-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Nimip„iv„n N„ytt„j„ Versions info v1.4.2 August 5th 1997 - This version will most likely be the last version of the NpN. - The NpN can now be registered on-line at my home page: http://www.mbnet.fi/~eagle42/ - Optimization & bug-fixes. There were problems for example in the output, as sometimes the upmost line would not be shown. - An icon for use in any window-based interface is now included. - The routine for reading the name in the ONe was rewritten. There is now the possibility to use either insert or overwrite mode. - Sometimes the case of the name would not be corrected properly; fixed. - When ANSI-driver is installed, You are using COMMAND.COM and the NpN is in a batchfile, where the echo is off, then the command prompt would have gone right over the last line. 4DOS handles it properly, and thus I added a 4DOS-check. When it is not installed and ANSI-driver is loaded, that extra line will be drawn. v1.4.1 April 28th 1997 - Beautification of the ONe. - Configuration file -format modified, can still read the files in older format. - Optimization & bug-fixes. - You can now specify the date which the NpN will use. - An on-line setup is included to the NpN, parameter 'SETUP'. - The registration of the NpN is from now on free of cost, all you need to do is e-mail me the filled form. - New home page at: http://www.dlc.fi/~eagle42/ v1.4.0 April 8th 1997 - Version number -format changed. - The documents are now more correct. - Added the option of alignment, either left, center or right. - Now detects whether ANSI-driver is loaded or not. If found, the empty line at the end of the program will not be drawn, but instead there is an empty top line. - The sorting of own names is now done with a faster algorithm. - The clear screen -switch now allows you to change the textmode. - New home page at: http://www.mbnet.fi/~eagle42/ - The executable and the documents are now signed with PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) v2.6.3i. You can obtain my public key by sending me an e-mail. v1.40 - ALPHA 1 March 4th 1997 - A minor bug in the fade-routine fixed. - Faster drawing-routines. :) - The "Illegal Parameter" -error message is now more specific. - Optimization. - New format in configuration and registration keys. Old keys are no longer valid. Also, all the functions are available for non-registered users, which does NOT mean you don't have to register... - The color of the names nolonger needs to be the same as the of one the text. You can change it with the parameter /CN[n]. - From now on the note-character can be _any_ of the ASCII-characters, the control-characters included. v1.37 January 28th 1997 - Slight optimizations in code. - Beautiful fadings added here and there. =) v1.36 January 21st 1997 - ONe will automatically flip to the next page if you modify the last name of the page. - The delay can be defined to up to 99 seconds from the parameter now. It can also be cancelled by pressing Ctrl-Break. - The information in document updated. The newest version can now be downloaded from my web-site: http://www.mpoli.fi/bbs/Ville.Luolajan-Mikkola v1.35 January 1st 1997 - The day and month names in Finnish are no longer in capital letters. - In ONe the page is automatically flipped, when you move the cursor with the arrow keys to the edge of the page. - The editing of an old name is easier, since the arrow keys can now be used to place the cursor in any position on the name. - The NpN stopped functioning on 1st of January 1997. Bug fixed (don't know how it had functioned before..) v1.34 December 6th 1996 - The sorting of the editor is now correct. The lists are no-longer left to the original place, but are moved with the name, where it belongs to. - The editor asks for a new name in a more sophisticated way. You may now change the old name, instead of writiting a new from the scratch. v1.33 November 29th 1996 - The week number should now function correctly. v1.32 - 1.33 beta November 27th 1996 - Without the ANSI-driver loaded the NpN would earlier have turned the colour of the text after the program into black. This was supposed to be done already to the previous version, but it didn't work. - The NpN can now tell the day- and weeknumber, based on a week that starts on Monday. - The ONe will sort the names automatically when You exit, in alphabetical order. v1.31 November 24th 1996 - The clock in 12-hour format shows the time 0:00 correctly as 12:00 AM, and not 0:00 AM. - Minor bug-fixes. v1.30 November 20th 1996 - Name of own-names-list changed to NPN.LST. - No longer writes those empty spaces in NPN.LST. This makes the program MUCH faster, although they will be put one after another, which is why it doesn't anymore allow the organizing of the own names. - The names are now displayed in two columns instead of only one. - Construction of code made much more flexible; new features can be added more easily than earlier. - Added the possibility to choose the name of the list where to store the names to be notified of. - Editor accepts Home/End -keys, as well as Delete and Backspace. - 80x25-mode used in editor, returns to original after exiting. - On-line help to the editor added. - Support for multiple different lists of names added, one in use at a time. - Finnish name-list enhanced. - Error messages now appear more beautifully. - Swedish, Finnish orthodox and Finnish cat name days can be shown instead of Finnish name days. - Support for other languages, now English, Finnish, Swedish and German are supported. - One can specify on which name-list to use a specific own name, or on all of them. - Registration key. The program changed into shareware. - You can now choose the type of date. - Time may be displayed, too. - Many new features and bugfixes... v1.23 October 15th 1996 - Slight bug fixes. - The editor looks now even more beautiful. - The editor now uses the PgUp/PgDn-keys also, you can now leave the old name, if you accidentally press in the editor, by pressing . v1.22 October 13th 1996 - Type of info changed. - Code Organized. - Added possibility to show the names of the next day. - A few bugs fixed. v1.21 October 10th 1996 - Several minor bugs in the editor fixed. - Uses a "window" for getting a new name. v1.20 October 8th 1996 - Major bugs in the editor fixed. It should be faster and more reliable now. v1.19 - 1.20 beta 1 October 8th 1996 - Internal editor for the list of name-lists to notify of. (ONe) v1.12 - 1.20 alpha 2 October 6th 1996 - Added support for delay. - Outlook changed (again...). - Parameters altered. v1.11 - 1.20 alpha 1 October 2nd 1996 - Format of parameters changed. - Added a possibility to disable the use of the notation of name-lists on the list. - Several differnt notation styles added. - New Frames added, frames now dark. - Can temporarily use another configuration file. v1.10 September 19th 1996 - Support for a list of names that will be notified of. - '\' no longer required to be the last character of the environment variable. - Changed the format of NPN.CFG. - Added support for several different frames. - Can find NPN.DAT from the current directory, if no environment variable is specified. v1.09 September 16th 1996 - Many new names added to the list. - A header to the configuration file. - Changed the format of NPN.DAT. v1.08 September 15th 1996 - Automatic configuration-saving through command-line parameters added. v1.07 September 14th 1996 - A major bug concerning the config-file has been fixed, as well as other, minor bugs... - Also, a few new names added to the list :-) - Doesn't anymore matter whether ANSI-driver is loaded or not! v1.06 September 9th 1996 - Command-line parameters aren't case sensitive anymore. v1.05 September 9th 1996 - Support for Command-line parameters added. v1.04 September 5th 1996 - Bugs fixed, the NpN doesn't anymore fill the screen with the background color, etc. v1.03 September 4th 1996 - Added config, user-definable options. v1.02 - Major bug removed, doesn't anymore skip September! September 1996 v1.01 August 1996 - Added environment variable support, config removed. - More names added to the list. v1.00 August 1996 - First working version. - Used a configuration-file for finding the NpN. (c) 1996-1997 Ville Luolajan-Mikkola a.k.a. eagle42 eagle42@earthling.net http://www.mbnet.fi/~eagle42/ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3i Charset: latin1 iQEVAwUBM+dI9vhkrrHeRVg9AQHPewf/cdXMIS4pktXtbcp+528059lzH9WG81Q7 gZ7OWdWuuw5X7lcrUu/tdd1KyhPEAReg7pObZ1AGBG+9hwBmMByfaMWw0rh0rpUS j46ByL6Ug7BH4GlPDvQ+I7bcui9wZZ6A8BITa+61O+U5db7tWZTSALpQe82n1vQl UigubIJ64baIClVokYFFOY1udOs1LV4vje/KUwtD7gtDtWRx0pm4sa40rLO17BVs Aw2V0FPkmfstDqhbT8McDUpQTxJERpSA4/oZ6fKvBYbQiTsiFV4bT1SD8gKgMQj2 5Q8+EARUYu32rBcJjTjbiMnrJqki/Bg42bzimwc8ejKi6FxCprAPkg== =ulKX -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----