Command Ron Smith October 31, 1989 (Utilities) Purpose:Combines information from full-screen displays and user keyboard input to create batch and other program input files under the control of a template file. Full screen editing facilities are provided for displays of up to 300 lines and up to 100 input fields. Format:MENU [/D/E/N] screen template out1 [out2 ...] Remarks:The screen operand is the file containing the display. A screen file is created by entering MENU /E ,, screen and can later be edited by entering MENU /E screen,, screen. The commas are used to replace omitted file operands. The template is a file that controls the format of the output files. A template file is created with any ASCII text editor and contains constant data and instructions for copying information entered on the display. The out files are constructed from the information on the display and in the template files. Up to 64 out files may be created. The optional /D switch is used to display any screen or other ASCII file of up to 300 lines. If the screen file is not specified the DOS standard input file is assumed. The number of screen columns and rows is automatically determined and all sizes of displays up to 255 x 255 are supported. The /N (No-restore) option is used to inhibit MENU from saving/restoring the original DOS screen contents when exiting. This switch is normally invoked when loading programs that paint their own opening screen. Template File: The template file contains the instructions for creating the output files. Each character in the template file is copied directly to the current output file (initially out1) except for the following editing characters. [ Start pattern replacement. If the form is used,information is extracted from the nnn th input field on the display according to the following pattern characters. ] Copy the rest of the input field. ? Copy the next character from the input field. = Copy the rest of the current display line of the input field. | Skip to the ], ignoring the rest of the pattern if there are no more characters in the input field. \ Copy the next pattern character even if it is one of the above. All other characters in the pattern are copied without change. If anything other than a decimal number follows the [, time and date substitution is performed. All characters except the following pattern characters are copied directly to the output file. \ Copy the next character even if a pattern character. ] Terminate pattern processing. MM Insert the current month (01 to 12). DD Insert the current day (01 to 31). CC Insert the current century (19 or 20). YY Insert the current year (00 to 99). MN Insert the 3-character month abbreviation. DW Insert the 3-character day-of-week abbreviation. hh Insert the current hour (00 to 23). mm Insert the current minute (00 to 59). ss Insert the current second (00 to 59). { Copy information from a constant field on the display to the output file. If the form {nnn} is used, the nnn th constant field is copied. If the form {nnn} is used, the nnn th input field is assumed to be a decimal number and that number selects the constant field. For example, {[1]} will extract the value in the first input field. If that value is 5, the fifth constant field is used. < Select a new output file. The form is nnn. All further output will be sent to the nnnth output file. All output files remain open until the end of processing so you may switch back and forth among them. \ Send the next character from the template file to the output file even if it one of the above control characters. Menu Keys: During display editing certain keys have a special effect. The cursor arrow keys including Pg Up, Pg Dn, Backspace, and Del operate normally, save that MENU always tries to place the cursor in an input field. The other keys are: Tab Move to start of next input field. Shift Tab Move to start of current input field or to start of previous field. Home Same as Shift Tab. End Move to end of current input field. Ins Toggle insert mode. Ctrl-Home Move to start of display area. Ctrl-End Move to end of display area. Enter Move to next line of input field. If in last line, move to next input field. If in last field, exit. Ctrl Enter Exit Esc Terminate MENU and do not create output files. F1 Help. Display key definitions. The following additional keys are defined only when using MENU /E to create or edit a screen file. F2 The current cursor position is to be the end of the display area. F3 Display the start and end of each input field and constant field with [] and {} respectively. For single character fields,[] and {} are displayed. F4 Delete an input field or constant field. The cursor must be on the start of the field. F5 Insert a start of constant field. F6 End of constant field. F7 Insert a start of an input field. F8 End of input field. F9 Change color attributes. The new colors are applied using F10. F10 Apply color attributes to cursor location and advance cursor. UTILITIES Jeff Prosise