1.0 The first release. No known bugs. 1.0a '5' from keypad is also used to pause the game. Forgot to include that to v1.0. v1.0a was never actually released, nothing too outstanding invented.. :) 1.2 Note 1: First version which requires KS2.0 or later. Sorry, 1.3 users! Time to upgrade.. :) Note 2: The datafile structure has changed. If an old datafile is found, it will be converted. Just copy your old datafile to the directory where dieser Zug is located. (no more using s: ...) Added detection of interlace-screen. dZ will now double the y resolution if opened on interlace screen. With the -s flag, the Author Gallery and the GameOver graphics will also be scaled to match the window size. dZ now uses the topaz 8 romfont for text, ignoring the system font. If you hate this font.. sorry. Note: The screen default font will (of course) be used for the window title. With previous versions, this screwed up the playfield if screen's font was taller than 8 pixels. The window is now adjusted to the font size. The train's head will be colored with color 3 when paused. I always forgot which one was the head if I stopped playing for a while.. :) The string gadget should work now.. Sometimes it missed the keypress. The DEL key will toggle the ScoreWindow Open/Close. The state of this window will also be saved to the datafile. Added help page.. Its main purpose is to show all the available features for people who don't bother reading docs.. :) Added the -n flag.. :) No menus in this version. Still don't think it's necessary. A known bug: Sometimes the train starts with rand() wagons which are not added to the score. This "bug" will be fixed as soon as possible, until then we'll consider it as a feature. If the main window is deactivated, the game will be paused, not just halted until the window is activated again. + several other modifications which I might have forgotten. See for yourself. 1.3 Added the Tumpelo Mode.. In this mode it's impossible to make a fatal 180 degree turn. Fixed the "train starts with rand() wagons" - bug! 1.3a A known bug in the window title.. Damn. Temporary fixed, though the bug hasn't yet been located. Addition in the window title: The percentage of the area filled is now shown. Added the -p flag. Parameter "-p " will try to open the window on the specified screen. If it fails.. well, it fails. NOTE: This version wasn't released as widely as the previous ones.. who cares?-) Anyone (well, almost anyone) I know has been happy with the version he/she got first. ;-) Unless I get some new ideas/bug reports, the development will stop here. Thank you.