UTILITIES MICHAEL MEFFORD Vol. 9, No. 6 SCHEDULE Purpose: An appointment scheduler that provides both a monthly overview and a detailed daily screen with notepad and optional reminder chime; includes editing, printing, and archiving facilities and can be used as either a standalone or a memory-resident utility (15KB RAM required). Format: SCHEDULE [/I] [/U] [/Hn] [/Pn...n] [/G] [/A] [/C] [/M] [/B] Remarks: When installed as memory-resident by using the optional /I switch, SCHEDULE automatically reminds you of appointments by chiming and popping up its appointment screen. The default hotkey is Alt-C. This can be changed with the /H switch to any alphanumeric Ctrl- or Alt-key combination (n), either at or after installation. To make Ctrl-S the hotkey, enter SCHEDULE /H Ctrl S. The /P parameter allows sending up to 10 decimal printer set-up codes (n...n). Include the /G switch for printers that support the IBM line-drawing characters. The reminder chime can be disabled by including the /C switch, and automatic screen pop-up can be avoided by using the /A option. The /M parameter prevents the default midnight pop-up so overnight programs can be run. If screen contrast is a problem (e.g. with laptops), use the /B (black-and-white) option or change the default colors, as explained in the article. SCHEDULE can be uninstalled with the /U option, subject to usual limitations. SCHEDULE.COM and the two files it creates (SCHEDULE.DAT and SCHEDULE.ASC) must be stored in the current directory when the program is run as a standalone or installed as a memory resident. Batch files, described in the published article, will simplify this requirement. As a text-based program, SCHEDULE will not come up over a graphics screen (e.g. Microsoft Windows); it must be installed before SideKick (if used). SCHEDULE.DAT contains all appointment records saved by pressing F2 (see command summary overside). It can be purged or archived in whole or part by pressing F4. A suitable date up to which to purge can be selected by F3 (today) or with the PgUp/PgDn keys (moves by days) or with Ctrl-PgUp/PgDn (moves by months). F8 selects an individual day for purging. Menu prompts are provided for determining whether the selected records are deleted or automatically appended to SCHEDULE.ASC to provide a permanent record usable by any ASCII editor. The monthly ("calendar") and daily ("appointment") displays cover the period from 6:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. in hour and half-hour increments, respectively. Within each screen the following commands can be executed: Keystroke Calendar Screen Appointment Screen PgUp/PgDn Next month Next Day Ctrl-PgUp/PgDn Next year Next Month Arrow keys Select day Navigate screen Home(1) Beg. of column Beg. section column Home(2) Beg. of calendar Top of section End(1) End of column End section column End(2) End of calendar End of section Ctrl-Home Beg. of calendar Beg. of section Ctrl-End End of calendar End of section Ctrl <- Beg. of column Beg. section column Ctrl -> End of Column End section column Enter Select app't. Enter Esc Exit Schedule Return to Calendar F2 Save app'ts. Save app'ts. F3 Today Today F4 Purge app'ts. Purge app'ts. F5 Print calendar Print app'ts. F6 Go to Notepad Shift-F6 undefined Clear section Ctrl-F6 undefined Clear all 3 sections Tab undefined Go to next section Shift-Tab undefined Go to prev. section Del undefined Del. char. at cursor CUSTOMIZING SCHEDULE The following instructions will enable you to customize the colors used by SCHEDULE and to change the tone of its chime. Start by making a backup copy of SCHEDULE.COM and then enter: INSERT A(5)--1 line DEBUG SCHEDULE.COM You are now ready to modify SCHEDULE.COM. If at any time you make a mistake, you can abort the editing process by entering Q. After entering any desired modifications last two commands you enter are: INSERT B(5)--2 lines INSERT B(5)--2 lines W Q for Write to disk and Quit DEBUG. COLOR SCHEME Enter the following DEBUG (E)nter instructions, replacing the xx with a new hexadecimal color value. The default color values and descriptions that SCHEDULE uses are shown as comments, to the right of the semi-colons. INSERT C(5)--6 lines INSERT C(5)--6 lines INSERT C(5)--6 lines INSERT C(5)--6 lines INSERT C(5)--6 lines E 578 xx ; 17 Lt. gray on blue. E 579 xx ; 71 Blue on lt. gray. E 57A xx ; 1E Yellow on blue. E 57B xx ; 3B Bright cyan on cyan. E 57C xx ; 1B Bright cyan on blue. E 57D xx ; 7E Yellow on lt. gray. Alternative colors may be selected from those listed below. The background color number is entered for the first x and the foreground color for the second x. Do not use a light color for the foreground, or the display will blink. INSERT D(5)--9 lines INSERT D(5)--9 lines INSERT D(5)--9 lines INSERT D(5)--9 lines INSERT D(5)--9 lines INSERT D(5)--9 lines INSERT D(5)--9 lines INSERT D(5)--9 lines INSERT D(5)--9 lines Dark colors Light colors 0 Black 8 Dark gray 1 Blue 9 Lt. blue 2 Green A Lt. green 3 Cyan B Lt. cyan 4 Red C Orange 5 Magenta D Violet 6 Brown E Yellow 7 Lt. gray F White For example, to change the yellow on blue (1E) to red on blue (14) you would enter INSERT E(5)--1 line E 57A 14 CHIME TONE The value used to calculate the tone of the chime is a hexadecimal number that can range from a low of 0025 to a high of 1150. The default value is 0416. You'll find numbers close to the default more pleasing. To change the tone, enter INSERT F(5)--1 line E 584 yy xx where xxyy is the new tone divisor. For example, to change the tone from the 416 Hz C note to an A (a divisor of 370), you would enter INSERT G(5)--1 line E 584 70 03 Note that the numbers must be entered exactly as shown above. The 70 03 (yy xx) represent 0370 (xxyy). Inserts INSERT A(5)--1 line DEBUG SCHEDULE.COM INSERT B(5)--2 lines W Q INSERT C(5)--6 lines E 578 xx ; 17 Lt. gray on blue. E 579 xx ; 71 Blue on lt. gray. E 57A xx ; 1E Yellow on blue. E 57B xx ; 3B Bright cyan on cyan. E 57C xx ; 1B Bright cyan on blue. E 57D xx ; 7E Yellow on lt. gray. INSERT D(5)--9 lines Dark colors Light colors 0 Black 8 Dark gray 1 Blue 9 Lt. blue 2 Green A Lt. green 3 Cyan B Lt. cyan 4 Red C Orange 5 Magenta D Violet 6 Brown E Yellow 7 Lt. gray F White INSERT E(5)--1 line E 57A 14 INSERT F(5)--1 line E 584 yy xx INSERT G(5)--1 line E 584 70 03