®MDUL¯®MDNM¯SETMODE Command Tom Kihlken 1988 No. 13 (Utilities) Purpose:Provides menu-driven setup and change of video modes and communications parameters. Format:SETMODE Remarks: SETMODE is a memory-resident utility that may be loaded either at the DOS prompt or by being included as a line in an AUTOEXEC.BAT file. It takes no parameters. Its default hotkey is Alt-M, and it will pop-up either in text or graphics modes. The SETMODE window displays the current settings (bps, parity, data bits, stop bits), for up to four installed serial ports. Settings can be changed by moving the bar menu highlight to the desired parameter with the cursor arrow keys and using the plus or minus keys to increment or decrement the value. Pressing either Esc or Enter removes the SETMODE screen and implements any communications parameter changes. The status of the Data Set Ready (DSR) line, which should indicate Yes when a printer or modem is attached and powered up, is also shown in the window, though it cannot be changed through SETMODE. The current video mode is also displayed in the SETMODE pop-up window and can be changed by moving the menu bar to the desired mode and pressing Enter. Note that modes not supported by the display adaptor(s) in the user's system cannot be selected. When a video mode change is made, the screen is initially left blank; pressing Enter a second time will restore the normal prompt. Note: Although SETMODE will pop up over most existing applications, video mode changes should normally be made only from the DOS prompt, as many programs will crash if the mode is changed while they are running. Similarly, changes in communications protocols should not be made while a file transfer is in progress. Text characters beneath the SETMODE window are preserved if the mode is left unchanged, but graphics images are not. Instructions for changing the default Alt-M hotkey are contained in the article.