CAPTURE your own HELP screens CAPTURE instantly turns the custom help menus, tables, or anything you type on your screen into files you can pop up with the HELP.COM program in this issue's PC Lab Notes. ®MDUL¯®MDNM¯CAPTURE Command Tom Kihlken 1988/No. 1 (Utilities) Purpose: Saves the text and attribute bytes on the screen to a 4,000-byte file that the HELP.COM program (PC Lab Notes, 1988/No. 1) can pop up either from within an application or at the DOS prompt. Format: CAPTURE Remarks: CAPTURE is a memory-resident screen-saving program. Its default actuating key is Alt-C, though this can be changed, as described below. The program takes no parameters and saves to filenames SCREEN.000, SCREEN.001, etc. It will not overwrite existing filenames, but increments the number in the extension instead. Filenames stored by CAPTURE can then be renamed for use by HELP.COM. CAPTURE files may also be combined into multiple-page help screens (up to the 14-screen limit of HELP.COM), by using the DOS COPY /B option for copying binary files. For example, COPY /B SCREEN.000+SCREEN.001+SCREEN.002 HELP.HEP would combine the first three CAPTUREd help screens into the file, HELP.HEP, which might be one of the files in a \HELP subdirectory. The Alt-C trigger key may be changed with DEBUG, by entering the following commands: DEBUG CAPTURE.COM E 268 SS ;Your Scan code E 27D MM ;Your Shift mask W Q Tables containing the entry to make for SS (the scan code) and for MM (the shift mask) above are contained in the body of the article.