Okay, here are six games and one utility I have programmed for ZShell. You may freely distribute them over the net or by link, but if they are sent on the net, I ask that they be kept in their original .ZIP file with intact documentation. Here follow brief directions for each program. Have fun. Connect Four 2-player game ------------ When the title screen appears, press [ENTER]. Use the arrow keys to move pieces and [2nd] to drop them into the board. To quit, press [EXIT]. Element List Chemistry utility ------------ Type in the symbol of an element (you don't ever need to press [ALPHA]) then press [ENTER]. The program displays the atomic number, atomic mass, symbol, and U.S. name; hence, W is tungsten, not wolfram. To quit, press [EXIT]. Matricks -------- When the title screen appears, wait while the matrices are created. Use the arrow keys to move around in the left matrix. When you move between two elements of the same color, nothing happens (except your score increments). If you move between two different-colored elements, the one to which you moved changes to the third color (and your score increments). The object is to make the left matrix the same as the right in as few turns as possible. When the matrices are equal, "Done!" is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen. Hit [EXIT] to quit at any time. Memory 1-player game ------ When the title screen appears, wait while the cards are shuffled. Use the arrow keys to move the pointer and [2nd] to flip over a card. If the pair of cards you flip over is not a match, they will flip face down next time you move the cursor. If they do match, they will disappear. Your score is the number of pairs you have flipped minus 16. >23 is bad, 23-16 is okay, and <16 is good (my best is 9). To quit the game at any time, press [EXIT]. Minesweeper 1-player game ----------- When the title screen appears, press an F-Key. The number of bombs on the 128-element board is eight times the number of the key you press. Wait while the calculator creates a minefield. Use the arrows to move the cursor. To uncover a piece of ground, press [2nd]. To flag a bomb, press [F1] (you can not use more markers than there are bombs). Once you are satisfied that you have marked all the bombs (or if you want to quit early), press [EXIT]. Squares that are highlighted represent squares that were not uncovered. Press [EXIT] again to go back to ZShell. Tiles 1-player game (with optional person to mix the tiles) ----- When the title screen appears, press [ENTER]. Shuffle the tiles with the arrow keys. After the tiles are shuffled, you may press [F1] to start counting up your moves. You can toggle whether or not the counter is displayed with the [F1] key, but you cannot stop it from counting. To quit, press [EXIT]. My normal score is 130-200 slides. Tron 2-player game ---- When the title screen appears, press [ENTER]. This game is played with each player looking at the calculator from the side. The player on the left side of the calculator uses [2nd] and [GRAPH] to turn his cycle left and right, and the other player uses the up and down arrows. Note that if your cycle is travelling toward you, turning left appears to turn right. The object of this game is not to crash into any black line. If a player crashes, "CRASH!" will display over his score, the other player will get a point, and the game will pause. Press [5] to play another round. You can press [5] during a round to pause, and again to unpause. While the game is paused, the F-Keys change the speed of the cycles (F1 is slowest and F5 is fastest). To exit at any time, press [EXIT].