TOUCH Command Michael J. Mefford 1988 No. 7 (Utilities) Purpose: Changes the DOS date and/or time designation of a file or group of files either to the current system values or to user-designated values. Format: TOUCH filespec [/D date] [/T time] Remarks: Entered without any arguments, TOUCH displays a help screen showing its syntax. If given a filespec but neither of the optional switches (/D or /T), TOUCH updates the designated file to the current system date and time. Note that the standard DOS filename wild cards (* and ?) are supported, so TOUCH can operate on groups of files. The optional /D date switch permits entry a user-selected date in the customary DOS mm-dd-yy format. If desired, the hyphen delimiters may be replaced by forward slashes (/), and the year may be entered either in full form (e.g. 1988) or in abbreviated (88) form. TOUCH checks that each of the three fields is filled with a non-zero value, but does not check the validity of a date (e.g. 2/31/88). Legal DOS years are from 1980 to 2099. The optional /T time switch permits entry of a user-specified time, in hours:minutes:seconds. If the minutes and/or seconds parameters are omitted TOUCH will set them to 0. Hours should be entered in military (24-hour) format. Note: The following batch file, TEST.BAT, can be used to cause a DIR listing to leave the time field blank: TIME 0 TOUCH TEST.BAT DIR TEST.BAT