WINPRN.EXE (VERSION 1.0) Copyright (c) 1994, Jeff Prosise ------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Published in PC Magazine June 14, 1994 (Utilities) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WINPRN by Jeff Prosise PURPOSE: Relying on the scalability of TrueType fonts in Microsoft Windows 3.1, WINPRN lets you print one, two, or four pages on one sheet of paper. Files can be selected through a dialog box or by drag-and-drop from File Manager. SETUP: Installing WINPRN is simple. Just copy WINPRN.EXE to your hard disk and use Program Manager to create an icon for it under Windows. When you launch WINPRN by double-clicking on its icon, you will be presented with a dialog box that allows you to choose the number of pages to print per sheet, select files for printing, and set options. You can also select multiple files at once by dragging them from File Manager and dropping them over the WinPrn icon. The Options dialog box lets you select the typeface and tab length (in spaces). You can also select whether to print a box around each page and whether to print page headers. The header consists of the current date, the filename, and a page number. WINPRN options are stored in an .INI file located in the same directory as WINPRN.EXE. Files are printed by clicking on the big button labeled with a picture of a printer. You can abort printing by clicking on the Cancel button in the Printing window. REMARKS: To use WINPRN, your computer must be running Microsoft Windows 3.1 and must have a fixed-pitch TrueType font, such as Courier New (which ships with Windows 3.1), installed. If either of these are missing from your system, you will not be able to run WINPRN. WINPRN's font-selection dialog box lists all the fixed-pitch fonts on your system. Occasionally, due to an error in Microsoft's documentation of how to tag fixed-pitch files, third-party fonts that are not fixed pitch may appear in WINPRN's list box, and some fixed-pitch fonts may be missing from the list box. Unfortunately, there is no workaround for this problem. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Prosise is a Contributing Editor of PC Magazine. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------