+----+ PhoEniX News v2.05 from Vassago +---------------------------------+ Since I said I was not going to release any more PhoEniX versions, I have been deluged with requests and bug reports and all kinds of stuff for PhoEniX. So, I decided to make a 2.05 version with some new stuff in it (see below). There were some more things I would have liked to put in, but the way everything has been happening lately (i.e., my unusually bad strain of luck) feel lucky that I got this final version out to the internet. Anyway, I will no longer be appearing from the *okstate.edu hostmask, so if you see a Vassago on IRC, it MIGHT be me, then again, it might not :> If you already know me you should be able to recognize the real one from a fake one. I wish I could stay with the "If you only get this from my FTP site, use it" thing, but my sysadmins have made that impossible for me - by doing that, they've probably doubled the amount of backdoors out there. Please be sure to check the script carefully BEFORE loading it - remember, it's very easy for people to add backdoors. Make sure you have received this script from a person that you trust, and make sure they got it from a reliable source. The 2.01 final of PhoEniX is still available on my FTP site, this 2.05 is really still a beta since I haven't really had a chance to test it THAT thouroughly. I'm in the process of moving across state lines anyway, which is a big hassle in itself, and getting married (as I'm sure anyone who follows the soap-opera type stuff that goes on in alt.irc has heard :> SO, needless to say, I was already slowly getting away from IRC. I don't think this version has any major bugs, and I have changed and fixed a lot of little miniscule bugs (let us pray :) The changes for this version are: * I'm including my ANTIKILL.IRC 1.01 with the main script package - it will help protect against MASS channel collision kills. Please read it CAREFULLY before using - there are some notes at the beginning. You really will not need this script unless you are a channel op, so please don't use it unless you are :> Oh, and this script is not available anywhere else - i.e., it isn't on my FTP site. :> * Rewritten flood protection - more compact code, less IF statements - in other words, it should make the entire script run noticeably faster. It should also work a little better against flooders and people who aren't flooding you (i.e. it won't get the two mixed up :) * Double-checked the script for any errors or bugs that could lead to future problems, hopefully these are all gone now. * Fixed the AUTO-OP problem with opping nicks with a weird character in their names. * The script will now clear ALL ONS upon loading, to avoid any weird backdoors or global things that you don't want to have. This will not clear aliases, only ON commands. This should also stop any unusual conflicts if you insist on loading more scripts with PhoEniX, UNLESS you don't load PhoEniX last. * Added XDCC LOGS, due to popular request, the script will now create a file called xdcclog.ex in your main directory which contains all of the XDCC transfers and some errors. * Added EXTDESC command to XDCC, which will let you toggle extended pack descriptions ON or OFF. This will add a "#kb, # files" line to your descriptions of offered files, if this is on when you add the pack. Note that EXTDESC MUST be on when you add the pack to your list, otherwise it will not add the additional information to the pack description. It is set to a default of ON. * Added AUTORENAME to XDCC, which if set on (it is, now, by default) will automatically rename and get an offered DCC file if it already exists. Renamed files will have a 3 digit, numerical extension added to them. This, of course, only works if AUTOGET is on as well. * Added a specific channel indicator for the CTCP functions. The STAT command, which formerly turned CTCP OP/INVITE/UNBAN ON or OFF, has been changed to AUTO. You may specify channels via AUTOCHAN. This list of channels will also save with /SVE. It is set to a default of ALL upon start. (/AUTOCHAN ALL will have the auto-op, CTCP op, etc. functions work in ALL your current channels). This is for the people who don't want to op everyone in every single one of their channels. When someone does a CTCP HELP, it will list your "acceptable" channels for use of the CTCP functions. * Removed the CHOPS command from the CTCP function. * Added some new protections in the DCC AUTOGET function - fake DCC sends should be detected (some of them, anyway). There is a new DCC alias that, when set to ON (default is OFF) will AUTOCLOSE DCC GETS when you /SETAWAY, or are automatically set away. Turn this on by /XDCC AWAYCLOSE ON or OFF. Also redid the flood protection a little better: raw_irc detected floods and backdoors will now kickban the person if they are on the channel (in the case of a channel wide backdoor attempt/flood) or from your current channel (if they are just trying it on you). * Certain things in the XDCC counter control have been fixed, so as to eliminate some segmentation faults that were happening to me - maybe not anyone else, but I fixed it anyway :> Also, the XDCC commands have a 5 second timer now, that will ignore all XDCC requests from the SAME person until the timer has been reached. This should help keep you from being flooded off if you are offering a popular item (or if some nerd just wants to get all your stuff from you before your limit is reached). * Fixed the Mass Deop/Kick Protection, Filter Kick and Filter Bkick, and the MASS commands so that they will work on any nickname. There was a bug (which I thought I had fixed, but apparently not) that caused an error whenever a nickname that had certain characters in it was sent to the script. That is now fixed. I also fixed this on some of the CTCP functions. * The /SVE command and the Notify stuff should be fixed now. The NOTIFY lists should also save without any problems. * Added a /TALK command, finally, for those of us who use DCC CHAT a lot. * Fixed the problem that occured sometimes if there are a lot of people on one channel (like 70 or so) and the server was sending you two names lists, and you tried to use /WALL. :> WALL will now get all the ops on the channel, regardless of how many names lists there are. * The BAN and UNBAN commands have been modified to accept masks. For example, you can now type /BAN *!*@*blah.edu *!*@*moo.edu and it will place the bans on your current channel. You may use as many bans as you like on one line. UNBAN will now accept either a nickname or a filter to unban. If you use a filter, it will remove all bans on the channel matching that filter. * Minor changes I don't remember now - many cosmetic, all over the script(s). * MASSINV Command has been moved to extras.irc, where it belongs. * MULTI Command has been moved from extras.irc to annoy.irc, where it belongs. * SERVER WALLOPS command has been removed to extras.irc, where it belongs. * I added a checker to extras.irc, annoy.irc, and pkicks.irc, so that if you have changed the default KICK message or default script flag (i.e., | PhoEniX | and [E/X]) then it will not change them back to the originals when you load these scripts, so you only have to change it in PHOENIX.IRC and not all the others. THE PHOENIX.WAR FILE HAS BEEN CHANGED. I made it into a completely separate IRC script, SCYTHE, which is included in the PhoEniX package, but may be used with any other IRC script (hopefully) without too much conflict. :> So, all the changes hereforth are in SCYTHE.IRC and not PHOENIX.WAR. SCYTHE.IRC will also be available separately on my FTP site. * Added the /SNUKE command, which will let you nuke a server instead of a nickname. Usage: /SNUKE . The nuke command, of course, requires nuke.c to be compiled correctly and in your current directory. I changed the default assigns at the beginning of the script so that it should look for the nuke and flash programs in your CURRENT directory AT THE TIME OF LOADING. (So, it will now work just like the PHOENIX Upload/Download directories). Of course, you must also have root access to use nuke! * The JUNK String should now generate correctly without you having to load the script twice. If not, load PHOENIX.WAR twice :> * Serpent 2.12 Type Collision Bots in the PhoEniX.War file, for those of you who can't use the newer versions of Serpent... Load PHOENIX.WAR and type /WARHELP for a listing of the new (and old) war commands. * New clonebot spy functions, with completely new levels and spy methods. * Vladbomb and the /TAKEOVER commands have been removed, as most vladbots are upgraded anyway and TAKEOVER never has seemed to work like it's supposed to. * The ASSAULT command has been redone so it shouldn't flood you or your clonebots off IRC, and will work in the background. (i.e., it won't pause for a minute while it floods the nick or channel). The flooding should last about five minutes or so. If you want something that is a little easier to use, try the /FLOOD command. SCRIPT WRITERS: I have been noticing many, many hacks and takeoffs of PhoEniX circulating around IRC. Most of these do not give any credit for the ripped sections, and those who do, usually give credit to the wrong person. Therefore, I have placed "bylines" marking who wrote what, etc., in this script. I have all the original scripts I got MY ideas & mods from, and I know where THOSE scripts got their stuff from, etc. since I've been making PhoEniX (and GargOyle) for over a year now. The bylines DIRECTLY reflect who made the Alias or On function - in the order of contribution. The functions that don't have bylines are either because they are script-specific and I didn't see any reason to put a byline because it's really obvious - or they are so public domain that they're in just about every script. Please refer to the ORIGINAL PhoEniX for the bylines when seeking to give credit - these are all correct and reflect the ORIGINAL author(s). - Vassago +------------------------------------------------------------------------+