PERUSE.COM (VERSION 1.0) Copyright (c) 1994, Bob Flanders and Michael Holmes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Published in PC Magazine April 12, 1994 (Utilities) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERUSE by PURPOSE: PERUSE is a TSR that captures and saves screen information as it scrolls off the top of the screen. Once loaded, pressing the ScrollLock key will put you into redisplay mode. You can then use the cursor keys to browse through scrolled screen data. SYNTAX: The syntax for loading PERUSE into memory is: PERUSE /Xn | /En where n is the size of the the scroll buffer in kilobytes, and must be in the range 16 to 8192. The /X parameter tells PERUSE to create the scroll buffer in extended memory; the /E parameter tells PERUSE to create the buffer in expanded memory. An extended or expanded memory driver must be loaded in order to use PERUSE. To remove PERUSE from memory, type: PERUSE /U If any memory resident programs have been loaded after PERUSE, the program will be unable to unload and will display an error message. REMARKS: PERUSE is similar in functionality to a utility published in PC Magazine back in 1985: WaitaSec. But because of its age, WaitaSec works only with EGA video adapters. PERUSE works with VGA as well, and stores the screen buffer in extended or expanded memory to minimize conventional memory usage. Like WaitaSec, PERUSE uses the ScrollLock key to turn redisplay mode on and off. When in redisplay mode, you can use the following cursor keys to move through the scroll buffer and view scrolled information: Up and Down arrows, PageUp, PageDown, Home, and End. Pressing the F1 key while in redisplay mode will bring up a help screen listing the cursor keys you can use. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob Flanders and Michael Holmes are president and vice president of NCI systems and coauthors of the books PC Magazine C Lab Notes and C++ Communications Utilities. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------