KB buffers (to cope with chunk sizes like 173 KB ...) it doesn't perform amazingly fast at all. But it does it's work. However, if you happen to have some efficient cache program, which also supports staged writes, you'll be astonished by the speed of CHUNK. COPYRIGHT NOTICE This program and all the related files are copyrighted by Ari J„rm„l„, Albertinkatu 34 A 4, SF-08680 NUMMELA, FINLAND. SHAREWARE NOTICE You are encouraged to try, evaluate, copy and share this program provided that you do not change it in any way. However, if you happen to like this program and continue to use it after a 28 day evaluation period, you must pay for it by registering your copy. To register it send 10 USD to me (or an equivalent sum in FIM). Finnish users can send the fee directly to my bank account, KOP-NUMMELA 131250-76273 (but make sure your name and address accompanies the money). In any case, please write your name and address, and specify the program name and version number you like to register. DISCLAIMER This program is distributed as is and the author doesn't accept any responsibility of damage, loss or nuisance caused by this program either directly or indirectly.