WCL2.WCL (VERSION 1.0) Copyright (c) 1994, Douglas Boling ------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Published in PC Magazine June 28, 1994 (Utilities) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WCL2 by Douglas Boling PURPOSE: WCL2 - WINCMD Library 2 - is a second add-on library for WINCMD, PC Magazine's batch-language utility for Windows. WCL2 can be used in conjunction with WCLIB, the first add-on library. WCL2 requires Version 1.3 of WINCMD. SETUP: To upgrade to the new version of WINCMD, simply copy the new WINCMD.EXE over the old one. To install WCL2, copy the file WCL2.WCL into the same directory. REMARKS: WCL2 contains 21 new WINCMD functions in six different groups. Four new String functions - Val, Chr, InStr, and Reverse - let you convert a character to its ASCII code and back again, locate substrings within a string, and reverse the order of a string. The six filename functions - FullPath, GetFileDrive, GetFileDir, GetFilePath, GetFileName, and GetFileExt - return the full pathname of a file or any component of the filename. You can obtain the device, path, filename, or file extension of a file. The two file-processing functions - FileOpenBox and FileSaveBox - let you access the standard Windows dialog box for opening and saving files. The two keyboard-monitoring functions let you detect whether a key is being pressed and whether it is in a shifted state. The three Window functions - SetWindowText, ShowWindow, and IsRunning - let you set the title text of a window and let you make a window visible or invisible. The IsRunning function lets you detect whether a specified program is loaded in memory. The GetDate and GetTime functions return the system date and time in the formats mm/dd/yy and hh:mm:ss. The GetTime function uses a 24-hour clock. The .INI file functions - ReadINIData and WriteINIData - let you read and write to .INI files from your WINCMD programs, locating the appropriate sections and keys. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Douglas Boling is a Contributing Editor of PC Magazine. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------