лллллллП ллкФФФФй ллП ллП ллП лллллллП ллГ ллГ ллГ РФФФФллГ ллГ ллГ ллГ ллП лллллллП лллллллП ллллллллП лллллллГ ллГ ллГ ллГ ллГ ллкФФллГ ллкФФФФй ллллПРФФллкФФй РФФФФФФй ллллллллллГ ллГ ллГ ллГ ллГ лллП Рллкй ллГ РФФФФФФФФФй ллГ ллГ ллГ ллГ РллГ ллГ ллГ ллллллП лллллллГ лллллллГ ллллП ллГ РФФФФФй РФФФФФФй РФФФФФФй РФФФй РФй (tm) Version 1.12 SOFTWARE RELEASE UPDATES: December 21, 1994 Release 1.12 - Fixed MUF problem that was caused by lines overlapping. - Fixed MUF Graph for users in the Southern Hemisphere. The problem was that the program was changing any location in the 'S'outh to a location in the North and miscalculating. - Also added so that if the user changes there location in the user setup the program will then delete the map files and then have the maps redraw with the current location centered on the screen. December 2, 1994 Release 1.10 As I was expecting from the beta release BUGS. The following where fixed from version 1.00 - Fixed the problem with the program shelling to DOS when it tried to write to the database. The was a routine that was closing ALL of the open files in the program. Which closed the DB file and didn't allow the program to write to the hd. - Fixed the extra period that was showing up when trying to enter a Longatude and Latitude. - Defaulted the Report Sent and QSL Recv to 'N'o. - Added 'Comments' to the address database. A request from a SWLOGit user. The comments can be used to add comments about the station, such as 'Slow replies' or 'Ask's for 3 IRC's'. - Add a bit more space in the Comment's in the Report Writer. - Removed the TimeZone Graphic from the options. I didn't find it all that great, but I will improve on a newer verison. - Added the option to save reports to a file or send to the printer. - Option to mark the current report as 'Y' for sent. - Add international characters, sorry to does over seas, I totally forgot about those, funny letters :) - Fix the problem with the Logger and entering the frequency, it would clear the filed unless you pressed the RETURN key. - New routine for the MAP saving. This is the routine that saves the map to a file, so that it loads the maps quickly. There was some little problems with some users gettign funny looking colors. I hope this is working better. There are other fixes, but are not really important to report here. November 15, 1994 Release 1.00 First WIDE Beta release of SWLOGit.