**************************************************************************** Welcome to JAZ v1.0, the second smallest Point mailer presently available for the AMIGA. It is a pretty bare wpl mailer (3.8k) as opposed to my own which is well over 100k of .wpl alone. JAZ is based upon POP, the world's smallest mailer, by Denis Turcotte **************************************************************************** If you like this release, let me know (Robert Williamson 1:167/104@fidonet). If you don't, delete it. To properly unarchive files, directories and preserve file attributes you should use the -xra option of LHA, or manually set the JAZ script to 'swerd'. Thanks to: Denis Turcotte pop.wpl, control panel basics and the original design concept of a minimal mailer Russell McOrmond wpl.library David Jones xferq.library Yves Konigshofer xprzedzap.library Alan Kelm LogProc Christain Warren CliVa Installation is pretty easy, just CD to where you extracted JAZ and type JAZ. The best place to extract Jaz is in the volume Mail: if you have it assigned. Jaz will assign JAZ: to this directory. If JAZ:JAZ.cfg is not found, the Jaz Control Panel will come up, allowing you to configure your mailer. WARNINGS: If you are presently using a WPL mailer, please be aware that the JAZ Mailer assigns XFERQ: to T:. If you are just trying JAZ out, be sure to REassign XFERQ: back to your normal location. Please also be aware that JAZ will not work properly with earlier versions of xferq.library. The version included is 1.9, if you are using 1.8 or earlier, and some files are set to delete when sent, they WILL BE DELETED EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT SENT. This bug is fixed in the included 1.9 xferq.library. JAZ usage: JAZ If the mailer has been configured, this will load the mailer and call the BOSS node defined, otherwise the Control Panel will be loaded. JAZ PANEL will bring up the JAZ Control Panel JAZ domain#zone:net/node.point will load mailer and prompt you for phone number and optional password for this site. It will then call the site When the JAZ Mailer starts up, it will open up a small non-draggable window on the WorkBench backdrop. This window has two regions, the upper portion having fields in which progress info is displayed, and the lower portion a scrolling status display. If the lower portion is clicked-on, a bar will appear indicated it is now interactive. Phone number and password prompts appear here. One may also use ctl-C to kill the mailer in this area. JAZ uses FTS6(WaZoo) handshaking with ZedZap transfer protocol only. Points don't really need anything else, since modern tossers can route all domains.. A quick setting up takes 5 minutes, ok less. Configuration notes: You should configure the three panels under Configuration. Once you are satisfied, click the 'Write JAZ Config' button. Jaz's mailer config will be saved and your settings will also be saved to ENV:jaz/ for later recall. These ENV: settings are NOT used during mailer operation. The Jaz Control panel allows you to reload the default hard-coded settings, or your own previous settings that were saved in ENV:jaz/. You are also able to reload your previous settings for each configuration panel. Please note that Reloading Settings does NOT CHANGE the mailer config, only a WRITE or SELECT will do that. Please also note that selecting a Saved Mailer Config, does NOT CHANGE the the Control Panel settings. Display: The display is positioned based on the X and Y co-ordinates for the top left-hand corner. It is opened on the workbench backdrop. You may specify the console device to use for the scrolling portion, for example Wshell's or KCON: if you wish to use a scroll bar. Addresses: All addresses are specified as 5D in the format: domain#zone:net/node.point Your system name should not exceed about 30 characters, this is not checked. You can enter up to three phone numbers for your BOSS, each will be dialed in turn if the previous is busy. You must enter at least one phone number. Phone numbers should not contain spaces. Special characters as described below can be used. Session password must be no longer than 8 characters. This password is assigned to you by your BOSS. It should not contain spaces. Modem Config Notes: DTR control: 0 - No support for DTR 1 - Internal port 'twiddling the bits' - *ONLY USE THIS ON the internal serial hardware!!!* 2 - SET_CTRL_LINES method (ASDG DSB, PDIO, CMI Multiport, CSA Magnum) SerReadBuf - Serial Receive buffer in K. This is a value given to the particular serial driver, and the driver itself allocates this buffer. SerWriteBuf - Serial Write buffer in K. This is the switch to turn on the double buffered writes to the serial port. The value has to be greater than the size of the largest single write that would be made. For example, a 9600bps+ modem uses an 8K block to write, so some value LARGER than this (Say 10) should be used. Two buffers of this size are allocated. *NOTE* : This feature separates the good serial drivers from the bad. If your system does not work with this turned on, a value of 0 can be used to turn this feature off. Modem Command strings: Commands sent to the modem are interpreted using the following special characters: These are in addition to any special characters the modem understands (comma for example). ~ add a delay 240ms ` add a delay 60ms | carriage return ^ raise DTR Use ONLY if DTRCTL set to 1 v drop dtr Use ONLY if DTRCTL set to 1 \ escape special character (in case you USE some of the above as text :) One would precede these characters with the '\' escape character if the special character needed to be sent out the modem). In order to be able to send an "AT\" type command to the modem, you must use 4 '\' in the string. eg: AT\\\\X3 SlowModem TRUE will cause a 60ms delay to be placed between each character sent during initialisations. CallDelay is the number of seconds to wait between dial attempts. ModemWait is the number of seconds to wait for a modem response (connect, busy, etc...) Inbound and Outbound directories should be set to same as your point tosser. The various external command gadgets are provided for your convience. For a more permanent installation, be sure your startup-sequence copies ENVARC: to ENV:. You may also move the libraries to you LIBS: directory and edit the JAZ script to change all references from 'JAZ:libs/' to 'LIBS:'. Those little jaz.? files: jaz - either run it jaz.info - or click on it's icon jaz.doc - you are here jaz?.readme - AmiNet readme with changelog jaz.wpl - the mailer jaz.x - the mailer config created by the Control Panel jaz.p - the control panel CliVa source jaz.w - opens mailer window jaz.r - creates a file request jaz.f - online flo/out file scan and conversion to xferq jaz.a - adds regular files to send directly to xferq jaz.b - adds regular files to send to a FLO file for online conversion Those other utils: LaunchWPL: A WPL program load, launch and flush utility for JamMail, Pop, Jaz and other single module mailers by Robert Williamson FREQ: Launchwpl12.lha CliVa: A powerful gadget interface by Christian Warren (The DekSid guy) Freq: CLIVA23.LHA LOGPROC: A powerful window and file log manager with arexx interface by Alan Kelm Freq: LogProc1_3a.lha All are available on AmiNet as well. Technical Notes: JAZ uses xferq.library for queue management; but unlike other WPL mailers, does so in a way that is transparent to your tosser. The flatfile format (?LO and ?UT files) is converted to xferq format only when connected to the site. This removes the necessity of other FLO file convertors. A second advantage is that memory and disk requirements are reduced.